Third Laois Durrow Scouts Group News – December 2019
THIRD LAOIS DURROW SCOUTS: Even with long and rainy winter nights, you can catch the Scouts out and about. Last month, they did a scavenger hunt and Cubs did a treasure hunt. The Cubs did also a night walk in Capponellan before the investiture of three new Cubs. They all loved the Smores and hot chocolate at the end… So far this year has been action packed in Scouts. We also have completed a Sionnach, a FIA and are attending the World Jambowlree 2020 in January. We had our Annual Christmas Dinner on the 13th of December and were joined by Mountrath Scouts. We have had three County Representatives elected this year and also one Provincial Representative, which is fantastic for our group. There has been some fantastic moments when Cubs won the Bronze in the County Challenge and also Scouts got Bronze in the Phoenix Challenge. This year, in the Scout Section, the Scout of the Year is Tommy Doyle. Well Done Tommy for all your hard work and your Kindness.
We would also like to thank everyone for their continued support for Our Scout group and wish all our youth members, friends and families a very Happy Christmas and New year. We are all looking forward to returning in the New year for an action packed calendar. Second hand Jumpers are available to purchase from the Group for Beavers and Cubs and also shirts for Scouts.