11th/12th April, 1998 – Price: 30p

Durrow Parish Newsletter

Compiled by The Durrow Scouts

Thoughts for the Day

When you know that round the bend decisions must be made. Pray for guidance.
Keep right on and do not be afraid. You won’t take the wrong direction or be led astray,
If you read the signposts that God sets along the way.


One kind thought can work great wonders. One small rift can break a
cloud. One brave heart can strengthen many. One bright word can
cheer a crowd. One good soul can give to others something that will
be a stay – when they’re toiling up the hill and there are shadows
round the way.


Durrow Community Council

Durrow Community Council held a public meeting on Tuesday 31st March to discuss ideas for the millenium for the town of Durrow.
The main suggestion which has carried was the possibility of re vamping the area at the old bridge, floodlighting etc, It was also proposed that a bronze plaque be erected on the bridge, indicating that this work was carried out to mark the millenium.
Funding will now be sought for this idea and Durrow Community Council feel that if this proposal is successful it will be a wonderful feature and will greatly enhance the town.
A Public meeting by Durrow Community Council will be held in the Presentation Centre on Tuesday 14th April at 9 pm. This meeting is to discuss the proposed ESAT Digifone Mast at Garda Station, Durrow. Please come along and voice your opinion.


Durrow Parish Lotto

Monday 30th March – Jackpot of £250 won by Liam Campion, Brandra. No’s 1-20-27

Monday 6th April – No Jackpot winner. No’s 4-18-26
£20 each to Colm Dunphy Oldtown, Cullohill and Lorraine Carroll C/O Mairead Phelan Durrow.
£10 to Susie Tone, Johnstown

Next draw on monday 13th April in The Castle Arms Hotel. Jackpot £450.

Important meeting for all clubs/organisations involved in Lotto on Monday 13th April immediately after the Lotto draw. This meeting has been arranged for Monday night as a follow up to the AGM. All clubs/organisations are asked to have their 2 representatives present.


The Irish Heart Foundation

The Irish Heart Foundation collection in Durrow amounted to £165, Thanks to everyone who supported and the collectors.



Congratulations to Kevin Kelly, Durrow and Tara Muldowney, Cullohill on their recent engagement.
Congratulations to Marie Mullins, Tinweir, Durrow and Gerald Cadogan, Limerick, on their recent marriage.
Congratulations to Alan and Deirdre Brown (Nee Drennan, Oldtown) on the birth of a son.
Congratulations to Joe and Mary Donohue, Castleview, Durrow, on the birth of a daughter, Fiona.
Congratulations to Tommy Monnelly, Barn Hill, Durrow and Catriona Farrell, Castlecomer, on their recent marriage.
Congratulations to Adella Mealy, Cullohill, who was first in the Irish Musice Section of the All Ireland Accordian Festival held in the Grenville Arms Hotel, Mullingar, last weekend.
Congratulations to Patrick Begadon of Aughmacart Engineering, on being awarded a Certificate from the National Guild of Master Craftsmen, for the quality and service of his work.


Cullohill ICA

The monthly meeting of Cullohill I.C.A. was held in the community Centre on the 7th April. The President expressed sympathy with Mary McEvoy the Federation President on the death of her mother. Sympathy also was expressed to the O’Connell Family and the relatives of Jim Henderson.
All members intend to travel to Portlaoise on Saturday for the Rally at County Hall to support and defend the County Hospital.
Four members will travel to Wales on a package tour at the end of April. They were wished Bon Voyage. Dolores Roberts gave a talk relating to projects.
Next meeting May 5th.


Harps GAA Club

Harps Camogie Club: would like to thank everyone who supported their recent sponsored walk. Also thanks to all the players who collected money and to all that took part.

Harps U/21 Hurlers: are playeing Clough Ballacolla in the U/21 Championship final on Monday 13th April in Rathdowney at 6.30 pm.
Best of Luck Lads!!!!!!!


Durrow Summer Camp

Durrow Summer Camp ’98, sponsored by 3rd Laois (Durrow ) Scout Group, will be held from 6th July to 14th August. It will include Activities such as: Basketball, Athletics, Gaelic Football, Day Trips, Games, Treasure Hunts, Tennis, Fancy Dress, Bouncing Castle Soccer, Art, Hurling/Camogie, Swimming, Drama, Orienteering, Commando Course.

The Camp is divided into three groups as follows:

Senior Camp for 11 to 13 year olds – 6th to 17th July
Kiddi Camp for 5 to 7 year olds – 20th to 31st July
Junior Camp for 8 to 10 year olds – 4th to 14th August

At Presentation Centre, Durrow from 10 am to 3 pm daily.

Camp fee: £26 for one child, £45 for two children. £5 deposit per child with application form before Friday May 1st to Angela Drennan or Mary Walsh.
Application forms have been distributed to the children in Cullohill and Durrow Schools. If you wish to apply and are outside those schools you can get an application form from Angela or Mary.
Students, under the Students Summer Job Scheme, will work with the children along with a supervisor. Students wishing to apply for the Summer Jobs Scheme can do so by writing to: Social Welfare Services Office, P.O. Box 3988, Dublin1, for an application form.



Lady’s Watch on Thursday 26th March in Chapel Street area. Phone 0502-36320


Durrow School League

Our Lady’s Meadow in conjunction with the Harps Club ran a school league over three Fridays, for 4th to 6th class pupils, boys and girls, sponsored by Tommy Walsh.
Pupils were split into five teams: Kilkenny, Tipperary, Laois, Clare and Offaly, with the 4th and 5th class girls having their own league. Each County played each other and after ten matches, plenty of fun arguments, cheering and dissappointments we had a Leinster Final, Laois and Offaly.
This was a real thriller with Laois taking a 2 goal lead in the first ten minutes, but Offaly came back strong. At the end of full time it was a draw match. Referee Peter Phelanplayed 10 minutes extra time. Offaly got off to a good start and time just ran out for Laois. Final score: Offaly 6:3, Laois 5:1. Congratulations to the Offaly team and to all the players who gave their best and showed some fine hurling skills.
Offaly team: Lee Donohue (Captain), Kevin Scott, Mary Cleary, Aine Lawlor, Gerard Alley, Ian Doogue, Liam Dowling,.
Laois Team: Bernard Dunphy (Captain), Brendan Murphy, Aodain Phelan, Aoife Donohue, Simon Dwyer, Justin Brophy, Stephen Thomas and Stephen Shortall.

4th and 5th class Girls League

These players were split into 3 teams: Galway, Kildare, Cork. After each team played each other, we finished with a Cork V Kildare final. Both sides battled well in a closely fought game with Cork gaining the edge only in the last 5 minutes. Final Scores: Cork 4 goals, Kildare 2 goals.
Cork Team: Carol Cleary (Captain) Susan Purcell, Tina Dunne, Claire Phelan, Kate Freeman, Claire-Ann Alley.
Kildare Team: Lisa Dooley (Captain), Vicki Donohue, Yasmin Dempsey, Marie Brophy, Katrina Sheeran, Mairead Keane.

Tommy Walsh made the presentations, with trophies for the winners and medals for the runners up. He congratulated all the children on participation, performance and display of some stylish hurling skills. Each child was presented with a certificate signed by Tommy and Mary Collins.
He thanked all involved, Noel Delaney, Vera Fogarty, Peter Phelan, Sean Cahill, Pat Young, Mary Cleary, Mary Collins, Helen Kelly, Miss Brennan and Olive Bowden.
Taytos and minerals were very much appreciated, sponsored by the Parents Council.
Many thanks to Sponsor Tommy Walsh for his commitment, interest and involvement with the youth of the parish.

Cumann na mBunscoil

The Cumann Na mBunscoil Camogie and Hurling leagues have commenced in the school. The girls have already played Camross and Mounthyrath with success in both. They play Rathdowney on 23rd April. Best of Luck girls.
Team: Aodain Phelan, Mary Cleary, Aine Lawlor, Elaine Mahoney, Aoife Donohue, Claire Dunne, Aoife Phelan, Catherine Walshe, Sarah Freeman, Annette Feehan, Marie Clancy.
Subs: Cathy Walsh, Carol Cleary, Susan Purcell, Vicki Donohue, Lisa Dooley, Claire Anne Alley, Rita Jacob, Yasmin Dempsey.

The Boys have also played two matches, against Cullohill in a closely fought game, but had a great win against Clonaslee. Their next match is against Borris-in-Ossary on 21st april. Best of Luck Lads.
Team: Niall Brophy, Ross Young, Shane Donohue, Bernard Dunphy, Gerard Alley, Shane Walsh, Justin Brophy, Thomas Mooney, Kevin Scott.
Subs: Johnathon Boyan and Paul Kenna.


Harps Ladies Football

Harps Ladies Football team U/16 will play Park/Ratheniska in a practice match in Cullohill on Tuesday evening at 7 pm (14th April). The team is asked to meet at the Church Carpark, Durrow at 6.30 pm.


Cullohill Community Centre

Progressive 25 Results:

Wednesday 1st April – 1st Henry O’Grady & Pierce Kavanagh
2nd Paddy Delaney & Anthony Phelan

Raffle winners: Jack Mooney & Pad Dunphy.

Wednesday 8th April – 1st Rev. Lar Dunphy & Henry O’Grady
2nd Jack Mooney & Paddy Delaney

Raffle winners: Jack Mooney and Jimmy Mahoney

Cards next Wednesday night as usual.

Easter Egg Treasure Hunt on Easter Sunday at 3 pm starting at the Community Centre, Cullohill.


Scout News

Arrangements are being made for this year’s Senior Summer Camp which will be held at the Burren Outdoor Education Centre, Co Clare, from Monday 10th August to Friday 14th August. Full costing will be forwarded to parents as soon as possible. To secure a place on the Summer Camp a deposit of £10 must be paid to Angela Drennan before Tuesday 14th April as exact number must be givin to the Centre by this date.
Arrangements are also being made for the Junior Summer Camp which will be held at the Noreside Adventure Centre, Thomastown, from Friday 10th July to Sunday 12th July. A £10 deposit is needed before Friday 17th April to secure a place on the Camp. Full price will be given to parents by this date.


Durrow Community Services

The new scheme – FAS- 8 will commence on Tuesday next 14th April. The committee wishes each participant every success on the scheme.
The next DCS committee meeting will be held in the Castle Arms Hotel on Thursday 16th April at 8.30 pm. All members please note.


Durrow Development Forum

Durrow Development Forum compliment all the Business Premises who took part in the St Patricks week Competition and to congratulate the winners.

Results: Best Decorated Pub – Lennon’s Bar, Mary Street, Durrow
Best Shop window Display – Durrow Credit Union, Mary Street.

The competition was judged by Ms Vivienne Carson, Roscrea.

The results were announced at a cheese and Wine reception in the Castle Arms Hotel on Friday 3rd April.
