Durrow Parish Newsletter – 27th/28th February, 1993
27th/28th February, 1993 – Price 20p
Durrow Parish Newsletter
Compiled by Durrow Scouts
On February 24th we celebrated Ash Wednesday. In our Church ceremony the Blessing with ashes reminds us of our human frailty and that sooner or later we will become mere dust, a sobering thought.
For many of us the thought of Ash Wednesday and Lent raises pimples of goose flesh on our skin. we think of “giving up”, of sacrafice, of something that hurts. perhaps if we changed our tune this 1993 Lent and determained to “add on” what we have let go too easily we might find ourselves in Holy week more reflective, more prayerful, more hungry for god and his Kingdom than ever before. The choice is ours to take on or to refuse.
(i) Say the Angelus prayerfully every day of Lent at noon and evening.
(ii) Say the Rosary daily or at least three times each week.
(iii) Visit a Church for short prayer once or twice in the week other than Sunday mass.
(iv) Attend mass when possible, as well as Sunday, and in a more prayerful, attentive manner.
(v) Put yourself out to help someone at home or in the neighbourhood frequently during lent.
During Holy week reflect prayerfully on the weeks of Lent that have passed thanking god for his graces in getting to know him better thro’ prayer. This is simple, it is positive, it is a step towards God and will help you also if you feel drawn to “give up ” something.
Community Alert
At the monthly meeting of Community Alert a tribute was paid to the scouts by the chairman on behalf of the committee for their co-operation in assisting Community Alert with their latest project.
It was decided at the December meeting that the senior citizens would benefit from regular visits, Mr Martin Walsh (Scout Leader) suggested that the Scout Group could participate in achieving this aim. The Gardai, in conjunction with Community Alert and leaders of the Scouts, introduced the scheme to the senior citizens. Following on this two/three scout members were assigned to each senior citizen. The scheme is now in operation for two months and from some glowing reports the scheme is more than satisfactory. Besides visiting, the scouts have been more than willing to do odd jobs including yard sweeping, carrying fuel, running messages if required and most important providing a bit of company. This is done on a voluntary basis and no charge involved. While this is a great benefit to the senior citizens it would also seem to be benefiting the scouts.
Community Alert and the Gardai in the interest of security would like to caution all senior citizens not to admit any callers unless they have been introduced to them or are personally known to them. Community Alert wishes to inform people that they can provide information on services relating to impaired vision, information can be had from the following committee member; Michael Donohue, John Freeman, Garda Liam Foley, Helen Mooney, Michael Kennedy or P.J. Hutchinson.
Finally, in the coming weeks members of Community Alert will be calling on all houses in the area distributing leaflets on home security and crime prevention.
Congratulations to Ina and Tiagh Keane Errill, on the birth of a son. Ina teaches Senior Infants at Our Lady’s Meadow Primary School, Durrow.
Congratulations to Kathleen and Kieran Mooney, Attanagh, on the birth of a son.
Harps G.A.A. Club
A committee meeting was held in Cullohill Community Centre and was well attended by committee members.
The first thing on the agenda was the Parish Lotto and the club would like to thank everyone who has supported the club so far and would appreciate their support in the future, as the running costs of the club are increasing every year. A new cost which all clubs in the county will have to bear was announced by club secretary Donal Deegan. This is a £900 bill from the County Board which every club has to donate in order to reduce the remaining debt in the county.
It is waged that all players and patrons of the club become members as soon as possible. The fee is same as last year, Adults – £10, Juveniles – £5.
The U/21 hurlers are due to play the first round of their championship on 17th March. They are fixed to play the winners of Portlaoise and Rathdowney.
Selectors for the coming championships have been appointed for all teams. It has also been announced that the trainer for the Harps this year will be local man Hughie Sheppard. Hughie is wished the very best of luck for the coming year by the club and followers of hurling in the area. Hughie’s co-selectors have not been finalised as of yet.
The following have been elected as selectors for the coming year;
Intermediate – D. Deegan, M. Bolger, J. Dollard.
Junior A – N. Delaney, D. Deegan, S. Campion.
U/21 Hurling & Football – G. Muldowney, J. Fogarty, B. Kirby.
Junior & Intermediate Football – Sean Conroy, Donal Deegan, Tom Walshe, Vincent Sullivan.
Next Committee meeting will be on 9th March, at 8.30pm in Cullohill.
Drama in Cullohill
Drama fever hits Cullohill on Friday March 12th when the Ormande Players from Kilkenny take to the stage in Cullohill to perform the popular and exciting play “The Field”. This group of players are renowned for their professional performances and have played to packed audiences with plays such as “The Man from Clare”.
Refreshments will be served on the night courtesy of Cullohill Macra na Feirme and a great night is assured. The play will start at 8.00pm sharp. For further details contact Sean Duggan at 37137.
Durrow Credit Union
The credit Union inter Schools Table Quiz was held in The Holy Family Boy’s School on Thursday 25th February, with teams from Ballacolla, Cullohill and Durrow taking part.
A team from Durrow Boy’s School came first with a score of 55 points out of a possible 60.0 The team were; Brian Shortall, Canice Clooney, David Dunne and Michael Kennedy, winning a plaque for their school and a sports bag each.
The team that came in second were from Cullohill – Nicola Dollard, Laura Mahoney, Jason Dollard and Kevin Galvin, winning a sports bag each.
The winning team now go forward to the second round in the Spring Hill Hotel, Kilkenny.
Sympathy is extended to the Carroll family, Mary Street, on their recent bereavement.
Extending bar, chrome and white, T bar both ends. lost between Mill road and Carrigan Street. Contact Rose Woods.
Durrow Community Council
Monthly meeting will be held on Monday 8th March at 8.30pm in the I.C.A. Hall. All members please attend.
The senior Citizens party was a great success. Thanks to all those too numerous to mention who helped out in any way, which helped to make it such a success. Thanks to all for their support of th draw and to all those who sold the draw cards. The following were the winners:
1st £100 – Joe Gleeson, 2nd £50 – Mary Murphy, 3rd £25 – Breda Prior, 4th Dinner for two – Arabella Mulhall, 5th Bottle of Brandy – Mary Cashin, 6th Bottle of Whiskey – Joe Clooney, 7th £10 – Breda Drennan, 8th £10 – Mai Kenny, 9th £10 – Martin Dowling.
Many thanks to all clubs and individuals who gave donations towards the running expenses of the party.
Durrow & District Camara Club
The A.G.M. of the club will be held in the club premises on Monday 15th March at 8.30pm sharp. New members are more than welcome.
The club has finished plans for it’s Annual outing on the June Bank Holiday weekend. Seventeen people will head for Donegal on what should be, if last’s years trip is anything to go by, a very entertaining weekend. The tour will be based in Letterkenny.
The club would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting them in the local Lotto. Thanks again.
Scout News
Good news on the Scouting front, at last we have received news of our acceptance to take part in what will be the best organised ever in Irish Scouting history, Ballyfin ’93. This camp, which is jointly organised by the three main Scout organisations in the country, The Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland, The Scout Association in Northern Ireland and ourselves, The Scout Association of Ireland. Ballyfin will be a once in a lifetime experience that no scout should miss. Jamborees like this only come around once every four years. 500 foreign scouts will be attending. The dates for the camp are 27th July to 5th August. The second installment of £30 which was mentioned in our previous letter to parents, is due by Friday 6th March. Payment can be made to Maura Rafferty or Martin Walsh on or before this date.
On a local level the troop go to the Log cabin in Kinnetty on the weekend of 12th-14th March. If any parent would be on hand to transport people to/from the cabin this would be much appreciated as it would be a major help in keeping costs down.
The Scout Committee would like to thank everyone for supporting them in the parish Lotto. Your support is much appreciated.
Durrow Parish Lotto
Winners for Monday 15th Feb are as follows: Barry Hyland, Ballacolla, Malachy Mitchell, c/o Des O’Neill, Sean O’Shea, Attanagh.
Winners for Monday 22nd Feb are as follows: William Whitford, Attanagh, Betty Murphy, Dunmore.
Next draw on Monday 1st March in The Nore Nets at 10.00pm sharp.
Durrow Set Dancers
Durrow Set Dancers are holding a set Dancing Competition in The Castle Arms Hotel on Saturday 6th March. Music by Tom McCarthy. Commencing 8.00pm, Admission £2. All Welcome.
Congratulations to Tomas Kenna, Swan Road, who celebrated his 21st Birthday recently.
Keenan’s Lounge
27th Feb, Woodbine,
6th March, Scottish Dollar,
13th March, Soundzproof,
Admission £1 all nights. Great Drink, Great Entertainment.
Our Lady’s Meadow Girl’s P.S.
The young Attanagh players will perform 3 sketches and a one act play in the Convent Hall on Saturday 6th March in aid of Our Lady’s Meadow p.s. Admission £2.50 and £1. All are very welcome.
Meeting for parents of 1st class on Monday night in Our Lady’s Meadow at 8.00pm sharp.
Results of school draw for month of February as follows:
£100 – James Lavery, Emly, £50 – Marion Campion, Cork Rd, £10 – Vera Kenna, Patrick Street, £10 – Margret Shortall, Mill Road, £10 – Andy Walsh, Mary Street, £10 – Andy Walsh Jnr, Erkindale Drive, £10 – Susan Lawlor, Mill Road.
Durrow & District Club
The Trout Season starts on Monday March 1st. Membership cards and co-operative shares can be purchased at Billy Lawlor’s shop. The first Trout competition of the Season is on Sunday March 7th for the Walsh cup starting at 10.00am, weigh in at 6.00pm No Farm Trout will be accepted by weigh master.
The All- Ireland Pike fishing final was fished in Moycullen, Co Galway on Saturday 13th February. The top ten anglers qualifying to represent Ireland V England in a two day International Match on September 9th and 10th 1993. The team is as follows:
- Garry Mccellend, Dublin – £1000, 11 fish, Weight 92-15.
- Paddy Murphy, Castleblaney – £500, 3 fish, Weight 49-02
- Pat Gorman, Tullamore – £300, 6 fish, Weight 45-14
- Pat Keogh, Tullamore – £200, 5 fish, Weight 31-01
- Val Brady, Dublin – £150, 7 fish, Weight 30-00
- George Dillon, Dublin – £100, 8 fish, Weight 29-14
- Alan Hogan, Tullamore – £100, 8 fish, Weight 28-13
- Joe Devlin, Dublin – £100, 8 fish, Weight 28-09
- Michael Walsh, Durrow – £100, 6 fish, Weight 28-06
- John McKenna, Keady – £100, 6 fish, Weight 25-07
Heaviest Pike: Oliver O’Rielly – 24lbs – 13ozs
There was a total of 147 Pike caught, total weight 738lbs – 01ozs
Poker Night Results
Results for Tuesday 16th February:
1st Elsie Stewart
2nd Tom Woods, Margo McKenzie, Sean Aylward, Kieran Soames, Phillip Monnelly.
Results for Tuesday 23rd February:
1st Patrick Dempsey
2nd Kieran Soames, Tom Woods, Joe Brennan, Margo McKenzie, Sean Aylward.
International Schoolboys Soccer
Congratulations to Conor Murphy who is presently training with the Irish Schoolboys Soccer squad in Dublin at the weekends in preparation for forthcoming Internationals against England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Conor was a member of the St Fintan’s College U/16 team who won the Leinster Midlands League and last year conor was a member of Heywood C.S. senior team that won the Leinster Midlands Senior Soccer League. A lot of credit is due to the local Lions soccer Club who have done enormous work over the years encouraging young players into the club. And through playing for the Lions both Conor and John McEvoy are playing on the Kilkenny & District youth team.
Durrow Macra Club
The club held their annual night out in Ed Langtons, Kilkenny on 20th February. A great night was enjoyed by all members.
Congratulations to Ethel Coady who was chosen by the club as club person of the year. Ethel was presented with an engraved Kilkenny cut glass vase. A presentation was also made to Michael and Patricia Gaughan for their services to the club.
Durrow Macra will be presenting Laois in the Ballad group for the Dublin city talent competition in Freshford on 14th March. Ann Scully, Imelda Coady, Mary O’Dea and Ethel Coady are representing the club. They are wished the best by the club. More details in next issue.