Jack Moyney e-enactment and High Nelly Cycle this Sunday August 20th 2017 🗓
DURROW HIGH NELLY CLUB – UPCOMING EVENTS: August 20th: Join us for the highly anticipated Jack Moyney re-enactment and High Nelly Cycle in period costume. The cycle commences at 3pm with the re-enactment at 5pm. VIP tickets €10, Bar view €8 and bridge area €5.
October 7th: Greenway cycle from Waterford to Dungarvan. Leaving Bobs at 9am and staying overnight in Lawlor’s Hotel, Dungarvan. Booking details: Phone (058) 41122 or email olivekiely@lawlorshotel.com – the rate is €75 per person sharing and includes breakfast and dinner. Quote “High Nelly Cycle” when ringing. Book ASAP as places will fill fast.