NEW YEARS DAY BALACOLLA WALK: This New Years Day will see the popular Ballacolla walk and Vintage Run renamed the Richard Moynan Memorial Walk and Vintage Run. Richard who passed away on April 8th 2013 was hugely popular in the area and was known throughout the Country within the vintage fraternity. The New Years Day Vintage Run will take a 15km route starting in Ballacolla village at 2.00pm and continue by Grantstown, Coolacurragh, Cannonswood, Woodenbridge and return to the finish by Lalor’s Farm Ballygague. The annual walk will also start at 2.00pm and follow it’s usual 6.5km route. The event will support the Ballacolla Senior Citizens Fund. Your support would be most appreciated.

CLOTHES COLLECTION POINT: Any old or unwanted clothes or fabric can be left in the porch of the Cullohill Community Centre. All collections are in aid of Cullohill Handball Club. Please support.

ARTHRITIS IRELAND LAOIS BRANCH: Our group will still meet socially each Wednesday evening at 7pm for the cuppa and a chat commencing on Wednesday 2nd of December at O’Loughlins Hotel, Main St, Portlaoise. All welcome! We will be recommencing our walking group in the New Year. We are also planning some other activities for 2016 to include a six week course of “Gentle Zumba Classes” commencing on January 26th. Please watch out for updates about further activities and details of group meetings in local newspapers, our Facebook page or on the Arthritis Ireland Website. The Local Branch can be contacted by phone on (089) 2525344.

DURROW COMMUNITY CENTRE: The Community Centre in Durrow is available for bookings to hold parties or any sports activities etc… Contact: Mary Walsh (086) 3055157.

ST VINCENT de PAUL: Anyone looking for help can contact us on (087) 3476012.

LOCAL WEBSITES WORTH VISITING: for live weather information from Durrow. for local news, sport and community notices.

CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE SQUASH COURT: We hope to commence a Squash League/Tournament in the very near future and are looking for players!!! All levels of experience are welcome as everyone will play against opponents of their own standard. Squash is a game that can be enjoyed by all – it is great fun and great exercise. If you are interested, please contact any member of the Cullohill Community Centre Committee.

NEXT DURROW PARISH NEWSLETTER: The deadline for inclusion of notes for the next issue is Thursday, January 7th at 7pm to and ALL ADVERTS MUST BE BOOKED WITH ANGELA DRENNAN (087) 1928522 OR MARY WALSH(086) 3055157.