Early May 2016 Notices
CONGRATULATIONS to Elaine Maher E.M. Designs, Cullohill Village on being awarded finalist in the Wedding Journal Reader Awards 2016 for Ireland’s Best Wedding Stationery Company of the Year. Elaine now needs the help of the parish and gain as many votes as possible between now and the 22nd of May 2016 in order to help her win this very prestigious award. Voting is open at http://weddingjournalonline.com/readerawards and anyone who votes will be entered into a prize draw to win a Romantic Weekend at Castle Leslie Estate. One vote per email address! You can follow E.M. Designs progress in the competition on facebook, instagram and snapchat @emdesigns.ie or by phone at (086) 1980628 or to info@emdesigns.ie by email. Many thanks!
IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION: The Laois Branch of the Irish Kidney Association would like to thank everyone who supported our recent Church collections. Also a big thank you to our wonderful volunteers. The support we get in Laois is greatly appreciated.
LIP-SYNC FUNDRAISER FOR THE IRISH CANCER SOCIETY: Locals Karen Scully and Lisa McDonald are trying to organise a charity event for the Irish Cancer Society and are looking for people to participate in a Lip Sync Battle. You can choose your own song to mime on the night and it’s only 60 to 90 seconds, so it’s not as scary as it sounds! The only way that this can go ahead is with the help of you – because without participant’s the show cannot go on! It’s a really good cause and you are not only supporting the fight against cancer but you are also providing funding for areas such as night nurses, care to drive and cancer research. So why not get your hairbrushes out and start practicing! If all goes well, a great night of fun & laughter is sure to be had. Contact Karen Scully or Lisa McDonald if you are interested in taking part or have any queries. We look forward to hearing from you – thanks in advance!
ARTHRITIS IRELAND LAOIS BRANCH: Our group will still meet socially each Wednesday evening at 7pm for the cuppa and a chat at O’Loughlins Hotel, Main St, Portlaoise. All welcome! The Local Branch can be contacted by phone on(089) 2525344.
ST VINCENT de PAUL: Anyone looking for help can contact us on (087) 3476012.
SATURDAY MARKET: Durrow Saturday market is open every Saturday from 9am to 12.30pm in the Computer Centre beside the RC Church on the Kilkenny Rd. Potato’s and Fresh Veg are available, to book your favourites please ring Marie on (087) 7742506. Home Baking from Bernie Brennan is also available with a selection of fresh breads, scones, tarts and cakes. You can also book cakes for parties etc…
CLOTHES COLLECTION POINT: Any old or unwanted clothes or fabric can be left in the porch of the Cullohill Community Centre. All collections are in aid of Cullohill Handball Club.
LIVE WEATHER DATA: Visit www.laoisweather.com for up-to-the-minute information.
SCARECROW WORKSHOPS: In preparation for this years festival weekly scarecrow workshops have commenced and will continue every Wednesday evening from 7pm in Evelyn Clancy’s house at Barnhill, Durrow. Please do come and join us, we would be more than happy to have you come on board for the 2016 Durrow Scarecrow Festival! For more information contact Evelyn on (087) 9194428.
DURROW COMMUNITY CENTRES: The Community Centre in Durrow is available for bookings to hold parties or any sports activities etc… Contact: Mary Walsh (086) 3055157.
The Presentation Centre in Durrow is also available for bookings to hold meetings or similar activities etc… Contact: Angela Drennan (087) 1928522.
CRAFTERS, FOOD MAKERS AND STALLHOLDERS: The Summerhill Family Fun and Fair Days’ second annual event will take place on Sunday 29th May at the Summerhill School’s Campus in Portlaoise from 1pm to 5pm. Crafters, food vendors and stallholders are now invited to apply for their stalls at this event. Please note that stalls are on a first come first served basis. For an application form or more information you can contact summerhillcraftandfoodfair@gmail.com by email. You can also find SummerhillFairPortlaoise on Facebook.
LADIES MINI MARATHON: Ladies – it’s Mini Marathon time again! Registration is urgent at this stage. Register on line at VHI Women’s Mini Marathon or by registration form in every Wednesday’s Evening Herald newspaper. We are raising funds this year for the Durrow Meals on Wheels and we are looking for ladies to join us. You can contact either Marie Clooney on (087) 7742506 or Susan Lawlor on (087) 2574477 for more information. Anyone interested in availing of a bus to the Ladies Mini Marathon, on the June Bank Holiday Monday should contact Marie Clooney. The bus will leave for Dublin at 10am sharp on Monday June 6th.
NEXT NEWSLETTER: The next newsletter will be on sale weekending May 21st and May 22nd. All adverts must be booked with Angela Drennan (087) 1928522 or Mary Walsh (086) 3055157. Advertisements cost €2 per issue of Durrow Parish Newsletter and must be paid for in advance.