Early June 2018 Notices
ZUMBA CLASSES NOW ON WEDNESDAYS! I would like to welcome you all to my Zumba Dance Class every Wednesday from 8pm until 9pm in Durrow’s Community Centre, regardless of age, gender or fitness level. Grab a friend and come join me for an exciting and fun workout like no other! Don’t forget to bring along with you plenty of water and a towel as you’ll need these. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t tried Zumba yet, this class is for you! So come give it a try and get ready to party! Karens Zumba Divas!
PIPE BAND: The Durrow and District Pipe Band which is back open and running are seeking a few new members. Age is of no importance, anywhere between 9 and 90, male or female will be warmly welcomed. For more details contact John Sheeran, Bandmaster on (087) 2493749.
PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP: The group meets in the Presentation Hall, Durrow on Tuesdays from 9.30am. Any parents, carers, childminders etc… interested in attending with their little people, suitable from baby stage up to pre-school for a play, chat, cuppa and cake are most welcome to attend. For more information contact (086) 3914725.
CULLOHILL ICA: There will be no meeting in June as we will be on the Laois Federation outing to Kerry.
CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE: The Progressive 25 Card Games are held in the hall every Sunday night at 8.30pm sharp followed by tea and sandwiches. Please support!
IHREC STUDENT BURSARY: As part of our work in promoting the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission is delighted to announce the launch of the third year of our student bursary scheme for prospective students of the Professional Diploma in Human Rights and Equality at the Institute of Public Administration. The Professional Diploma in Human Rights and Equality is a one-year, part-time programme that has been developed in conjunction with the Institute of Public Administration.
The bursary scheme will cover all course fees for successful applicants. The bursary scheme will support applications from a wide variety of organisations and individuals working in public sector bodies and civil society organisations. There are ten bursary places available and 40% of those have been reserved for people working in civil society organisations.
The application process is open now and closing date is Friday 22nd of June 2018 at 5pm. All information about the student bursary scheme and application criteria can be sent to bursary@ihrec.ie – for all other queries related to the diploma programme, please contact the Institute for Public Administration.
LOCAL WEATHER: For up-to-the-minute weather data from Durrow, please visit www.laoisweather.com
ST VINCENT de PAUL DURROW: Contact us, in strict confidence on (087) 1917813.
ARTHRITIS IRELAND KILKENNY BRANCH: On June 9th the Arthritis Ireland Kilkenny Branch will start a six week course of Rehabilitation Pilates to help manage pain in muscles and joints. The course is subsidised by the Kilkenny Branch. Register for the six week course for €13.50 and send a text message to (087) 1491767 to receive a link to book your place online. Venue: Ossory Park Community Centre; Times: 11am.
DURROW REMINISCING GROUP: A book with 200 pages of Photographs spanning almost 100 years of Durrow and Cullohill memories including ICA, Hurling, Camogie, Soccer, School to mention but a few. Books for sale €25 each or two for €40. Please text or call Tom on (087) 2936531 or Kathleen on (086) 8263368 for further information.
MONDAY CLUB SENIORS: The group are running a trip to Clonakilty in Co. Cork from Sunday, June 17th and returning on Thursday, June 21st. A price of €275 includes Bed, Breakfast and Dinner. Anyone interested is more than welcome and should phone Miriam Connolly on (057) 8736200 or Margaret Ryan on (086) 2662996 for details or to book a place.
PRESENTATION CENTRE: The Presentation Centre beside the Catholic Church is available for hire. For further information please contact Angela on (087) 1928522.
NEXT NEWSLETTER: The next newsletter will be on sale the weekend of June 15th and 16th – weather permitting. All adverts must be booked with Angela Drennan (087) 1928522 or Mary Walsh (086) 3055157. Advertisements cost €2 per issue of Durrow Parish Newsletter and must be paid for in advance.