Late March 2018 Notices
Congratulations to Castle Durrow on being chosen in the top 11 venues to get married amongst all the beautiful venues in the Historical Hotels in Europe. Well done and a huge congratulations to Peter, Shelly and all the staff who do an excellent job and deserve all the awards that they receive.
CULLOHILL ICA: The next ICA meeting will be on Tuesday April 3rd.
PRESENTATION CENTRE: The Presentation Centre beside the Catholic Church is available for hire. For further information please contact Angela on (087) 1928522.
ST VINCENT de PAUL DURROW: Contact us, in strict confidence on (087) 1917813 (New Number).
ZUMBA CLASSES: Zumba Classes continue in Durrow Community Centre on Thursdays from 8pm until 9pm. Contact Karen Ivanova by email to for more information.
LOCAL WEATHER: For up-to-the-minute weather data from Durrow, please visit
DURROW TOWN PLAN: The Durrow Development Forum will announce a new launch date in the coming weeks. If you require any further information on the plan, please contact Sean at (087) 9873489 or send a message to by email.
CULLOHILL PRIMARY SCHOOL: Any parents wishing to enrol their child in our school for September 2018, please do so as soon as possible. Enrolment forms are available in the School Office.
ATTENTION! FARMERS – St. Canice’s Credit Union has a new Agri Loan product available for farmers in the area. We have a very competitive interest rate and lots of added benefits. For more information drop into the Credit Union Branch in Durrow or call Tom on (087) 6466280.
DURROW BRIDGE CLUB: The club continues on Wednesday evenings in the Presentation Centre at 7.45pm.
PIPE BAND: The Durrow and District Pipe Band which is back open and running are seeking a few new members. Age is of no importance, anywhere between 9 and 90, male or female will be warmly welcomed. For more details contact John Sheeran, Bandmaster on (087) 2493749.
PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP: The group meets in the Presentation Hall, Durrow on Tuesdays from 9.30am. Any parents, carers, childminders etc… interested in attending with their little people, suitable from baby stage up to pre-school for a play, chat, cuppa and cake are most welcome to attend. For more information contact (086) 3914725.
SET DANCING: Set Dancing classes are held on Monday evenings at 8.30pm in The Castle Arms Hotel. All are most welcome. For more information please contact Declan Doocey on (087) 2168680.
CULLOHILL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN: If anyone was unable to attend the last meeting but would like to contribute please contact Marian on (086) 8390266. The next meeting will be advertised in due course – so keep an eye out in local newsletters, newspapers and online.
FREE TO GOOD HOME: Cats are available for free to a good home. All are neutered. If interested or for further information please contact (086) 8232393. Durrow Area.
SENIOR ALERT SCHEME: The Woodenbridge Community Alert are the local authorised Personal Alarm (Senior Alert Scheme) suppliers for the Durrow, Cullohill, Ballacolla and Rathdowney areas. The new programme states that (1) eligible persons (65 years and over) no longer have to be living alone; and (2) there will be free monitoring of alarm service for one year for all new participants after November 1st 2017. For more information contact Michael G Phelan (087) 2395357.
MUSIC TEACHER WANTED: A music teacher is wanted to teach keyboards as an after-school activity on Monday’s in Durrow. Immediate start. Please send a message to “Durrow Laois Ireland” on Facebook.
CULLOHILL WALKING CLUB: Why not stay active and walk in the safety and the company of others. Walking continues every Monday and Friday evening leaving Cullohill Community centre at 7.30 pm sharp. Free activity. All are most welcome.
DURROW COMMUNITY ALERT: Please keep vigilant for suspicious activity in our community. Keep an eye on the Community Alert’s new Facebook Page: for regular updates and information from across the district.
DURROW MEALS ON WHEELS SERVICE: New volunteers are always welcome, it can be for one day at a time or more. If you would like to help with this worthy service you can do so by contacting Marie Clooney on (087) 7742506 or Mary Walsh at (086) 3055157.
DEFRIBILLATOR IN GURTEEN – CULLOHILL: The Leinster Sports Clinic have purchased a defibrillator and is on site at the clinic in the case of an emergency in Gurteen or the surrounding local rural area. Please let everyone know to help raise awareness.
DEFIBRILLATORS IN DURROW: Durrow now has three defibrillators across the town with one in Our Lady’s Meadow National School, one outside on the wall between Lawlor’s Gala and Sheppard’s Auctioneers and one at the reception in the Castle Arms Hotel.
CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE: The Progressive 25 Card Games are held in the hall every Sunday night at 8.30pm sharp followed by tea and sandwiches. Please support!
NEXT NEWSLETTER: The next newsletter will be on sale the weekend of April 7th and 8th – weather permitting. All adverts must be booked with Angela Drennan (087) 1928522 or Mary Walsh (086) 3055157. Advertisements cost €2 per issue of Durrow Parish Newsletter and must be paid for in advance.