LAPTOP + COMPUTER SERVICING AND REPAIR: Is your laptop running slow?, full of pop-up ads? and generally frustrating to use? Call Laois Computer Services on (087) 4103520 – Phone 6pm-10pm and 10am-6pm weekends.

SATURDAY MARKET: Midland Cakes by Rita along with Kyle Farm Potatoes AND Fresh Veg are both at the Saturday Market every Saturday morning from 8.30am to 12 noon in the CAIT Centre, beside the Catholic Church in Durrow. Rita makes celebration cakes for all occasions, cupcakes, cookies, scones, breads and standard cakes and these will be available each Saturday. For more information, please phone Rita on (085) 8423201 or Marie on (087) 7742506. Do drop in on Saturdays!

POTATOES: Good quality eating potatoes for sale in 10kg or 20kg bags. Can be delivered. Contact (057) 8737197.

CULLOHILL ICA: The next meeting will be held in Cullohill Community Centre on this Tuesday December 6th at 2pm in the afternoon.

CHURCH GATE COLLECTION FOR COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE: Durrow Community Council will hold a Church Gate Collection this weekend, December 3rd and 4th with all proceeds going towards the costs of providing the Annual Christmas Tree on the green. Please support this very worthy cause.

ST VINCENT de PAUL: Anyone looking for help can contact us on (087) 3476012.

HSE STAFF CHRISTMAS DINNER: The Annual HSE Christmas Dinner will be held in the Killeshin Hotel, Portlaoise on Tuesday 13th of December at 2pm. All grades are welcome along. For more details and/or to book a place contact C. Griffin on (087) 2068974 or B. Coaley on (086) 8812228 before Tuesday 6th December to assist in finalising numbers for the event.

DURROW COMMUNITY CENTRE: The committee wish to thank everyone who supported the Clothes Collection recently. Our next collection date will be in early January. More details in a later issue.

SET DANCING CLASSES: Come on down to the Castle Arms Hotel on Monday evenings from 8.30pm until 10pm for Set Dancing Classes. Beginners and advanced levels are all welcome. For more information please contact Declan on (087) 2768680.

YOUTH CHOIR: The Durrow Youth Choir continues on Tuesdays throughout December from 4.15pm until 5pm in the FÁS office (building to the right of the Church). Any boys and girls from First class up to the age of 18 are welcome. The choir will be learning different types of song, songs from the musicals, pop songs, carols, gospel etc… The fee is €10 per child until the Christmas break. If you are interested in this please contact Vicky Murphy on (086) 1000230 as places are limited.

DANCE LESSONS: Social Dance Lessons will be soon starting on Thursday nights in Abbeyleix Golf Club. For more details call Geraldine (087) 9550646 or P.J. at the Golf Club. All welcome.

CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE: Progressive 25 Card games are held in the hall every Sunday night at 8.30pm sharp followed by tea and sandwiches. Please support!

LAOIS KAYAK AND CANOE CLUB: Interested in Kayaking: As is standard and due to the shorter evenings, paddling will now be on at the weekends only. If you are interested in taking up paddling, please have a look at the event dates on Facebook and on our website for details online.

DURROW LIBRARY: Knitters Needed – We are hoping to form a Durrow Knitting Circle based here in the Library. It could just be to meet for a knit and a natter, alternatively if anyone is interested in trying to form a knitting circle for the Knitted Knockers Breast Cancer Organisation we would be happy to facilitate you. Interested parties can get in touch with Lori at (083) 4274714, (057) 8736090 (during Library hours) or to by email.
Storytelling – We are looking for volunteers to read stories to children on Saturdays. If anyone is interested please contact the library.

THE CASTLE ARMS HOTEL: Christmas Party Night – 10th December – Four Course meal + Entertainment! Contact Reception for more information on (057) 8736117.

LAOIS WEATHER: Visit online for the latest weather data live from Durrow.

DURROW REMINISCING GROUP: A book with 200 pages of Photographs spanning almost 100 years of Durrow and Cullohill memories including ICA, Hurling, Camogie, Soccer, School to mention but a few. Books for sale €25 each or two for €40. Please text or call Tom on (087) 2936531 or Kathleen on (086) 8263368 for further information.

DURROW TIDY TOWNS: Durrow Tidy Towns is in much need of volunteers for the coming season, if you feel that you would like to get involved in the community, improve your living environment, have your speak on how you would like your town to improve, how you would like your town to shine and how you would like your town to excel, please keep it in mind as we will be looking for volunteers over the coming months, every little bit helps and every new idea lights a spark in a community that will enhance and improve your own living community and your own living environment, Don’t be shy, have your say and get involved! We will issue further notices in the coming weeks.

NEXT NEWSLETTER: The next newsletter will be on sale this weekend December 17th & 18th. All adverts must be booked with Angela Drennan (087) 1928522 or Mary Walsh (086) 3055157. Advertisements cost €2 per issue of Durrow Parish Newsletter and must be paid for in advance.