Trout Angling commences this St. Patrick’s Day 2018
ANGLING: Durrow-Cullohill Parish Anglers held a Pike Fishing competition for the Harold Lawlor Cup on Sunday February 25th last and only one fish was caught and the winner was Tommy Coffey. The club held a Pike fishing competition for the O’Duain Cup on Sunday March 11th – results in the next issue of Durrow Parish Newsletter.
With the Trout fishing commencing on March 17th the club is holding the first trout fishing of the season on St. Patrick’s Day for the Michael Walsh Cup. Entries will be taken at Lawlor’s Flower Shop from 9.30 am and weigh-in is at 6 pm in the Durrow Inn.
On March 25th the club are holding a trout fishing competition for the Billy Lawlor Memorial Cup. Membership is available at Lawlor’s Gala, Daybreak, Lawlor’s Flower Shop and Michael Walsh.