Category «Newsletter»

May 7th 2023

The Annual Darkness Into Light Walk took place on May 6th 2023. Participants are pictured assembled at The Lions AFC grounds where some music is being played to entertain them.

DURROW SCARECROW FESTIVAL 2023: Scarecrow Making: Would you like to get involved? Please join us on Mondays and Tuesdays from 7.30pm until 9pm and help us prepare for this year’s festival in the ICA hall, Patrick Street. If you’ve not made a scarecrow before, do come along, everyone has a skill or idea and we …

April 30th 2023

Bluebells and wild garlic carpet the floor of Clonageera Woodlands.

OUR LADYS MEADOW PRIMARY SCHOOL: We the parents council are looking for photos and funny stories from the public over the last 40 years to celebrate this anniversary, we are hoping to make a calendar or booklet for the 40th anniversary. If anyone has any of the above could they please contact by email. …

April 23rd 2023

Sunset over Dereen on April 19th 2023

DURROW AND DISTRICT PIPE BAND: We had a very busy St. Patrick’s day this year. The band performed at Graiguenamanagh and Durrow Parades. We’re always looking for new members, so why not come along to a practice? Get in touch with our Facebook page if you’re interested in learning the pipes or drums, all levels …

April 16th 2023

A park bench freshly painted on the small green area that borders Mary Street and Chapel Street in Durrow.

SEAN KEANE TOUR 2023 IN AID OF DEBRA IRELAND – Legendary musician Sean Keane will play concert in aid of Debra Ireland at The Wheel Inn, Ballyouskill on Friday May 5th 2023. Tickets costing €30 available by contacting (085) 7157694. ROSE OF TRALEE 2023: Congratulations to Sinead Dowd, Delahuntys, Cullohill, County Laois on being selected …

April 9th 2023

Derry Lane Walk is pictured - a narrow walkway between two hedgerows that link the Derry Rd with Clonageera Woodlands.

TIDY TOWNS: Our WOW, Work on Wednesday, evenings will be starting back this April, if you can give an hour on a Wednesday evening to plant, weed, sweep or litter pick on a Wednesday or any evening or weekend to suit yourself and to help keep Durrow Looking beautiful, please get in contact on our …