Today at Durrow Scarecrow Festival – July 29th 2014
Today Tuesday 29th July at the Durrow Scarecrow Festival the Scarecrow Village opens from 2pm to 9pm…
The Arts & Crafts Exhibition and Sale held in The Community Centre from 11am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 6.00pm.
In the Scarecrow Village:
* Padraig Phelan – Wood turning Demonstration
* Clancy Hurls – Hurley Making Demonstration
* Buy & Sell Fair
* Ceramics Workshop with Maeve Sokram from Sevensisters Ceramics 5pm to 7pm (€10 per person)
* Harps Tournament Match (details to follow)
* Bath Bomb/Product Workshop with Bumblebliss 3pm to 4.30pm (€7 per person);
* Natural Oil Workshop with Bumblebliss 5pm to 6.30pm (€7 per person)
* Teen Zone – Hair Upstyle Workshop by Catwalk Hair Salon, €3 7pm to 9pm ( booking essential)
* Composting and Wildlife Gardening Workshop with Laois County Council. 2pm to 3pm
Admissions: Scarecrow Village – €2 Adults, Teens €1, Children Free, Art Exhibition – €2, Children Free; Forge and Foundry – Adults €1, Teens and Children Free