Lego Club to feature on RTE’s John Creedon Show
DURROW LIBRARY NEWS: Many thanks to all the children of the Lego film club who participated in filming for the John Creedon show at Abbeyleix library. They were an absolute credit to Durrow! Also many thanks to the parents who drove the children to and from school that day and waited with them. It was much appreciated. When the air date is announced for the programme, I’ll try let everyone know! The last Lego film club meeting will take place on Tuesday 8th of May at 4pm.
Slime! The slime workshop on Saturday 28th of April was great fun! Again thanks to the parents for all the help on the day and in the lead up to the event. Just to avoid confusion, this event was a once off and will not be held every Saturday.
Laois Libraries will be holding several events to mark the Bealtaine festival of Age and Opportunity and leaflets on these events are available from the library.
Thank You! I also want to take this opportunity to thank all the borrowers who wished me well. I’ll be on maternity leave from the 8th of May for the next 6 months. Library HQ have said that they will be in touch to let people know if, at any point, the opening hours in Durrow will be effected by this. – Lori!