Early February Notices
SENIOR CITIZENS PARTY: This year’s party will be held on Saturday March 1st in The Castle Arms Hotel from 2pm to 6pm. Invitations will be issued during the coming weeks. Anyone who wishes to attend and does not receive an invitation should contact (086) 3055157 or (086) 0868017.
CULLOHILL ICA: The February meeting of Cullohill ICA was held in the Community Centre last week. Votes of sympathy were extended to families from the area that had recent bereavements. The family of Maura McCabe (nee Duggan), Jack Doran, Charlotte Walsh, Jack Phelan and Bridie Hennessey. Go nDeana Dia trocaire oraibh go leir. The minutes of last meeting were read and news from the Federation was discussed. The guild will be represented with a team at the Table Quiz in Spink on February 26. The Laois week at An Grianan is from 10th to 14th of June for members and non-members. To book your place contact 0578622176 or any member of the guild. Mary Bergin won the raffle and next meeting will be on Tuesday March 4th.
CHURCH NOTES: Readers for February: Saturday Nights: February 15th: Ann Marie Lalor; February 22nd and March 1st: Catherine Freeman; Sunday Mornings: February 16th: Michael Conroy; February 23rd and March 2nd: Fergal Hasset. Church Cleaning Rota for February: Daisy Dollard, Kay Mahony, Mary Dollard and Babe Duggan. Rota for opening Toilets: Jimmy Joyce.
PEACE IN CHRIST: The Durrow parish church gate collection for Peace-in-Christ Retreat House, Kilkenny will be held on Saturday February 22nd and Sunday February 23rd at all masses in both Durrow and Cullohill. Your support for this collection would be greatly appreciated.
SYMPATHY: Sympathy is extended to the Kelly Family, Ballyouskill and St Fintans Tce, Durrow on their recent bereavement.
Sympathy is extended to Brendan Foley, Carrigan St, Durrow on their recent bereavement.
Sympathy is extended to the Moylan and Doheny family, Grennan, Attanagh and Moylan family, Barnhill, Durrow on their recent bereavements.
UMBRA CLOTHING COLLECTIONS: A clothing collection in aid of Fr Nicholas Ngulutu, St. Joseph’s, Kavisuni, Diocese of Kitui, Kenya. Items needed include all types of clean, dry, ladies, gents and childrens clothing, bed linen, curtains, towels, bags, belts and paired shoes. The collection will take place on Friday, 14th February before midday at the Holy Trinity R.C. Church Car Park. This collection is fully licenced by the relevant authorities and all contributions will help to raise much needed funds for the apostalate of Fr. Nicholas Ngulutu in the parish of St. Joseph’s in Kavisuni, Kitui in Kenya. The clothes are commercially collected. Please support.
CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations to Pat and Sandra Dunne, Newtown, Durrow on the birth of a daughter, Faye.
WHIST DRIVE: The January whist drive of the Killermogh Parishes was held recently in the Parochial Hall, Cork Rd, Durrow. The top score was achieved by Elizabeth Cooper and Margaret Slevin. First Lady was Josie McCartney, Second Lady was Sadie Chester. First Gent was Michael O’Sullivan, Second Gent was Damien Carter. Halves were Tom Lalor and Louise Kavanagh. Juvenile was Andrew Bailey. Low Score was Bridie Kavanagh. Quarters was PJ Cahill, Bridie Metcalf, Katie Bennett, Pat Delaney, Lorna Allen and Jimmy Ryan. The raffle winners were; PJ Cahill, Bridie Metaclf, Louise Kavanagh, Mai Conroy, Katie Bennett and Una Cahill. The next whist drive will be held on Thursday February 27th at 8.30pm.
PROGRESSIVE 25S: There were six tables at a recent Progressive Cards game in Ballyouskill Hall. The winners were: Gerry Kelly and Sean Shea (13 games); Patsy Holohan and Johnny Kelly (11 games).
DURROW COMMUNITY CENTRE – Halls for Hire: Available for Chrildrens Parties, Sports Activities etc… also – meeting room available for committee meetings etc… (086) 3055157.
ART CLASSES: Art Classes are resuming shortly and anyone interested in doing the Art Class please contact Bob’s Bar on(087) 6165484 or (086) 8263368.
OUR LADY’S MEADOW PRIMARY SCHOOL: Enrollment will take place for Our Lady’s Meadow Primary School, starting February 3rd to February 28th. Enrollment forms can be picked up from the School Office between 9am and 3pm.
CULLOHILL SCHOOL: Scoil Tighearnach Naofa, Cullohill is now taking the names of pupils who wish to enrol in the school for September 2014. Telephone the office with details on (057) 8737281 from 9:30am to 1:30pm during school term.
CULLOHILL ST VINCENT de PAUL: If you know of anyone whom you feel needs help please contact any member of the committee and it will be handled discreetly. The contact numbers are (086) 6090378 or (087) 1310650.
DURROW FADO WRITERS GROUP: People with a genuine interest in creative writing required to join the above group, initially to assist in writing a drama based on a specific episode in the history of Durrow, and subsequently to compile local data of a social and historical nature for future publications. Workshops are expected to commence in early February. No previous writing experience, or indeed in-depth knowledge of local history is required. If you are interested, email durrowfado@gmail.com please or call Hugh on (086) 8694691 for more information.
DEFIBRULLATOR KEY HOLDERS: For your Information: The following people have training in the use of the Defibrillator which is situated beside the Copper Kettle and those people can be called in an emergency. They are: Seosamh Murphy, Ger Alley, Evelyn Clancy, Mary Monahan, Susan Lawlor, Helena Dunphy, Gay Lawlor, Johnny Campion, Mary Lawlor, Justin Brophy and Noel Keenan. We are in process of having it open for use on a permanent basis. A number of key holders have done refresher courses on the use of Defibrillator and it has been used very successfully recently.
SESSION IN d’HOUSE: “Session in d’House” your weekly Trad event that is now held in Heritage House Abbeyleix. New players and musicians are always welcome. In fact they are positively encouraged! The music is getting better with some top quality performances to date form all who have taken part. Let’s make it your session where you enjoy your music.
CULLOHILL SCHOOL REUNION: For all who attended both old Schools a reunion will be held on 20th and 21st September. On Saturday 20th September from 10am to 1pm there will be Golf at Rathdowney Golf Course, Evening Mass at 6pm with a Meal in the Community Centre at 8pm. On Sunday 21st September at 12pm there will be a walk up Cullohill Mountain followed by refreshments in the Community Centre. Photographs are urgently required for the commemorative School Book. If you have any school, class or family photographs that the Committee could borrow (they will be returned to the owners) it would be much appreciated and will enable the committee to compile the book.
GET IRELAND WALKING: Get Ireland Walking is encouraging all walking groups to register. It doesn’t matter how formal or informal the group is, once you are walking on a regular basis and have walks that are accessible to beginners we would encourage you to join the “Get Ireland Walking” network and help us build a vibrant culture of walking in Ireland. Registering will give your group free insurance cover for your volunteer walk leaders and group coordinators. For further information, please visit the www.getirelandwalking.ie website online.
NEXT NEWSLETTER: February 23rd. All notes to be in by Wednesday, February 19th at 10pm to info@durrow.ie – Please note the change of time for inclusion.