Bank of Ireland National Enterprise Town Awards 2017 🗓
BANK OF IRELAND “ENTERPRISE TOWN”: Laois Enterprise have selected Portarlington and Durrow to represent Laois in this year’s Bank of Ireland National Enterprise Town Awards 2017. With a strong emphasis on the strength of our Businesses, Clubs and Organisations in Durrow, we aim to put our best foot forward with our presentation which will be given to the judges on Monday 9th October, 2017 in Castle Durrow at 2pm. After the judges hear our presentation they will take an 80 minute walk around the town and interact with business people and local group representatives. There is a decent monetary prize fund for the County and National winners to be won. We invite all local groups, club and businesses to give their input and also to come on the day. Please contact any member of the Durrow Development Forum if you would like more information.