Scarecrow Summer Camp 2018 details
DURROW SCARECROW FESTIVAL 2018: Scarecrow Summer Camp: Application forms will be available online on Friday June 15th, so please keep a lookout on our Facebook page for the release of them. Also, please note that the Summer Camp Directory sent out by Laois County Council has an incorrect number for summer camp on one of the pages. The correct Contact Name and Number is on page 11, whilst the name and number on page 17 are incorrect.
DURROW DEVELOPMENT FORUM: Scarecrow Festival Appeal: The Scarecrow Volunteers Group are on the lookout for Sheets of Ply board (they don’t have to be new) and Corriboard and if anybody has any old tents, even if they are not waterproof, we would appreciate if you recycling these items to us for our scarecrow displays.
SCARECROW MAKING is planned to continue each Wednesday from 8pm in the old ICA hall (DDF New Headquarters) All are welcome!