WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY 2018: The theme of the World Suicide Prevention Day taking place on 10th September is ‘Working Together to Prevent Suicide’ which seeks to encourage all of us to engage with each other and to join together to spread awareness of suicide prevention as part of a local and a global community. This year, to mark and commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day, Midlands Living Links Suicide Bereavement Support Service, in partnership with the HSE Resource Service for Suicide Prevention, are planting a ‘Tree of Hope’ which is a symbol to those who have lost a loved one to suicide and to people living with mental health problems that there is understanding and support available for all.
The hope of Midlands Living Links and all other organisations offering support, is that people who may be finding life difficult will reach out and ask for help in the knowledge that it will be willingly given. If you would like to show your individual support for suicide prevention, you are invited to attend the planting of a ‘Tree of Hope’ at Lloyds Park, Tullamore on Sunday 9th September, at 1pm or at Memorial Garden, Portlaoise on Monday 10th September, at 1pm. If you, or someone you know is in need of help or support, the following services are available: The Samaritans: 116 123; Your GP or MiDOC: 1850 302702; The 24/7 Suicide Helpline: 1800 247 247 or Text ‘HELP’ to 51444 (Pieta House); Midlands Living Links: (086) 1600 641 (for bereavement support and a listening ear) or the Bereavement Liaison Officer at Pieta House: (086) 418 0088. For Information regarding how to support yourself or someone you care about and details of mental health services at online.

Scheduled News
Memorial Garden, Portlaoise, Co. Laois Map