Durrow Parish Newsletter – January 18th 1998
17th/18th January Price: 30p
Durrow Parish Newsletter
Compiled By The Durrow Scouts
Thoughts of the Day
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.
No one has learned anything right until he or she knows that every
day is a very special gift from god for each of us.
Let me be a little kinder,
Let me be a little blinder,
To the faults of those about me,
Let me be when i am weary,
Just a little bit more cheery,
Let me serve a little better,
Those that i am striving for,
Let me be a little meeker,
With the one who may be weaker,
Let me think more of my neighbour,
And a little less of me.
Parish news
Bord of Management – The Bishop, Patron of Scoil Tighearnach Naofa Cullohill has appointed a new board of Management to govern the school for the next three years. The Department of Education has approved the following: Bishop’s nominees, Fr Martin Tobin, C.C. & Ms. Maura Galvin, Teachers, Ms Eileen Ryan & Ms. Josephine Guilfoyle, Parents Representatives, Ms Teresa Delahunty & Mr Michael Killeen, Community Representatives, Mr Donal Deegan & Mr Kevin Galvin.
Our Lady’s Meadow Carol Service 21/12/1997 was a most beautiful and fitting act of worship in preparation for the holy season of Christmas. We thank the children for making Christmas special for us this year. Special word of gratitude to Ms Mary Ryan for the mammoth work in readying and supplying the costumes and to Ms Helen Kelly, and her fellow teachers, for preparing the pupils. We also acknowledge the work of the choir and musicians who graced the occasion and encouraged the congregation to join in the beautiful carolling.
Harps Juvenile G.A.A. Club
The Annual General Meeting of the Harps Juvenile Club will be held in Castle Arms Hotel on Tuesday 20th January at 8 pm. A review of the activities of the club will be presented by the club in their Annual report.
It is important that ALL PARENTS, members and volunteers are present, and an invitation is extended to new members.
The Club wishes to thank all those who supported throughout 1997 and wish all our members and supporters a Happy New Year.
From: Chairman – Tommy Walsh
Heywood Community School
Enrolement for Spring Adult Education Classes will take place in Heywood C.S. on Monday 19th January ’98, between 7 pm and 9.30 pm. Brochures available locally. Enquiries to Secretary at 0502-33333.
Bottle Bank
All those who use the bottle bank in Durrow Church Carpark are asked to please put all glass and tins in plastic bags before placingg them in bank. This facility is only for glass and tins.
Durrow Community Services
Applications are invited for the next FAS Scheme to be run in Durrow/Cullohill. All aplications to Mr Paddy Quinn, Local Fas Office, Boy’s School, Durrow, as soon as possible.
Durrow Community Council
On Sunday 29th of December the people of Durrow bade a fond farewell to the presentation Sisters, who have been among us for the past 84 years. The Durrow Community Council organised a mass of Thanksgiving Concelebrated by Fr. O’Doherthy, Fr. Tobin and Fr. Lalor. Great praise must go to Niamh Lalor, Derry Road, for organising the Liturgy so well and also Vicky Walsh, Erkindale Drive, for organising the choir, who were absolutely excellent and added greatly to the occasion, so much so that at the conclusion of the mass they were given a round of applause by all in attendance. Well done to both girls.
Following on from the mass all the presentation sisters in attendance and a large number of Durrow people were treated to tea in the Presentation Centre by Community Council members. The Chairman of the Community Council, Oliver Clooney, addressed the large gathering and was very high in his praise of the Presentation Sisters. He said it is the end of an era and everyone is very sad to see the Sisters leaving Durrow. Everyone has to be gratefull to them, he said, for their great work among us down through the years, particularly for their charitable work which they carried out very much behind the scenes. He singled out Sr Oliver in particular, who has been a very active member of Durrow Community Councilfor a long number of yearsand who was always obliging and willing to carry out anything that was asked of her and he wished her well in Castlecomer.
With financial help from the Clubs in Durrow the Community Council then made a presentation to the Sisters on behalf of the Community. Conn Cashin, President, presented a beautiful bog oak clock to Sr Oliver in appreciation for her huge contribution to Durrow Commmunity Council. Anne Vaugh, Secretary, presented Sr. Imelda Wickam, Presentation Provincial leader, witha large piece of bog oak, both pieces were produced by a local man, Frank Campion. All the Sisters were very grateful and expressed their sadness on leaving Durrow. They praised the people of Durrow and thanked them for their support down through the years.
The Lord Major of Durrow, Jack Murphy expressed his thanks to the presentation Sisters for everything they have done for the people of Durrow and said they would be greatly missed in the community.
Thanks is due to the Campion brothers for providing some lively music in the background. The Chairman concluded by wishing all the Sisters well in the future and thanked everyone for their attendance.
The December meeting of Durrow Community Council was adjourned as a mark of respect to the late Dolly Rafter.
The annual Senior Citizens Party will take place on Sunday 22nd of February in the Castle Arms Hotel.
Durrow Community Services – FAS 7
Durrow Community Services Committee are holding their Annual Parish Dance in the Castle Arms Hotel on Friday 30th January. Music by Largo. Club Personality of the year awards will be presented on the night. Tickets £6 each can be had from any committee member and clubs. Do come and support us on the night. The proceeds will go towards the running costs of the FAS Scheme.
Sean O’Brien
Marble and Stone Works, Derry Road, Durrow.
Quality Memorials in Limestone, Marble & Granite.
Headstones Cleaned and lettered.
Tel: 0502-36557 or 088-2656657
Congratulations to Paula Bowden, Parkahown and Martin Bergin, Gurteen, on their recent engagement.
Congratulations to Patricia Dunphy, Cullohill on winning the F>B>D> Insurance draw at the ploughing match in Birr. Her prize was a Family Holiday to Alton Towers Hotel.
Congratulations to Michael & Patricia Doyle, Cannonswood, on the birth of a son.
Congratulations to P.J and Noreen Bowden, Thurles, on the birth of a daughter.
Congratulations to Clare and Liam Delahunthy, Raheenleigh, on the birth of a daughter.
Congratulations to Eamon Kavanagh, Gurteen on winning a pony at the ploughing match in Birr recently.
Congratulations to Julie McGree, Corrigan St, Durrow and Tom Bergin Ballyouskillon their recent engagement.
Congratulations to Brigid Sullivan, Ballykealy, on winning free hair dos for her wedding at h-hair Studio’s at the wedding Fair in Hotel Kilkenny on Sunday last.
Congratulations to Neil and Lisa Dollard on the birth of a daughter, Rebecca.
Congratulations to Margaret Delaney, Cullohill and Anthoney Phelan Jacob, Glashare, on their recent engagement.
Congratulations to Fiona Fogarty, Newtown and Terance Jacob, Dereen, on their recent engagement.
Cullohill/Durrow Community Games
Community Games events for 1998 season will be commencing shortly in the area for the 6-16 age group.
Membership forms will be distributed to schools and clubs in the next week or two. Membership is £1 per child which enables them to participate in all events being run in the area and includes insurance.
A caberet will be held in O’Connell’s, Cullohill on Sunday night 25th January in aid of Community Games.
Night Classes
Are you interested in night classes comprising of Art classes, Flower Arranging and upholstery?
If so, you should attend the enrolement night in The Boys School, Durrow on Wednesday 21st January at 8 pm. Numbers are limited and therefore will be based on first come first served situation.
As a follow up to the Flower arranging classes there will be a 4 night course in gardening if there is sufficient interest.
Further details available from Durrow Development Forum Management Committee – Hughie Sheppard, Oliver Clooney, Vincent O’Brien, Anne Vaugh, Mary Walsh, Mary Donohue.
St Fergal’s College
The Senior Ladies Basketball team from S.Fergals College, Rathdowney were crowned Regional Champions in Portlaoise on January 10th. The Cadetts were also finalists in the same competition but were defeated. Both teams qualified for the competition having beaten Portarlington in the Laois/Offaly final that was played before Christmas. In the regional final the seniors played St. Nessa’s from Limerick, beating them 32-26 in an excellent game of skill and determination. The cadetts played a team from Cahir but were beaten 38-12 by a very good, physically stronger team. The Senior Ladies now qualify for the All- Ireland play offs which will be played in February. The teams were:
Senior – Imelda Galvin, Joyce Donohue, Maeve Brophy, Marie Lalor, (Local), Anne Marie Doheny, Adrienne Cooke, Serina King, Ruth Shortall, Carol Daly, Catherine Daly, Aisling Phelan and Fiona Behan.
Cadettes – Louise Mahony, Joyce Donohue, Maeve Brophy, (Local), Therese Glendon, Shiela Mahon, Joanne Mahon, Patricia Scott, Grainne Doyle, Linda Byrne and Lisa Butler.
Durrow & District Angling Club
The club personality of the year is Mick O’Rourke. He hass been a committee member since 1970 and has represented the club in three All-Ireland Pike fishing finals. Mick represents the anglers from outside the parish on the committee. He travels from Boley, Abbeyleix to all meetings of the club and has a great attendance record at meeting. He is also a great fundraiser for the club, selling a great amount of Lotto tickets every week. The committee and members feel that Mick is a very worthy recipient of this award.
Ladies small watch with black strap was found outside Freeman’s Chemist on Christmas eve, Contact – 0502 36281
Durrow Foroige Club
The Foroige club has resumed meetings after Christmas recess. The club holds it’s meeting on Friday night from 7.30 to 9 pm in the Boys School. At the moment we are participants in Drama classes given by Dick Bradish and Dance classes given by Michael Lecumber. A disco is hoped to be organised for “Valentines night”. We have also had many successful outings that we enjoyed very much.
Walsh’s Videos
Tops in Videos – Con Air, Absolute Power, Dante’s Peak, Marvin’s Room and the fifth element.
January blockbuster’s List – The Devils Own (in Stock), The Lost World, Murder at 1600 (in stock), One Fine Day, A Father’s Betrayl.
Durrow Community Services
A special meeting of Durrow Community Services Committee will be held in the Castle Arms Hotel on Thursday 22nd January at 8.30 pm to finalise arrangements for the Parish Dance & Bank of Ireland “Personality of the Year Awards” presentation, which is being held in the Castle Arms Hotel on Friday 30th January. All clubs/Organisations involved on the committee are asked to Please attend this important meeting and bring the name of your personality of the year.
Durrow Parish Lotto Results
Monday 22nd December: Jackpot of £250 won by Joe Dempsey, Swan Rd. There were over 20 winners in the Christmas raffle – Prizes included vouchers, bottles, etc.
Monday 22nd January: Jackpot winner £250 was Seamus Holland Tubberboe, No’s – 5,24,29.
Next draw on Monday 19th January in Lennons Bar – Jackpot: £250.
The AGM of Durrow Parish Lotto will be held on Tuesday 27th January at 8.30pm in the Castle Arms Hotel. All clubs/organisations participating in the Lotto are asked to have at least two representatives from their Club present in the AGM.
Lions Soccer Club
The Lions A team drew 2-2 with Bagenalstown in Premier Game in Carlow on Sunday Last. Scorers: Brian Shortall and Fred Townsend.
The Lions B team defeated Innistague 4-1 in division 3 Leagu. Scorers: S. Lambert, P. Monnelly, E. Lalor and Albert Townsend.
In the youth league Lions drew 2-2 with Evergreen. Scorers: E.Lalor and A. Campion.
In the Schoolboys U/14 League the Lions defeated Callan 7-0. Scorers: Tony Woods 2, Aiden Keenan 2, Richard Grogan 2, and own goal.
A speedy recovery to full health is wished to James Shortall, who sustained a serious leg injury during the final minutes of a division 3 game, Lions V Innestaguein Durrow on Sunday Morning. James was taken by ambulance to Portlaoise Genral Hospital and later transferred to Tullamore Hospital, Where he was operated on.
Cullohill Macra Na Feirme
Thank you everyone who supported their Christmas Raffle. Winners were:
1st – Brian Kavannagh, Rathdowney
2nd – Angela Dunphy, Cullohill
3rd – Rosemary Bergin, Ballacolla
4th – Mgt. Fitzpatrick, Tubberboe.
Many Thanks Again.
Sympathy is extended to Jimmy Dunne and Family, Belmount, on the death of Sr. Walburga at St John of God Convent, Wexford.
Sympathy is extended to Liam Phelan, The Castle, Cullohill and Martin Gibbons on the death of their nephew Michael Gibbons, Graine.
Cullohill Golf Society
Cullohill Golf Society will hold their AGM in the Community Centre on Wednesday 21st January at 8.30 pm sharp. All members must attend.
Set Dancing Classes
Set Dancing Classes for national and secondary school pupils will commence in Cullohill Community Centre on Saturday next, 24th January. All new pupils this is your chance to learn, so come and enjoy. Saturday mornings at 10.30 am.
Aerobics Classes
Aerobics classes resume in the Community Centre, Cullohill, for the New Year on Monday night 19th at 9 pm. A new session for a new year so get fit for ’98. This is your opportunity to look after yourself.
Scout News
All sections have resumed meetings in the Presentation Centre. Parents please note all Insurance for this year should have been paid by Christmas. Any outstanding monies please pay at next meeting.
The Scout Committee will miss Sr. Oliver for all her help over the years with the Newsletter. A small presentation was made to her by Angela Drennan at the Function organised by the Durrow Community Council. We wish the Sisters every happiness in their new home.
Personality of the Year – For her work, effort and dedication to further the appeal of scouting to the youth of Durrow and the surrounding areas. The committee of 3rd Laois Durrow Scouts honor founder member and present treasurer Angela Drennan with the Groups FAS/Bank of Ireland “Personality of the Year”. The troop was founded in 1981 and for most of the time Angela has been Treasurer and a major force in the fundraising activities of the Scouts. Other areas where Angela has excelled has been in Adult Leader recruitment, is there a household in Durrow where a person hasn’t been approached to join the Scouts as a leader in either the beavers, cubs or Scouts? At the moment Angela in partnership with Mary Walsh is the mainstay in the publication of the Parish Newsletter.
So, from the Scouts of Durrow, Congratulations Angela.
New Unicount Plan. You can count on success with our new unicount plan. Come along and shed those unwanted pounds gained over Christmas. We meet every Wednesday at 8 pm in the Castle Arms Hotel, Durrow. Special Offers – only £5 to join during January. So hurry and Join now. Why “WEIGHT” any longer?
Irish Grinds
Irish Grinds for Leaving Cert and Junior Cert. Contact: 0502-36267
Cullohill Group Water Scheme
Cullohill Group Water Schem request all its members to check all connections to the scheme and mend leaks immediately. Turn off all unused field connections. The recent shortage was aggravated by over 7,000 galls. per day leaking from the system.
The needs of the area per day is 35,000 galls. Without leaks most people would have had Domestic Water on Christmas Day.
Durrow & District Camera Club
The Senior Branch resume their meetings for 1998 on Monday 26th January. This meetings theme is “Christmas” and includes the 2nd round of the Eddie Moore Memorial Shield.
Durrow Carnival Committee
An important meeting of the Durrow Carnival Committee takes place on Wednesday 21st January at 9 pm. sharp in the C.Y.M.S. small hall. The meeting will discuss a fund raising TOPS OF THE TOWN competition to be run in March/April.
All clubs wishing to take part please send a representative.
Cullohill Community Centre
Progressive 25 Results:
New years eve – 1st Jim Duggan & Watt Delahunty, 2nd Paddy Delaney & Neddy Brophy.
Raffle Winners: Ned Delaney & Martin Quinlan.
January 7th: 1st Jim Duggan & Watt Delahunty, 2nd Jack Mooney & Ned Duggan.
Money Back: Bridie Bergin & Mem Dunphy, Tom Kenny & Paddy Dunphy.
Raffle Winners: 1st Jack Mooney, 2nd Johnny Kelly.
January 14th: 1st Molly Dollard & Pad Dunphy (13 Games). 2nd John Drennan & Andrew Bergin (11 Games).
Raffle Winners: Henry O’Grady
Indoor Soccer Tournament:
Indoor Soccer Tournament starting Thursday 22nd January. Closing date for entries is Thursday 20th January. Entries to David Holland at 37115.
Monster Auction:
Monster Auction taking place in Cullohill Community Centre on Sunday 22nd February with the opportunity to do a Spring Clean of your attics and garages. The following items would be suitable, e.g. household goods, agricultural produce, furniture, nursery equipment, hardware, giftware, tools, firewood, books, sports equipment. We would appreciate all the support you could give us. A committee member will call on all households in the near future in order to draw up a list of items available for Auction.
Theatre Workshop:
Classes started on Wednesday 14th January. Times: U/12 from 6-7 pm. and over 12 years 7 – 8 pm. The classes will be of 6 weeks duration on every Wednesday night and are been given by Mrs B.Cahill. Fee for the course is £10 per child.
League Winners:
Squash – Padraigh Henderson, Noel Delaney, Sean Duggan, John Holland, Sean Dunphy and Jacinta Fitzpatrick.
Handball: Peter Phelan, Eamon Doheny, John Holland and Bernard Ryan.