Church News – January 28th and 29th 2023
CHURCH NEWS: Parish Office: The Parish Office at the Presentation Centre beside the Church is open from 10am to 2pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The booking of Masses, Christenings of babies, sale of Mass Cards, Booking of weddings and funeral arrangements will go through this office. All matters relating to Church business in the Parish must also go through this office. You can also call the Parish Office on (085) 2625033.
NUMBER FOR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL – LAST UPDATED JULY 2021: Our new contact phone number for confidential assistance is (087) 6974792.
DURROW-CULLOHILL PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Durrow-Cullohill Pastoral Council are looking for people who will assist with: (1) Cleaning the Church; (2) assisting with the collection during Mass, and (3) Readers for weekend Masses and Eucharistic ministers. Please give your name to Martin Lawlor, Seamus Clancy, or any member of the Pastoral Council. Your help would be gratefully appreciated. This is for The Holy Family Church Durrow.
DISRUPTION: Due to plumbing work being done in the Church in Durrow, this Saturday night’s Mass is cancelled. This Sunday Mass is being held in Cullohill Church at 12 noon. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Mass This Saturday night in Cullohill is at 7pm. Mass during the week in Durrow will be held in the Parish Office at 8.50am each weekday morning.