An important meeting will be held on Thursday 14th May at 8.30pm in the Castle Arms Hotel, Durrow to confirm dance partners and to explore fundraising ideas. It is very important that all dancers attend. A new facebook page: “Strictly DDF & Harps Dancing” has been setup where you can keep up-to-date on the build up to the show – make sure you like the page and invite your friends to like it too!
The web browser address is: for laptops and PCs.
Finally, we are still looking for more people to join and become contestants – if you are shy about joining, have a look at the facebook page to see a list of active contestants, you may know a few there who would help you feel right at home in the group. For more information on the event please contact Daniel Dunne (087) 4103520 or Evelyn Clancy on (087) 9194428.