Laois Kayak and Canoe Club – September 2015 Update
Junior Paddle Fest: The best of luck to all the junior paddlers taking part in Paddle Fest from 18th to 20th September, this is a great week-end for all paddlers and a lot of skills will be learned and improved on.
Lower Liffey Descent: Congratulations to Catherine Byrne on completing her first ranking marathon race on the lower Liffey on Sunday 6th September, accompanied by Brian Ogilvie over the 14km endurance race. A huge achievement for her and promising more big races to come.
Junior Polo: The South East Junior Polo development teams will have training on Sunday 13th in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny. If any U19’s members are interested, please let Paul know. There will be two training sessions U13’s and 13 to 19’s, it’s a great opportunity to improve your water polo skills.
Interested in Kayaking: With the evenings getting shorter, paddling will continue for a few weeks but all paddlers are asked to be on the water for 7pm sharp. After this paddling will be at weekends only during the winter months. Please check our website and Facebook for details on kayaking lessons and also for details on upcoming trips and competitions. Visit the website and Facebook for more details at online.