11th / 12th October 1997                                                                                                                                               Price 30p




You are not the only pilgrim on this bit of road. Everyone must pass this way and each must bear his load. But faith shall justify itself and lost things be restored, the weary heart be comforted and love have it’s reward.


Burn what summer leaves behind in the autumn hours. Broken stalks, decaying weeds, dead wood and faded flowers. Burn the rubbish of the past. Pile it on the pyre. Grievances and grudges… Fling them all upon the fire.


Results for Monday 29th September: No Jackpot winner. Numbers: 7 – 29 – 30. £20 each to Bridie Nee, Mary Street, Durrow and Susan Morrissey, Carrigan Street, Durrow. £10 to Martin Walsh, Mary Street, Durrow.

Monday 6th October: No Jackpot winner. Numbers 10 – 17 – 18. £ 20 each to Lisa Delaney, Moate, Ballyragget, and Olive Bowden, Cullohill. £10 Tom Kenna, Patrick Street, Durrow.

Next draw on Monday 13th October in the Castle Arms Hotel. Jackpot £650. Draw will take place at 10.30 p.m. sharp due to earlier closing time in pubs during winter.


CHARLIE LANDSBOROUGH in concert on Sunday 12th October. Tickets at £14.50 each can be got on the door. Do come along and enjoy a great night’s entertainment. Your support will be much appreciated by the Parents Association in Heywood C.S.


Durrow Development Forum are holding an Arts & Crafts Exhibition, in conjunction with an Environmental Exhibition on Heritage Towns of Ireland, in Durrow Boy’s School  on Sunday 12th October from 11.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

The Lord Mayor of Durrow, Mr. jack murphy, will formally open the Exhibition at 11.45 a.m. Admission Free.

Also in attendance will be: Laois Arts Officer, Muireann Ni Chonnall, representitives from Laois Leader, Laois Tourism and Laois County Council. All are invited to attend.


We promote and encourage this family prayer. The Rosary will be recited 15 minutes before Mass in Cullohill Church during this month. The Rosary is prayed every Tuesday evening in Durrow Church at *.00 p.m. All are invited and welcome.

The Missions: Sunday 19th October is Mission Sunday. Offerings for the Missions may be left in during the weekend Masses.

October Stations: With renewed appreciation we thank you for the October Stations which are now due. Thanks to the school boys and girls who delivered the envelopes in the Durrow area. Those who live in Cullohill area will find a white Station Envelope interspersed in their box of weekly envelopes.



A minimum of six adult leaders will be required if we are to resume a facility for young people in the Cullohill area to socialise and recreate. A meeting of interested parents and adult leaders will be held in the Community Centre on Friday next, 17th October at 8.00 p.m.


The A.G.M. of Durrow Badminton Club was held on Tuesday October 7th. Our new Chairman is Martin Brophy, Secratary: Stephanie Phelan, Treasurer: Evelyn Clancy.

The Badminton season resumes once again. Open nights will commence on Tuesday 14th October at 8.30 p.m. All new members are welcome.

If any juveniles wish to use the badminton hall during the year they must be accompanied by an adult over 21 years of age, for insurance purposes.

there has been a lot of damage done in the hall over the last few months by people constantly breaking in. Anyone found in the hall, in future without permission will be dealt with by the Gardai.

The Badminton Club look forward to a successful season. Preparations are already in progress for our Annual Bazaar.


Cullohill Macra Na Feirme are holding a TABLE QUIZ in O’Connell’s on Friday 17th October at 9.00 p.m. All are welcome. Your support will be appreciated.


A committee meeting of the Camera Club will take place in the Club premises on Monday 13th October at 9.00 p.m. Members please note the change of time.

The final two themes in the Junior Branch Grand Prix are “Colour” and “Open”. These final rounds will be judged on 20th October. Claire Doyle is leading this competition followed by Jonathan Walsh.


Cullohill I.C.A. Guild met at the Community Centre on Tuesday last. nancy Phelan, President, proposed votes of sympathy with the local famalies who had recent bereavements. Mary Quinn wo the competition and Sheila Delaney won the raffle.

We will meet every Tuesday night at 8.00 p.m. to compile the local history which we have researched, beginning on Tuesday 14th October.

HOSPICE COFFEE MORNING Bernie Brennan would like to thank the people of Cullohill who so generously contributed to her Coffee Morning in aid of Hospice Care. A total of £235 was received for this worthy cause. many thanks to all.

 DURROW COMMUNITY COUNCIL will hold their Annual General Meeting on Monday 13th October at 8.30 p.m. in the Presentation Centre. All members please attend.

 CONGRATULATIONS to Cathy Culleton, Oldtown, Cullohill, who celebrated her 21st Birthday recently.



We would like to welcome our new teacher Miss Brennan who will teach 5th class. Sincere thanks to Sr. Dolores who looked after the class for the last month and for her continued help.

Congratulations to the Girls Football team on winning the semi-final of the Cumman Na mBunscoil Football League. Well done girls.

the Parents Council are distributing Lotto tickets to all parents of the school and they are asked to sell at least two tickets per week for the school. This will be the only form of fundraising for the school. Parents are asked to support this venture.

The school will close for the mid-term break on Friday 24th October and reopen on Monday 3rd November.


On Friday 24th October the Senior Group of Scouts will have a night out at the Bowling Alley in Carlow.

We would like to welcome all the new Beavers who have just joined with us. There are no more vacancies for membership this year.

 WEDDING FAIR in Killeshin Hotel on Sunday 12th October at 3.00 p.m. All are welcome.

BRENDAN SHINE in concert in St. Kieran’s Community Hall, Johnstown, on Friday 17th October, 9.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m. Admission £5. Door Prize.

CULLOHILL PRIMARY SCHOOL The Annual General Meeting of Cullohill Primary School will be held on Wednesday 15th October in the Community Centre.


On Saturday last, 4th October, the Junior B team won the Hurling League by beating Castletown in the final. Congratulations to the team and their managers: Seamus Campion, Jimmy Fogarty and Tom Flynn, on this great win. The final score: Harps 2 – 10, Castletown 1 – 6. Special congratulations to martin and Shane Brophy, father and son, on winning County Medals on the same day.

Team:Derek Walsh, Walter Foyle, Ger Brophy, Sean Conroy, Michael Coffey, Colin Lawlor, Pat Dunne, mark Donohue, Sean Woods, Terence Brophy, Johnny Dunne, Shane Brophy, Martin Brophy, Tom Flynn, Raymond Campion, Martin Bergin, Tommy White, Bernard Ryan, and Johnny Holland.


The following is a result of the Housing Survey which was part of the Survey recently carried out by our Survey Group: Local Authority – 31, Private House – 66, Private Site – 71.

As a result of this we would ask all those interested in Local Authority housing to please contact Dolores Roberts at our Office in Durrow Boys’ School, phone: 0502 – 36526, as soon as possible to fill application forms.



It’s that time of year again when the Community Centre commences it’s activities for the year. We start our year off with a clean up on Saturday 18th October at 2.00 p.m. We  hope as many people as possible will make an effort to come and give a hand.

Activities for this year include Aerobics on Monday nights at 9.00 p.m. Indoor Soccer continues every Tuesday night at 8.00 p.m. and all members are welcome. Progressive 25 on Wednesday nights at 8.30 p.m. Handball & Squash Leagues are starting soon.

Membership is now due. Please contact David Holland or Breda Bourke with same or any other member of the committee.

Progressive 25 Results:

Wednesday 1st October – Joint 1st: Tommy White & Paddy Dunphy, and Bill Walsh & Jack Fitzpatrick.

Wednesday 8th October – Joint 1st: Carey brothers, and Jimmy Mahony & Dickie Brennan.

CONGRATULATIONS to Teresa Lalor, Cork Road, Durrow, who celebrates her 21st Birthday this weekend.

CONGRATULATIONS to Mick and Julie Mullins, Cullohill, on the birth of a son.

CONGRATULATIONS to Noel and Geraldine Cashin, Kilkenny (Erkindale Drive), on the birth of a daughter.

CONGRATULATIONS to John and Eileen Fitzgerald, Clough, on the birth of a daughter.

CONGRATULATIONS to Ciara McNeill and Kieran McEvoy, Cullohill, on their recent marriage.

CONGRATULATIONS to John Lalor, Cork Road, Durrow and Michael Delaney, Ballykealy, who received their Certificates in Farming, at a function organized by Teagas, at the Killeshin Hotel, Portlaoise, on Wednesday last. John Duggan, Chairman of Avonmore/Waterford presented the certificates.

FOR SALE: Double Bed, headboard and teak lockers, in perfect condition. Very reasonable. Phone: 0502 – 36206.

SYMPATHY is extended to the Delahunty and Kenny and Whyte families on the death in a tragic accident of Andrea Hodkinson.

SYMPATHY is extended to Mrs Galvin, Ballybooden, on the death of her father at Gort, Co. Galway.

SYMPATHY to the Delaney and Meally families, Ballynevin, Cullohill, on the death of Margaret Quinlan, Borrisaleigh.

EDDIE CLEERE SET DANCING CLASSES continue every Wednesday night in the Castle Arms Hotel at 9.00 p.m. New members are always welcome.