David Walsh wins the Con Geoghegan Memorial Cup for 2015
Durrow-Cullohill Parish anglers held a Pike Fishing competition for the Con Geoghegan Memorial Cup on Sunday June 14th. The winner was David Walsh, Second – Pat Dunphy and Third was Tommy Coffey. On Sunday June 28th they are holding a Trout fishing competition for the Mick Monahan Memorial Cup. On Sunday July 12th they are holding another competition, full details later. All members will receive a text message during the week of the competition will all details.
Fisheries Awareness Week: Hosted by Durrow & Cullohill Parish Anglers, Inland Fisheries Ireland and the National Parks & Wildlife Services will take place at Grantstown Lake on Saturday 20th June from 2pm to 4.30pm. All Juvenile Anglers are welcome to attend with refreshments provided afterwards at the newly opened Manor Stone Service Station at J3 on the M8 Motorway.