CHURCH NEWS: DURROW PARISH NEWS: Church Cleaning Rota – May 2018: Mary Dollard and Babe Duggan.
Mass Readers: Saturdays – May 5th and 12th: Ann-Marie Lalor; May 19th and 26th: Kay Sheppard. Sundays – May 6th: Liam Phelan; May 13th and 20th: Stephanie Phelan; May 27th: Deirdre Moore.
Special Ministers of the Eucharist: May: Saturday Evenings – Rose Woods and Sean Phelan; May: Sunday Mornings – Mary Doogue and Marie Martin.

Pilgrimage: The Diocese of Ossory Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from May 22nd to May 27th inclusive. Bookings are now being taken and anyone wishing to travel on the Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes can contact Eleanor at (051) 880414 during weekdays between 9.30am and 1.30pm except for Wednesdays. The cost of the Pilgrimage will be €785.

RADIO MARIA IRELAND: Radio Maria Ireland is an Irish-run Catholic talk-radio station with Prayer, catechesis, uplifting music, talks, interviews and testimonies – all commercial free! Listen via our FREE App “Radio Maria Ireland”, streaming on or via phone – get live radio feed by calling (01) 4373277 (no extra charges apply). Please join our growing faith family!

VISIT OF POPE FRANCIS TO IRELAND: A formal announcement that Pope Francis will attend the World Meeting of Families in Ireland is expected shortly. Pope Francis personally chose Ireland to host this event. Parishioners who would like to attend all or part of the event can register for the three-day Pastoral Congress on online. Places for the Congress are limited and guarantee a ticket for the Festival of Families and the Final Mass which are expected to be led by Pope Francis. Although there will be no charge for any event led by the Pope, tickets for the Festival of Families will be very limited and not released until a later date, along with tickets for the Final Mass.

SYMPATHY is extended to the Aylward family, Rath, Durrow on their recent bereavement.
SYMPATHY is extended to the Dunne family, Dunmore, Durrow on their recent bereavement.

DURROW FUNDRAISING CONCERT: On Saturday 12th May at 7.30pm in St. Fintan’s Church (Church of Ireland) Durrow, the Blessington Millennium Choir will sing a concert of classical and ‘easy listening’ music in aid of work to the fabric of St. Fintan’s Church. Please mark the date! All welcome.

PRESENTATION CENTRE: The Presentation Centre beside the Catholic Church is available for hire. For further information please contact Angela on (087) 1928522.