THE FOLLY FESTIVAL 2024: The Folly Festival 2024 will take place on July 5th and 6th in the beautifully intimate venue, known as Nancy’s Yard, beneath the towering ruins of historic Cullohill Castle. Anticipation is already growing, following on from the huge success of the sellout Folly Festival in 2023, where acts such as Lyra, Lea Heart, Robert Grace and Chasing Abbey, along with the best up and coming talents on the Irish music scene, wowed the crowds over two glorious nights.
Early Bird weekend tickets are now on sale at For a limited time, these tickets are available with a massive 25% off.
All proceeds from the Folly Festival are used by the organisers Cullohill Community Council for Village renewal projects along with donations to local Schools, Clubs and Societies.
The concerts will be punctuated by Saturday’s Daytime Events, with the Family Trad Event in Nancys Castle. Led by the fantastic Dooley Brothers who take to the Castle Stage at 2pm along with a packed schedule of children’s entertainment, Artisan Food & Craft Fayre, vintage cars, a dog show, an art exhibition and so much more. Festival tickets are not required to take part in the daytime events, and everyone is welcome to attend!
RUAILE BUAILE IN CONCERT: Popular upbeat Irish band will play at The Castle Arms Hotel on Friday, May 3rd (This May Bank Holiday Weekend). Doors open at 9.30pm and gig commences at 10pm. For tickets, please visit: online. This is a fundraising event for The Durrow Community Hub.
DURROW SCARECROW FESTIVAL 2024: We’ve the last few trading spaces available for this year’s Durrow Scarecrow Festival. You will need your own insurance, gazebo and indemnity to us. Thanks to everyone who has booked so far, we’re updating to advise that we are now fully booked out for Sweets, Toys, Hot food, Jewellery, Candles, Soaps and Art. If you’ve craft or something different and would like to showcase what you have, then Durrow is the place to do so with a nationwide and international audience. You’re welcome to trade with us in Durrow! Please send us with photos of products you’d like to trade on by email.
CULLOHILL FORÓIGE CLUB: Cullohill Foróige Club will host a 5km Walk on Sunday the 28th of April 2024 at 11am. Registration will take place from 10.30am at Cullohill Church Car park. Adult – €10; Child – €5; Family – €20. Light refreshments to finish. We would love to see everyone there!
DURROW TIDY TOWNS: Durrow Sustainable Energies Committee (SEC), do you want to reduce your heating bills by improving your energy efficiency? Durrow SEC are looking for 10 homeowners to jointly invest in attic and cavity wall insulation. Often these are the most cost effective upgrades made to a house. By pooling houses together we hope to benefit from economies of scale, resulting in reduced costs for each homeowner, grants of up to €, are available. To participate or if you need further information, please email:-
Adopt an Area – is there an area in Durrow you’d like to adopt? After our Bronze Win in 2023 and our biggest ever points jump, we need help over the coming months as we aim for a Silver Medal for Durrow in the 2024 National Tidy Towns Competition. If the volunteer days don’t suit you, would you like to adopt an area to weed, sweep, water, clean and keep tidy this year? Let us know on 087 9626350 or message our facebook page. If you would like to be added to our volunteer WhatsApp group, please text Add me to TT volunteers on 086 3657833 – many thanks!
UNWANTED TEDDIES: We are grateful to be able to fundraise through the Scarecrow Festival for Tidy Towns projects and it seems early but if any of you or your children’s friends children are finished with Teddy Bears – can you please keep the festival for the prizes on your mind. Charity shops don’t take Teddies anymore and it would be great if anyone has any that they could put in the washing machine and dry over the coming months as the weather gets better. They are always a great and ‘old fashioned’ hit with visitors and a fantastic way to recycle into a circular economy whilst also helping with fundraising for Tidy Towns. Thanks everyone! You can message us directly on Facebook or contact 087 9626350 for any queries.
ADULT ART CLASSES: Evening Art Classes for all levels resume on Wednesday 24th April or Thursday 25th April in Durrow. Beginners welcome too. Materials provided. For enquiries, please contact Marie on (086) 3136028.
CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE – PROGRESSIVE 25 CARD GAME: Progressive 25 Card Game continues every Sunday night in Cullohill Community Centre at 8pm and all are most welcome. Winners on Sunday 7th April 2024 were: First – Sean and Anna Burke; Joint Second: Kevin Wolfe and John Mackey, Dick Brennan and Michael Kells, Frances Darcy, and Mary Kelly. The Raffle Winners on the night were: Vera Brennan and John Mooney.
BALLYOUSKILL 25s CARDS GAME – Ballyouskill 25s Cards continues in Ballyouskill Community Hall on the last Friday of the month at 8pm. Our next game is the Annual Charity game for the Missions on Friday 26th April at 8pm. Look forward to seeing you all.
WHIST DRIVE: The Killermogh Whist Drive is held in the Parochial Hall, Cork Road, Durrow. The Next Whist drive is on Thursday the 25th of April 2024 at 8pm. All are most welcome.
DURROW BRIDGE CLUB: Club meetings continue on Wednesdays at 7.30pm in the Castle Arms Hotel. All are most welcome.
BRIDGE LESSONS: There will be Bridge Lessons starting in Cullahill Community Centre on Thursday the 11th of April at 7.30pm for six weeks. If interested, please phone (086) 3582964.
NATIONAL LOTTERY GOOD CAUSES AWARDS: The National Lottery Good Causes Awards is now open for applications. The competition will culminate with a National Final awards ceremony which will take place on the 12th of October 2024 in Killashee House Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare. For more information and to enter, please go to online.
SET DANCING CLASSES: Set Dancing continues in The Wheel Inn Ballyouskill on Thursdays at 9pm – all are most welcome to join. Contact Paddy at (085) 8607256 or Francis at (085) 7157694 for more details. An enjoyable way to socialise while helping to keep fit.
DURROW AND DISTRICT PIPE BAND: We’re always looking for new members, so why not come along to a practice? Get in touch with our Facebook page if you’re interested in learning the pipes or drums, all levels catered for. See or search Facebook for “Durrow & District Pipe Band” to find us online.
LAOIS SPCA: Cat neutering scheme extended for April! Please neuter your cats, kittens can get pregnant from four months and males will start wandering now it’s mating season, meaning they are more likely to get lost, hit by a car or injured by another male. You have to microchip to avail of the scheme, it saves us so much work if a lost cat is microchipped. We have to find a foster space and put up posts on all the lost cat pages and then respond to all the queries, if your cat is microchipped your details are available once the vet scans the cat. Microchip! Cats are notorious for getting lost/travelling in vans/car engines and hanging out at your neighbours. Contact Erkina Vets on (050) 546449 today.
THIRD LAOIS DURROW SCOUTS – Our Beaver and Cub Scout sections are currently at capacity for leader Ratios. If you are considering volunteering, love the outdoors and learning new skills then please consider joining the scout group. Email with any questions or to put your name forward.
SPACES: Beaver (6-8 yrs) and Cubs (9-11yrs) have limited spaces available. Please email to register.
DOG WALKERS! A reminder to clean up after your dog. We have Mutt Mitt dispensers and instructions on how to clean up after your dog, throughout Durrow. Dog fouling is a serious health risk and children can easily not see it and bring indoors on bikes, shoes, buggies and it’s a particular hazard to wheelchair users. If you’d like to become a green dog walker we have information in the Post Office and Library regarding the initiative. Please be responsible and clean up after your pet!
DEFIBRILLATORS IN DURROW: We are lucky to have defibrillators in Durrow – one at the Gala Grocery Store and one at The Community Playground. It is vitally important that if you or anyone you know is unfortunate enough to need to use one, you must inform Susan in the Gala Grocery Store as soon as possible afterwards, as the pads need to be replaced – NOTE: They are single use! The defibrillator needs to be ready for the next person who may need to use it – that person could be you or a loved one! Thanks for your cooperation.
DURROW LIBRARY NEWS: All our Laois Library branches are open to the public for browsing, PC usage, printing, photocopying and studying, in addition to all the free events taking place throughout the month – see details below. You can browse the Laois Libraries online catalogue here: and if needed, borrowers can reset their library PIN in order to access the catalogue – contact your local library or email for assistance with this.
ONLINE BOOK CLUB – Laois Libraries Online Book Club reads one book a month chosen from the BorrowBox collection. Join us on the last Wednesday of each month when questions are posed for discussion on our Book Club Facebook page. You can join the group on: online. New members are always welcome.
OPEN HOURS – Durrow Library Opening hours are Tuesdays from 1.30pm to 7.30pm (closed for lunch from 5.30pm until 6pm) and Wednesdays from 10am to 5.30pm (closed for lunch from 1.30pm to 2pm). Phone: (057) 8736090 Email: for further information.
ADULT ART GROUP – An adult art group meets weekly every Tuesday at 2:30pm. Call or email the library for more details.
IRISH CIRCLE — The Irish Circle group meets in the library on Tuesdays at 6pm. Beidh fáilte róimh cupán tae agus cúpla focail Gaeilge a labhairt no a canadh.
LEGO FREE PLAY – Lego Free Play will be held in the library every Wednesday afternoon in March from 2pm to 4pm. Children are welcome with parent/guardian supervision.
ADULT BOOK CLUB – The next meeting will be held on Tuesday the 30th of April at 6.10pm. New members welcome – call or email the library for more details.
DURROW COMMUNITY SATURDAY MARKET: Durrow Community Market continues on Saturdays from 9am to 12 noon on the Kilkenny Road beside the Church.
LIVE LOCAL WEATHER: Visit for live local weather data from Durrow.
DURROW FIRE AND RESCUE: Do you need a smoke alarm? Or do you know of someone who does, in the Durrow, Cullohill or Ballacolla area? Every home should have a minimum of two of the life saving devices! Durrow Fire & Rescue will provide and install smoke alarms for anyone that needs them, and there is no charge for this service. Simply email if you are interested, or if you know of a friend or neighbour that needs to have the devices installed. Please leave a contact number too.
DURROW FIRE AND RESCUE: Members of Durrow Fire Brigade are available to give fire safety talk to any interested adult groups or organisations, in the Durrow, Cullohill and Ballacolla areas. If interested please contact Station Officer David Donohue.
HEDGE-CUTTING BAN: Under the Wildlife Act, it is against the law to cut, burn or otherwise destroy vegetation including hedges between 1st March and 31st August, with few exemptions. The reason for the hedge-cutting ban is to stop disturbance and destruction of nesting sites
of many wild bird species. Learn more at online.
DURROW POST OFFICE: We here at Durrow Post Office do both AIB and Bank of Ireland Lodgements and withdrawals. We provide a quick and professional service for all your personal and business banking. We are here to help you and make banking easier.
AIB CUSTOMERS – You can do * Cash lodgements with bank debit card or lodgement slips; * Cash withdrawals with bank debit card; * Cheque lodgements with a personalised lodgement slip.
BANK OF IRELAND CUSTOMERS – You can do * Cash lodgements with bank debit card or lodgement slips; * Cash withdrawals with bank debit card; * Cheque lodgements with a personalised lodgement slip.
CHURCH NEWS: Parish Office – Regular opening hours have now resumed and are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10.00am to 2.00pm. We have signed Mass cards, Baptismal candles, Communion gifts and more available to purchase. All Mass intentions, baptisms and weddings must be booked through the office on (085) 2625033, by email at or in person. No Private advertising in the weekly Mass Newsletter.
Mass Hours – Saturday Evening – 6pm Vigil Mass in Rathdowney; 7.30pm Vigil Mass in Cullohill and 7.30pm Vigil Mass in Durrow (This Mass in Durrow only celebrated when Canon O’Doherty is available to celebrate it); Sunday Morning – 10am Mass in Errill; 11.15am Mass in Durrow.
Baptisms in Rathdowney and Durrow – Following the changes to our Mass schedule, baptisms can be booked for Saturdays at 4.30pm in either Parish and Sundays at 12 Noon in Durrow and Cullohill or 12.15 in Rathdowney and Errill.
Adoration – There will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Cullohill Church every Thursday morning from 9am until 9.30am and in Durrow directly after 8.50am Mass (finishes at 11.30 am) on Mondays, also on Fridays from 7pm until 8pm.
Pastoral Council Members – The members of the Pastoral Council are: Martin Lawlor; Mary Lawlor; James Walsh; Carmel Ruane; Mary Ryan; Vicky Murphy; Margaret Murphy; Seamus Clancy; Sr. Anita O’Leary and Fr. Martin Delaney.
Grásta – Preparing for Marriage? Weekend residential courses available from April 26th to 28th and September 20th to 22nd 2024. For more details visit or contact by email.
Foundations in Youth Ministry – The most powerful ministry to young people is from young people themselves. This digital course on the ASPAL platform provides a chance for those who are in youth ministry, or would hope to be, to deepen your calling and to reflect on key principals that will help guide your important work. Register at online.
NUMBER FOR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL – LAST UPDATED JULY 2023: Please note that our confidential contact helpline number for the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Durrow, is (083) 4056021.
VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED: For conversational English! No experience necessary. All are welcome. Location & Times: Rathdowney on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays (TBD) from 10am till 12pm. Contact Olena on (087) 9131236 for more information.
THE HARPS GAA CLUB NEWS – SPLIT THE BUCKET – Participate in the exciting weekly chance to win instant cash with ‘Split the Bucket.’ You can join in two ways: contact Richie (087) 9294742, Tom (087) 6159226 or Shane (087) 2034035 to establish a monthly standing order. Investing €8 monthly grants one entry per week, while €20 monthly provides three entries weekly, saving you €72 annually. Alternatively, play for €2 a ticket, at local businesses hosting our buckets. Best of luck to all participants, and thank you for your continued support to the Harps GAA Club!
NEW GDO: The Harps along with support from Laois GAA have successfully acquired a G.D.O. (Games Development Officer) for the coming year. This will enable us to teach kids the skills of the game in both Parish schools as well as club based programs.
APPEAL – We are looking for old hurls and old helmets which can be dropped off at the Clubhouse at any time.The condition of the hurls/helmets is not important as we will try to refurbish them and put them to good use for our young and upcoming Hurling and Camogie players.
JUVENILE CLUB: The Harps Juvenile Draw – This year marks the 40th anniversary of our club. To mark the occasion the Juvenile club will be having their draw on the May Bank Holiday Weekend instead of our normal Easter Draw. As always some great prizes are on offer in the raffle. Any juvenile member who sells a card will get a free retro jersey which is based on our first jersey when the club was formed. We appeal to everyone to support the juveniles and best of luck in the draw.
UNDER 7s TRAINING: Harps Under 7s training continues on Fridays from 6pm to 7pm at the Ball Wall in the Durrow Grounds. This training is open to all Junior and Senior Infants boys.
CONGRATULATIONS: Well done to JP Deegan who won €500 in this month’s County Board GAA Draw.
THE HARPS CAMOGIE CLUB: Our Adult Junior and Intermediate teams are back training and looking to build on the success of last year. All players young, old and new are more than welcome to join us. We are training on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in Cullohill pitch. If you want more details about joining contact The Harps Camogie Club’s Facebook page.
THANK YOU! A big thank you to Aylward Heavy Haulage for their continued generosity to The Harps Camogie Club. As our main sponsors they have provided unwavering support and sponsorship towards the running of the club for many years having most recently sponsored four new sets of jerseys for both juvenile and adult players, which are greatly appreciated!
Follow all the latest news from the club at online.
CULLOHILL HANDBALL CLUB: Congratulations and well done to Kevin Brennan from Clough-Ballacolla Handball Club on winning the GMBS All Ireland Semi Final with a 21-8, 21-14 victory over Vincent Mulvey (Cavan). Kevin will now play in the All Ireland Final next weekend in the New Handball Centre, Croke Park!
GET IN TOUCH! You can contact the club on by email.
THE LIONS AFC CLUB: FOR HIRE – Astro Pitch Hire, suitable for 7-a-side soccer social groups, casual bookings and team activities. For all enquiries or to make a booking please contact or call (085) 7088511.
DURROW AND CULLOHILL DISTRICT ANGLERS: JOIN US – The club is always looking for more Juvenile and Senior members to join up. Why not consider it – a great way to get outside to a new hobby! All fishing membership cards can be bought in The Gala Shop Durrow, Lawlors Flower Shop Durrow, and in Fran’s Fishing Shop Mountrath. All day tickets and full membership cards are available. There are court appointed water keepers overseeing the club’s waters and you could be asked for membership. Please ensure all membership and tickets are valid and please adhere to club rules listed on the membership cards. Happy Fishing!
NOTICE: Granstown Lake is closed to fishing due to the ongoing bad weather. Sorry for any inconvenience. It will be closed until further notice. We update everyone when it’s open again after inspection.
LAOIS KAYAK AND CANOE CLUB: Follow us on Facebook:
TRIDENT FITNESS CLUB – KETTLEBELL SPORTS AND FITNESS CLASSES: Learn to use kettlebells safely and effectively from one of Ireland’s top ranked and most experienced professional kettlebell sports and fitness instructors with over 10 years of experience in kettlebell sport and fitness. Included in the classes are bodyweight exercises as well as posture correction and strengthening techniques. Together with proper kettlebell instruction you can learn to prevent and remedy a wide range of joint and mobility issues and injuries. Class schedule: Tuesday 6.30pm; Thursday 6.30pm; Saturday 11am. Venue: Durrow Community Hall CYMS. Call David or email for further information. Also available for personal training. Tel: (087) 3833258 or email: or for more information.