Storytelling with Sarah is back after the Christmas break! And Sarah has kindly volunteered her time and talents to sit in our kid’s corner and tell some of the funniest and loveliest stories from our children’s section. Why do Aliens wear underpants? What do you do with the world’s most annoying elephant? Who exactly is Superworm? Come along on Saturdays at midday and find out! No booking needed.

Caife agus Comhrá is a new group hoping to start meeting in the library regularly. Focusing on using their cúpla focail and having chats while having a cuppa, they are looking for experienced Irish speakers as well as beginners to add some numbers to their group.

Poetry Club – there has been some interest in the area in creating a poetry group. Whether it’s for the lost art of recitation, discussing your favourite poems or for the chance to read some of your own original work in front of a supportive group – Durrow Library hopes to host a one of a kind club dedicated to the spoken word!

Other News: The Exhibition on Betty Ridge and Castle Durrow’s fairytale is still available to view at the Durrow Library. We also received a lot of new Adult Fiction over the holidays and it’s well worth a browse – remember membership is free!

Opening Times: Tuesdays – 1.30pm to 7.30pm (closed 5.30pm-6pm); Wednesdays – 10am to 5.30pm (closed 1.30pm-2pm) and Saturdays from 11am to 1pm. Computers, printers and photocopier available for public use at a small fee. Contact Lori for more details on any of these groups or events at (083) 4274714 or contact by email.