CONGRATULATIONS: to Olivia Clooney, The Swan, Durrow, and Ruairi Ryan, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary on their recent engagement.
Congratulations to Kate Clancy an Tim Murray, Patrick Street, Durrow, on the birth of their son, Eoghan Tony.

ST VINCENT de PAUL DURROW: Contact us, in strict confidence on (087) 1917813 (New Number).

DEFRIBILLATOR IN GURTEEN – CULLOHILL: The Leinster Sports Clinic have purchased a defibrillator and is on site at the clinic in the case of an emergency in Gurteen or the surrounding local rural area. Please let everyone know to help raise awareness.

BE WINTER READY: Information on Be Winter-Ready and tips on how to be prepared for bad weather this winter is available at or online. Leaflets are also available from the Laois County Council offices or from Pamela Tynan, Laois PPN – eMail: or phone: (057) 8665661 or 8664060.
LaoisWeather: Live weather data from Durrow is available online at which tracks temperatures, rainfall amounts, wind-speeds and much more.

DURROW COMMUNITY SERVICES: Current Vacancies: Durrow Community Services are looking to recruit a Groundskeeper for the Lions Soccer Club Durrow and another Groundskeeper at The Harps GAA Club Durrow. For further information on these positions or to apply please contact (057) 8736870 during office hours on any weekday.

PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP: The group will continue in the Presentation Hall, Durrow on Tuesdays from 9.30am. Any parents, carers, childminders etc… interested in attending with their little people, suitable from baby stage up to pre-school for a play, chat, cuppa and cake are most welcome to attend. For information contact (086) 3914725.

PRESENTATION CENTRE: The Presentation Centre beside the Catholic Church is available for hire. For further information please contact Angela on (087) 1928522.

DURROW TIDY TOWNS: Durrow Tidy Towns under DDF are in early preparations for the 2018 judging. Further to meetings and new members on the committee, we are delighted to action water butts for the town and further improvements will be made in the coming months. We would encourage all residents and businesses to get involved in every way possible and keep the outside of their own premises clean and tidy. Our Junior Tidy Towns committee is in the process of being set up and we would encourage all our over 10 year olds in the community to assist our junior committee in improving Durrow’s tidy town results for 2018 – together, as a community we can make it happen!

DURROW LIBRARY: If anyone is interested in a genealogy course please do call in! Library Opening Times: The open times are as follows: Tuesdays: 1.30pm to 5.30pm and 6pm to 7.30pm; Wednesdays: 10am to 1.30pm and 2pm to 5.30pm; Saturdays 11am to 1pm. Phone: (057) 8736090 or e-mail: for information on any of the above.

DEFIBRILLATORS IN DURROW: Durrow now has three defibrillators across the town with one in Our Lady’s Meadow National School, one outside on the wall between Lawlor’s Gala and Sheppard’s Auctioneers and one at the reception in the Castle Arms Hotel.

CULLOHILL WALKING CLUB: As the dark evenings draw in why not stay active and walk in the safety and the company of others. Walking continues every Monday and Friday evening leaving Cullohill Community centre at 7.30 pm sharp. Free activity. All are most welcome.

LSCPA RESCUE – URGENT APPEAL: We desperately need Dog Fosterers, we are full beyond our limit and cannot take in anymore dogs, unless we get more fosterers. We supply everything and cover all veterinary costs. If you can help, contact our Dog coordinator on (086)4169559.

DURROW COMMUNITY ALERT: With the evenings dark during the Winter season, keep vigilant for suspicious activity in our community. Keep an eye on the Community Alert’s new Facebook Page: for regular updates and information from across the district.

NEXT NEWSLETTER: The next newsletter will be on sale the weekend of January 27th and 28th – weather permitting. All adverts must be booked with Angela Drennan (087) 1928522 or Mary Walsh (086) 3055157. Advertisements cost €2 per issue of Durrow Parish Newsletter and must be paid for in advance.