May 6th 2024

A view of two classic Volkswagen camper vans outside Bowe's Café in Durrow.SECONDARY SCHOOL JOHNSTOWN – VIABILITY SURVEY: We are currently carrying out a survey to establish the level of demand for students attending Colaiste Mhuire, Johnstown who would use the Local Link 828 bus if Transport For Ireland (TFI) were to consider making two minor changes to the current timetable. Currently the first 828 morning bus departs Portlaoise at 8.05am passing Durrow at 8.45am, Cullohill at 8.55am and Johnstown at 9.05am which is too late for the start of school. We are campaigning to ask TFI to change this so the first 828 morning bus departs Portlaoise at 7.40am passing Durrow at 8.20am, Cullohill 8.30am and Johnstown at 8.40am which would allow students to arrive in time for their school day. The bus as it currently operates carries virtually no passengers and we feel that this minor change would be of huge benefits to parents, students and the environment by increasing passenger numbers.
In addition we are also campaigning to ask TFI to consider changing the starting point of the 4.30pm Durrow to Portlaoise service to Johnstown, starting at 4.10pm there and passing Cullohill at 4.20pm and Durrow at 4.30pm. This would not impact on the current service but would give students the option of getting home from school in a timely manner. If they were to use a TFI service currently to get home from Johnstown to Durrow they would have to wait until another bus leaves Johnstown for Cullohill and Durrow at 5.40pm (some 1hr 50 mins after school finishes!).
We are asking parents (only) to sign a survey which will give us vital information to present to TFI in the hope that they will make the above two minor changes to their schedule and thus accommodate students – which we anticipate there will be strong demand for.
Our target is to complete this survey by early-to-mid May 2024 with the hope that TFI will seriously consider changes during the summer in time for the September 2024 school year. Therefore if you have students who will be attending Colaiste Mhuire in September 2024 we appeal for you to complete our survey. For further information and to arrange to fill this short survey, please text or WhatsApp (087) 4103520 and we will be in touch to arrange a time and place convenient to fill it.
The data we are looking for is: Parent’s Name and Signature, Amount of Students you have Travelling, Are you travelling by Car, Are you travelling by Private Bus, Would you use the 828 bus if TFI made the changes. It would only take a minute to fill this out, so please do get in touch and hopefully we can effect the change that would be of huge benefits to parents, students and the environment by increasing passenger numbers on this under-used service. Many thanks, your support is gratefully appreciated.

CULLOHILL FORÓIGE CLUB: Congratulations to all the Foróige Children on their very first fundraiser held last Sunday April 26th. We had a great morning and it was a very enjoyable event! Well done to all involved and many thanks to all the volunteers.

THE FOLLY FESTIVAL 2024: The Folly Festival 2024 will take place on July 5th and 6th in the beautifully intimate venue, known as Nancy’s Yard, beneath the towering ruins of historic Cullohill Castle. Anticipation is already growing, following on from the huge success of the sellout Folly Festival in 2023, where acts such as Lyra, Lea Heart, Robert Grace and Chasing Abbey, along with the best up and coming talents on the Irish music scene, wowed the crowds over two glorious nights.
REMINDER – EARLY BIRD TICKETS OFFER ENDING SOON: Early Bird weekend tickets are on sale at for a limited time more, these tickets are available with a massive 25% off. Tickets can also be purchased on Sunday mornings in Cullohill Community Centre from 10am to 1pm for €60 each.
All proceeds from the Folly Festival are used by the organisers Cullohill Community Council for Village renewal projects along with donations to local Schools, Clubs and Societies.
The concerts will be punctuated by Saturday’s Daytime Events, with the Family Trad Event in Nancy’s Castle. Led by the fantastic Dooley Brothers who take to the Castle Stage at 2pm along with a packed schedule of  children’s entertainment, Artisan Food & Craft Fayre, vintage cars, a dog show, an art exhibition and so much more. Festival tickets are not required to take part in the daytime events, and everyone is welcome to attend!
LINE-UP FOR 2024: Headlining the Folly Festival on Friday night is Darren Kiely, the Irish singer-songwriter who has accumulated three million global streams and has sold-out headline shows at Rockwood Music Hall and Mercury Lounge in NYC, while The Scratch – currently one the most talked about bands in the country signed to Sony Music and garnering a huge fan base as they tour the US and Canada – will headline Saturday.
Róisín O a firm favourite on the festival circuit, has most recently toured Ireland, the UK and Australia in the wake of her chart-topping album Courageous, and Dea Matrona, an all-female trio from Belfast who have amassed over 5.7 million views on YouTube and secured a number one on both the UK and Ireland iTunes chart will also join the lineup of Oscar Blue, Jessica Doolan, Saibh Skelly, Paddy Keys, Dooley Brothers, Cullohill Comhaltas, Garda Band and many, many more over the festival weekend.
VENDORS: The Folly Festival at Cullohill would like to open for expressions of interest for vendors at the Saturday Artisan Foods and Craft Market on the Rocks at The Folly Festival on July 6th. Please send details along with confirmation of insurance to and we will send details by return mail.

DURROW SCARECROW FESTIVAL 2024: We’ve the last few trading spaces available for this year’s Durrow Scarecrow Festival. You will need your own insurance, gazebo and indemnity to us. Thanks to everyone who has booked so far, we’re updating to advise that we are now fully booked out for Sweets, Toys, Hot food, Jewellery, Candles, Soaps and Art. If you’ve craft or something different and would like to showcase what you have, then Durrow is the place to do so with a nationwide and international audience. You’re welcome to trade with us in Durrow! Please send us with photos of products you’d like to trade on by email.

CAMPAIGN FOR PEDESTRIAN CROSSING IN CULLOHILL: Please support our online campaign by visiting: and signing our petition. Many thanks for your support.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: Are you interested in starting your own outdoor nature-based childcare business but haven’t been able to because of the high costs associated with purchasing land or overwhelming rent prices? We have a beautiful spot with indoor and outdoor space, situated close to Durrow, Co Laois, beside the forest. We would like to offer this space to the right person to run a mostly outdoor childcare facility. More and more outdoor childcare options are popping up all around the country. Outdoor, nature based ECCE or Forest School is not yet available in our area and we have a real shortage of childcare/after school facilities. We would be willing to offer our space to someone who is qualified to run a project like this. We would like to hear from you if you have: • A keen interest in self-directed, play-based education;
• A genuine love for the outdoors and nature-based activities; • Are qualified to run your own childcare business. Please get in touch if you are interested in exploring this opportunity further by calling (087) 9265423.

DARKNESS INTO LIGHT 2024: The Harps GAA Club and The Harps Camogie are taking part in Darkness Into Light 2024 on Saturday, 11th May, to raise vital funds for Pieta and people affected by suicide and self-harm. Around 85% of Pieta’s funding comes from fundraising events like Darkness Into Light, which is proudly supported by Electric Ireland. You can help keep Pieta’s essential services FREE and available to anyone who needs them by donating now to help us reach our fundraising goal. Please support us on May 11th.

CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS: CRECHE – the local creche is to close soon with outline plans currently being discussed to provide childcare services through the community centre. Further developments expected over the coming weeks.
CIRCUIT CLASSES – running in The Centre every Tuesday and Thursday at 8.00pm with instructor Richie Saunders. Further details from any committee member.

CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE – PROGRESSIVE 25 CARD GAME: Progressive 25 Card Game continues every Sunday night in Cullohill Community Centre at 8pm and all are most welcome. Winners on Sunday 28th April 2024 were: First – Seamus Brennan and Martin Mahony; Joint Second: John and Kitty Farrell, Frances Darcy and Mary Kelly. The Raffle Winners on the night were: Anthony Phelan and Kitty Farrell.
SYMPATHY: A minutes silence was observed and sympathy expressed to the family of Alice Fitzpatrick, who was a friend to us all at the Sunday night Game and her untimely passing on the 23rd of April was a shock to everyone. Alice is sadly missed by her children Kieran, Michelle, and Kevin, her grandchildren Freda, Oliver, William and Albert, her brothers and sisters Michael, Gerard, Mary, Sean, Patricia, and Philip, her nephews and nieces, her uncle Fr William Kinane, extended family and a wide circle of friends. Requiem Mass took place in Cullohill Church on Thursday 25th April last followed by burial in Alice’s native Rossmore, Co Tipperary. May Alice Rest in Peace.

DURROW TIDY TOWNS: Adopt an Area – is there an area in Durrow you’d like to adopt? After our Bronze Win in 2023 and our biggest ever points jump, we need help over the coming months as we aim for a Silver Medal for Durrow in the 2024 National Tidy Towns Competition. If the volunteer days don’t suit you, would you like to adopt an area to weed, sweep, water, clean and keep tidy this year? Let us know on 087 9626350 or message our facebook page. If you would like to be added to our volunteer WhatsApp group, please text Add me to TT volunteers on 086 3657833 – many thanks!
GRASS CUTTING ON THE GREENS: Why are the greens not cut? Because they are early feeding for our pollinators! No pollinators = no food. A Community survey was taken last year between May and September online and in the post office and local shops, unfortunately despite our previous information campaigns, the majority of people didn’t know what was going on and in particular on the green areas, even though they are like this for the past number of years. This year a decision was made to cut a strip on the edge of the green to visually show that yes, it’s intentional! The greens are left to grow to facilitate pollinators from February to April. We also planted over 2,000 crocuses in the green areas in November 2023 to further save our pollinators.

DURROW COMMUNITY SERVICES: Durrow Community Services currently have the following vacancies: 5 positions as an Environmental Worker in Durrow; 1 position as Groundskeeper in Durrow; 1 position as an Environmental Worker in Cullohill; 1 position as Catering Assistant in Durrow; 1 position as an Environmental Worker in Ballacolla. As per the Department of Social Protection requirements, the positions are 19.5 hours per week and must be on a Social Welfare payment for a minimum of 12 months to apply. Please contact Astrid Andersson on 057 8736870 or for further information.

BALLYOUSKILL 25s CARDS GAME – Ballyouskill 25s Cards continues in Ballyouskill Community Hall on the last Friday of the month at 8pm. Our next game is May 31st.

WHIST DRIVE: The Killermogh Whist Drive is held in the Parochial Hall, Cork Road, Durrow. The Next Whist drive is on Thursday the 23rd of May 2024 at 8pm. All are most welcome.

DURROW BRIDGE CLUB: Club meetings continue on Wednesdays at 7.30pm in the Castle Arms Hotel. All are most welcome.

SET DANCING CLASSES: Set Dancing continues in The Wheel Inn Ballyouskill on Thursdays at 9pm – all are most welcome to join. Contact Paddy at (085) 8607256 or Francis at (085) 7157694 for more details. An enjoyable way to socialise while helping to keep fit.

DURROW AND DISTRICT PIPE BAND: We’re always looking for new members, so why not come along to a practice? Get in touch with our Facebook page if you’re interested in learning the pipes or drums, all levels catered for. See or search Facebook for “Durrow & District Pipe Band” to find us online.

DOG WALKERS! A reminder to clean up after your dog. We have Mutt Mitt dispensers and instructions on how to clean up after your dog, throughout Durrow. Dog fouling is a serious health risk and children can easily not see it and bring indoors on bikes, shoes, buggies and it’s a particular hazard to wheelchair users. If you’d like to become a green dog walker we have information in the Post Office and Library regarding the initiative. Please be responsible and clean up after your pet!

DURROW LIBRARY NEWS: All our Laois Library branches are open to the public for browsing, PC usage, printing, photocopying and studying, in addition to all the free events taking place throughout the month – see details below. You can browse the Laois Libraries online catalogue here: and if needed, borrowers can reset their library PIN in order to access the catalogue – contact your local library or email for assistance with this.
ONLINE BOOK CLUB – Laois Libraries Online Book Club reads one book a month chosen from the BorrowBox collection. Join us on the last Wednesday of each month when questions are posed for discussion on our Book Club Facebook page. You can join the group on: online. New members are always welcome.
OPEN HOURS – Durrow Library Opening hours are Tuesdays from 1.30pm to 7.30pm (closed for lunch from 5.30pm until 6pm) and Wednesdays from 10am to 5.30pm (closed for lunch from 1.30pm to 2pm). Phone: (057) 8736090 Email: for further information.
ADULT ART GROUP – An adult art group meets weekly every Tuesday at 2:30pm. Call or email the library for more details.
IRISH CIRCLE — The Irish Circle group meets in the library on Tuesdays at 6pm. Beidh fáilte róimh cupán tae agus cúpla focail Gaeilge a labhairt no a canadh.
ADULT BOOK CLUB – The next meeting will be held on Tuesday the 28th of May at 6.10pm. New members welcome – call or email the library for more details.

DURROW COMMUNITY SATURDAY MARKET: Durrow Community Market continues on Saturdays from 9am to 12 noon on the Kilkenny Road beside the Church.

LIVE LOCAL WEATHER: Visit for live local weather data from Durrow.

DURROW FIRE AND RESCUE: Do you need a smoke alarm? Or do you know of someone who does, in the Durrow, Cullohill or Ballacolla area? Every home should have a minimum of two of the life saving devices! Durrow Fire & Rescue will provide and install smoke alarms for anyone that needs them, and there is no charge for this service. Simply email if you are interested, or if you know of a friend or neighbour that needs to have the devices installed. Please leave a contact number too.
DURROW FIRE AND RESCUE: Members of Durrow Fire Brigade are available to give fire safety talk to any interested adult groups or organisations, in the Durrow, Cullohill and Ballacolla areas. If interested please contact Station Officer David Donohue.

HEDGE-CUTTING BAN: Under the Wildlife Act, it is against the law to cut, burn or otherwise destroy vegetation including hedges between 1st March and 31st August, with few exemptions. The reason for the hedge-cutting ban is to stop disturbance and destruction of nesting sites
of many wild bird species. Learn more at online.

DURROW POST OFFICE: We here at Durrow Post Office do both AIB and Bank of Ireland Lodgements and withdrawals. We provide a quick and professional service for all your personal and business banking. We are here to help you and make banking easier.
AIB CUSTOMERS – You can do * Cash lodgements with bank debit card or lodgement slips; * Cash withdrawals with bank debit card; * Cheque lodgements with a personalised lodgement slip.
BANK OF IRELAND CUSTOMERS – You can do * Cash lodgements with bank debit card or lodgement slips; * Cash withdrawals with bank debit card; * Cheque lodgements with a personalised lodgement slip.

CHURCH NEWS: Parish Office – Regular opening hours have now resumed and are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10.00am to 2.00pm. We have signed Mass cards, Baptismal candles, Communion gifts and more available to purchase. All Mass intentions, baptisms and weddings must be booked through the office on (085) 2625033, by email at or in person. No Private advertising in the weekly Mass Newsletter.

Mass Hours – Saturday Evening – 6pm Vigil Mass in Rathdowney; 7.30pm Vigil Mass in Cullohill and 7.30pm Vigil Mass in Durrow (This Mass in Durrow only celebrated when Canon O’Doherty is available to celebrate it); Sunday Morning – 10am Mass in Errill; 11.15am Mass in Durrow.

Baptisms in Rathdowney and Durrow – Following the changes to our Mass schedule, baptisms can be booked for Saturdays at 4.30pm in either Parish and Sundays at 12 Noon in Durrow and Cullohill or 12.15 in Rathdowney and Errill.

Adoration – There will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Cullohill Church every Thursday morning from 9am until 9.30am and in Durrow directly after 8.50am Mass (finishes at 11.30 am) on Mondays, also on Fridays from 7pm until 8pm.

Pastoral Council Members – The members of the Pastoral Council are: Martin Lawlor; Mary Lawlor; James Walsh; Carmel Ruane; Mary Ryan; Vicky Murphy; Margaret Murphy; Seamus Clancy; Sr. Anita O’Leary and Fr. Martin Delaney.

Grásta – Preparing for Marriage? Weekend residential courses available September 20th to 22nd 2024. For more details visit or contact by email.

NUMBER FOR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL – LAST UPDATED JULY 2023: Please note that our confidential contact helpline number for the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Durrow, is (083) 4056021.

VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED: For conversational English! No experience necessary. All are welcome. Location & Times: Rathdowney on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays (TBD) from 10am till 12pm. Contact Olena on (087) 9131236 for more information.

THE HARPS GAA CLUB NEWS – SPLIT THE BUCKET – Participate in the exciting weekly chance to win instant cash with ‘Split the Bucket.’ You can join in two ways: contact Richie (087) 9294742, Tom (087) 6159226 or Shane (087) 2034035 to establish a monthly standing order. Investing €8 monthly grants one entry per week, while €20 monthly provides three entries weekly, saving you €72 annually. Alternatively, play for €2 a ticket, at local businesses hosting our buckets. Best of luck to all participants, and thank you for your continued support to the Harps GAA Club!
UNDER 7s TRAINING: Harps Under 7s training continues on Fridays from 6pm to 7pm at the Ball Wall in the Durrow Grounds. This training is open to all Junior and Senior Infants boys.

THE HARPS CAMOGIE CLUB: Our Adult Junior and Intermediate teams are back training and looking to build on the success of last year. All players young, old and new are more than welcome to join us. We are training on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in Cullohill pitch. If you want more details about joining contact The Harps Camogie Club’s Facebook page.
JUVENILE TRAINING: U6, U8 and U10 training is back on Thursdays at the Juvenile Pitch in Durrow at 6:30pm – all are most welcome.
TRAINING: U12 and U14 training continues on Thursdays at 6:30pm at the ball wall in Durrow. All new members are welcome to come along and give it a go.
WELL DONE: Congratulations to our Intermediates who last Sunday April 26th beat Camross 2-12 to 2-10. Well done girls!

CULLOHILL HANDBALL CLUB – GET IN TOUCH! You can contact the club on by email.

THE LIONS AFC CLUB: FOR HIRE – Astro Pitch Hire, suitable for 7-a-side soccer social groups, casual bookings and team activities. For all enquiries or to make a booking please contact or call (085) 7088511.
CLARE CUP: Well done to our U14s Alex, Danny, Rian and Fionn who represented Kilkenny in the Clare Cup last Sunday, April 26th. Kilkenny played two games v South Tipp and the Midlands and won both on a 3 – 2 scoreline. Great preparation for the lads for the Kennedy Cup which is only six weeks away. Keep up the great work lads!
U10s: Boys Semi-Final – Clover Utd 5 V 4 Lions Blue. Scorers: Ollie Fadian, Jack Bergin, and Cian Sheppard X2. Our brilliant U10 boys cup team fought bravely in Rathdowney but lost out by the odd goal in a nine goal thriller. The lads gave up three early goals but showed great character to come roaring back in the second half. Hard luck lads.
U15s: Boys Inter League Shield Semi Final: Clare 1 V 3 Kilkenny. A big shout out to Sean Dempsey who was among the goals as Kilkenny qualified for the shield final. Well done to Sean and his team mates.
U10s: Boys shield semi final: Lions White 4 V 1 Evergreen City. Scorers: Eoghan Jackman, Joe Phelan, and Tom Griffin X2. Our U10 boys shield time have a final to look forward to as they overcame a strong Evergreen team in Durrow on Saturday afternoon, April 25th. Well done boys, and best of luck in the final.
U12 Girls Cup: Lions 0 V 1 Evergreen White. Heartbreak for our U12 girls in the cup as they lost by a solitary goal to a very good Evergreen team. The girls have been magnificent all season but lady luck deserted them today. Keep up the good work ladies.
U11 Girls Cup: Our U11 girls qualified for the Cup quarter final with a brilliant performance against a good Callan team last week. There was smiles all round after a fantastic display of passing, skills, goals and saves. Well done Girls!

DURROW AND CULLOHILL DISTRICT ANGLERS: JOIN US – The club is always looking for more Juvenile and Senior members to join up. Why not consider it – a great way to get outside to a new hobby! All fishing membership cards can be bought in The Gala Shop Durrow, Lawlors Flower Shop Durrow, and in Fran’s Fishing Shop Mountrath. All day tickets and full membership cards are available. There are court appointed water keepers overseeing the club’s waters and you could be asked for membership. Please ensure all membership and tickets are valid and please adhere to club rules listed on the membership cards. Happy Fishing!

LAOIS KAYAK AND CANOE CLUB: You can contact us on by email.