CONGRATULATIONS to local band The Kilkenny’s on winning Ireland’s Best International Folk Group at the Sunday World Country Music and Entertainment Awards recently. A member of the group is our own Robbie Campion from Durrow. Well done lads you truly deserve your award!

SET DANCING: Set Dancing classes are held on Monday evenings at 8.30pm in The Castle Arms Hotel. All are most welcome. For more information please contact Declan Doocey on (087) 2168680.

DURROW BRIDGE CLUB: The results from January 10th are as follows: First – Fr. John Lalor and Ann Dooley; Second – Pilar Delaney and Peggie Duggan; Third – Nora Fitzpatrick and Teresa Phelan. The club continues for the winter season on Wednesday evenings in the Presentation Centre at 7.45pm.

ZUMBA CLASSES: Zumba Classes will commence in Durrow Community Centre on Thursday 22nd March from 8pm until 9pm continuing every Thursday thereafter. Contact Karen Ivanova by email to for more information. Please note change of dates from a previous issue.

ST VINCENT de PAUL DURROW: Contact us, in strict confidence on (087) 1917813 (New Number).

COMMUNITY GRANT SCHEME 2018: Applications for the Community Grant Scheme are now open (closing date: Friday, March 2nd at 12 noon). The Community Grants Scheme provides grant aid to Residents Associations, Community Groups and other groups/committees who are engaged in community amenity works in their own area. Each year applications are invited for amenity projects such as landscaping, purchase of equipment (i.e. strimmers, lawnmowers etc…) and the maximum grant available is determined by the number of complete and valid applications received. The full details along with an application form can be downloaded from: online.

DURROW AND DISTRICT PIPE BAND: The Durrow and District Pipe Band which is back open and running, having been formed during 2017 are seeking a few new members, as this is the time of year to start lessons. Maria O Connor is our Pipe Major with Brigid Maher in charge of the drum corps. It is very important that those interested, who have not played before, get in touch as soon as possible so that all will be on a level starting footing. Age is of no importance, anywhere between 9 and 90, male or female will be warmly welcomed. For more details please contact John Sheeran, Bandmaster on (087) 2493749.

ACTIVE RETIREMENT IRELAND: The Active Retirement Ireland group invite you to a special meeting to discuss setting up an active retirement group in your area. A meeting will be held in The Cullohill Community Centre at 7.30pm on Tuesday February 13th. All are most welcome.

CULLOHILL-DURROW FLOWER CLUB: The Cullohill and Durrow flower club start their new gardening year on Monday night, February 12th at the Community Centre in Cullohill at 8pm. Tommy Moore will be our speaker to give us gardening advice on the night. All are welcome.

USED CLOTHES COLLECTION IN AID OF DURROW COMMUNITY CENTRE: The committee are holding a used clothes collection which will be collected from the Community Hall on February 17th. Bags of used clothes, footwear and hadbags can be left into the Hall each morning from 9am to 1pm. No duvets, pillows or cushions to be included as they will not be accepted. This is an opportunity to do a clean-out of used clothes and by doing so, you will be supporting the Community Centre The National Council for the Blind – this would be very much appreciated!

VALENTINES FUNDRAISER IN AID OF HOMECARE: A Valentine’s Fundraiser in aid of the Carlow and Kilkenny Home Care Team will be held on Wednesday, February 14th in Langton House Hotel. Tickets €30 for a Four Course Meal, Band and DJ. Tickets available from Langton’s or Mary Harrington (087)2128664.

CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE: The Progressive 25 Card Games are held in the hall every Sunday night at 8.30pm sharp followed by tea and sandwiches. Please support!

PILATES: The new Pilates classes in Cullohill Community Centre continue on Tuesdays from 1.30pm to 2.30pm until March 13th.

DURROW MEALS ON WHEELS SERVICE: New volunteers are always welcome, it can be for one day at a time or more. If you would like to help with this worthy service you can do so by contacting Marie Clooney on (087) 7742506 or Mary Walsh at (086) 3055157.

PRESENTATION CENTRE: The Presentation Centre beside the Catholic Church is available for hire. For further information please contact Angela on (087) 1928522.

DEFRIBILLATOR IN GURTEEN – CULLOHILL: The Leinster Sports Clinic have purchased a defibrillator and is on site at the clinic in the case of an emergency in Gurteen or the surrounding local rural area. Please let everyone know to help raise awareness.

DEFIBRILLATORS IN DURROW: Durrow now has three defibrillators across the town with one in Our Lady’s Meadow National School, one outside on the wall between Lawlor’s Gala and Sheppard’s Auctioneers and one at the reception in the Castle Arms Hotel.

PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP: The group will continue in the Presentation Hall, Durrow on Tuesdays from 9.30am. Any parents, carers, childminders etc… interested in attending with their little people, suitable from baby stage up to pre-school for a play, chat, cuppa and cake are most welcome to attend. For information contact (086) 3914725.

CULLOHILL WALKING CLUB: Why not stay active this new year and walk in the safety and the company of others. Walking continues every Monday and Friday evening leaving Cullohill Community centre at 7.30 pm sharp. Free activity. All are most welcome.

DURROW COMMUNITY ALERT: With the evenings dark during the Winter season, keep vigilant for suspicious activity in our community. Keep an eye on the Community Alert’s new Facebook Page: for regular updates and information from across the district.

NEXT NEWSLETTER: The next newsletter will be on sale the weekend of February 24th and 25th – weather permitting. All adverts must be booked with Angela Drennan (087) 1928522 or Mary Walsh (086) 3055157. Advertisements cost €2 per issue of Durrow Parish Newsletter and must be paid for in advance.