GENERAL ELECTIONS 2024: Voting in the General Elections takes place on Friday, the 29th of November 2024 from 7am to 10pm. A notable change in Durrow is the change of venue. The local polling station for this General Election will take place in Our Lady’s Meadow Primary School, The Square, Durrow, Laois County, R32 FW18.
NOTE: Once you are registered to vote and you meet the eligibility criteria for voting in Irish elections, a polling information card will be posted to your registered home address before polling day.
When you arrive at your polling station on polling day, you will be asked to say your name and address. You may be asked for identification so have your ID ready for inspection. If the polling staff are satisfied with your identity, and your name is on the Register of Electors, the Presiding Officer will stamp the necessary ballot paper(s) and give them to you. Make sure your ballot papers are stamped. If they are not stamped they will not be valid. Take your ballot papers into the private voting compartment.
Each ballot paper contains short instructions on how to vote. Read and follow the instructions on your ballot paper carefully. Pencils will be provided, but you can bring your own pen or pencil if you wish.
The ballot paper will also show a list of names, in alphabetical order, party emblems and images of each candidate. There will be a box to the right of each candidates name. You mark your preference for each candidate in the box to the right. You mark a ‘1’ in the box beside your first choice candidate and, if you wish, a ‘2’ in the box beside your second choice candidate, a ‘3’ in the box beside your third choice candidate, and so on.
By marking a ‘1’ beside a candidate you are saying ‘I wish to vote for this candidate.’
By marking a ‘2’ beside a candidate you are saying ‘If my first choice candidate does not need my vote because they have already been elected or excluded from the count, I want my vote to go to this second candidate.’
By marking a ‘3’ beside a candidate you are saying ‘If my first and second choice candidates do not need my vote, I want my vote to go to this third candidate’.
This system of voting gives you a wide variety of choice. You can choose many different candidates and mark them in order of your preference. You can mark your preferences for as many or as few candidates as you wish. This is your decision.
For each ballot paper make sure you start with ‘1’ then ‘2’ then ‘3’ and so on. To ensure your vote is counted make sure you mark your preferences as clearly as possible. If you do not want to fill out a preference for all candidates on the ballot paper, the box beside those you are not voting for must be left empty. Do not make any other mark on the ballot paper. If you do, your vote may be considered invalid/spoilt and not counted.
When you have voted you should fold your ballot paper, return and place it into the ballot box at the same station.
PARTICIPATE IN OUR ONLINE SURVEY: Do you live in a house using a domestic wastewater treatment system (e.g. septic tank)? If so, you are invited to participate in a 10-15 minute (anonymised) national survey about system management practices. Your knowledge/views about household system maintenance will help aid policy change and supports for system users nationwide! If you are interested and/or would like information please visit https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/remarcsurvey online. Many thanks!
CANON CARRIGAN: Centenary of the death of Canon Carrigan – This year on the 12th of December we mark one hundred years since the death of William Canon Carrigan. Canon Carrigan was Parish Priest of Durrow at the time of his death. He was also the renowned Historian of the Diocese of Ossory and his Four Volume work is considered to be the most comprehensive and scholarly of it’s kind anywhere in the world.
A Conference to mark the Centenary will be held in St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny on Friday and Saturday the 13th and 14th of December. On Sunday the 15th of December Bishop Niall Coll will come to Durrow to celebrate the 11.15am Mass in honour of Canon Carrigan. Later in the afternoon of the 15th local historian, Denis Bergin will give a presentation on Canon Carrigan. The time and venue for this presentation has yet to be confirmed.
MASS PATH WALK: Starting from outside The Wheel Inn on St. Stephen’s Day 2024 at 11am. In memory of Padraig Brennan and Kathleen Carroll. All proceeds to Cois Nore Cancer Support Centre, Kilkenny. Mulled wine for fortitude. Finger food on return. Please support.
OVER 60s CLIMATE ACTION COURSE: Over 60’s Climate Course: Starting in January 2025 this course will be held every Thursday from 10.15 for two hours, at the Parish Centre, Portlaoise. Our expert instructor, Jacinta, has created this free course. Jacinta is a passionate advocate for climate conservation. She believes in the urgent need to protect our planet and address the pressing issues of climate change. Her dedication to raising awareness and promoting sustainable practices serves as an inspiration to many. Jacinta’s work highlights the importance of taking action now; regardless of your age, to preserve our environment for future generations. Jacinta is a former UN diplomat in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Founder and CEO of 60+ Climate Drive, encouraging the over 60s to discuss, challenge, influence and take climate action for a healthy planet.
Step 1: Understanding the basics: Discuss basic climate related terms like greenhouse gas emissions, targets, Paris Agreement, household consumption, production, sink, source and carbon footprint.
Step 2: Changing behaviour: Discuss the barriers holding us back from taking climate action.
Step 3: Carbon Footprint: Learn how to calculate your Carbon Footprint for your household consumption actions, ( i.e housing, transport, food, waste, other).
Step 4: One action: Choose ONE household consumption action to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, (GHGs).
Step 5: Plan: Discuss the barriers that might hold you back from implementing the ONE action.
Step 6: Share Progress: Do the ONE action.
Share progress, amongst peers, enjoy benefits and tell family and friends about climate change. Please do call (086) 2033269 to book your place.
BIRD SURVEY BY DURROW TIDY TOWNS: We are taking part in this years garden bird survey as a group effort, for any of our associate groups and for all residents, please note that we have printed survey forms available in Lawlor’s Gala and at the post office. It’s a very important Survey for Birdwatch Ireland and it’s a great way to get family, children, grandparents and individuals involved. Please share your photos with us on Facebook and we will reshare there too. The survey started on Monday 25th but there’s still plenty of time to pick up the survey form. We can also return same for you to Birdwatch Ireland, just contact us for assistance on our Facebook page. More information on the survey can be found at: https://birdwatchireland.ie/our-work/surveys-research/research-surveys/irish-garden-bird-survey online.
DURROW COMMUNITY SERVICES: Durrow Community Services currently have the following vacancies: Catering Assistant – Meals On Wheels, Durrow (3 positions); Groundskeeper – GAA Grounds, Durrow (1 position); Environmental Worker – Ballacolla (1 position); Environmental Worker – Cullohill (2 positions); Environmental Worker – Durrow, (5 positions). As per the Department of Social Protection requirements, the positions are 19.5 hours per week and must be on a Social Welfare payment for a minimum of 12 months to apply. Please contact Astrid Andersson on (083) 4092464 or andersson@durrowcs.com for further information.
STRICTLY FOR THE BIRDS: Errill Drama Group presents ‘Strictly for the Birds’, a play by Sam Cree. Dates: Thursday 28th, Friday 29th November and Sunday 1st December in St Bernadette’s Hall, Errill at 8pm. All are most welcome.
CULLOHILL & DURROW FLOWER CLUB: Cullohill & Durrow Flower Club are hosting our Christmas Gala “O! what a Pantomime” with Cherie Nummy on Monday 9th December at 8pm in The Castle Arms Hotel. Tickets €15 to include mulled wine and mince pies. All proceeds to AsIAm (National Autism Charity) and Cullohill Community Centre. All arrangements raffled on the night.
OUR LADY’S MEADOW SCHOOL – DURROW: Our Lady’s Meadow PS Durrow have commenced accepting applications for admission to Junior Infants for the school year 2025-2026 since 20th November 2024. Closing date: 8th January 2025. Please ensure you apply before the closing date. The school’s Admission Policy, Annual Admission Notice and Application Forms are available on the school website www.ourladysmeadow.org or from the school (057) 8736329 and from ourladysmeadowschool@gmail.com by email.
IRISH RURAL LINK – ELDERLY NEIGHBOURS: Irish Rural Link – the national network representing the interest of rural communities is urging people to check-in with elderly neighbours as we enter into the Autumn and Winter months. As the evenings start to close in, this can be a difficult time for older people living on their own and can experience higher rates of loneliness. The Tilda report launched last week showed the feeling of loneliness is more strongly associated with death ideation than other measures of social disconnection.
With children back to school and afterschool activities, we know this is a busy time for people but we strongly urge people to check in with elderly neighbours to have a chat and if they are in need of anything.Although older people are more reluctant to go out when it is dark, especially in rural areas, it is important they try to engage with some social activity during the day, whether it is just to go to the shop, meet with a friend or join an active age group. We know this may not be possible for everyone but for those who can, it is important to stay connected with your local community.
With a recent wave of burglaries in rural areas, we are also urging people to be extra vigilant and again making sure older neighbours and those living alone are safe and alerted to any strange activities. If a Neighbourhood Watch or Text Alert scheme is available in your area, we would encourage everyone to join.Older people should contact neighbours if they do need help with anything and not be afraid to ask and if they have a personal alarm to check it is working and have it on their person at all times.
For further information, please contact (anytime): Seamus Boland (Chief Executive) 0862491153 or Louise Lennon (Policy and Communications Officer) 0861069244.
IRISH DANCING CLASSES: Traditional Irish Dancing Beginner classes for ages 4+ continues on Mondays in Durrow CYMS Hall. Time: 3.30pm until 7.30pm. Limited places available. Text or call Katrina on (085) 7606866.
CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS: The following the main activities / offerings with new suggestions always welcome: * Study Hub; * Pilates; * Comhaltas; * Cards – 25’s / Bridge; * Child Minding; * Foróige; * Homework Club; * Sensory Classes; * Speech & Drama Classes; * Circuit Training; * Flower Club; * Indoor Soccer; * Auction; * Hip Hop Dancing; * Irish Dancing; * Taekwondo; * Christmas Social Night; * Handball; * Squash; * Personal Training / Mini-Gym; * Choice of meeting rooms also available on request.
THANK YOU: Many thanks to all who contributed to our recent membership collection. Great response as always and an important fundraiser for the facility. Draw result for ‘early bird’ donations:- First Prize – Elaine and Brian Murphy (B & B Clayton Hotel, Liffey Valley). Second Prize – Noel and Anne Saunders (€100 Morris Oil Voucher). Third Prize – Agnes Barnaville (€50 Voucher Bowe’s Café).
CIRCUIT CLASSES are running in the Centre every Tuesday and Thursday evenings with instructor Richie Saunders. Also, personal training sessions are available in mini-gym. Further details through (087) 6608248.
SPEECH AND DRAMA CLASSES: Speech & Drama Classes are running on Wednesdays from 6.45pm until 7.30pm. For enquiries, please contact 087 6473414.
TAEKWONDO CLASSES: Taekwondo Classes will be held in Cullohill Community Centre on Tuesdays from 6.15pm with different time slots for various age groups.. For more information please contact (087) 9003813 or contact allcountiestkd@gmail.com by email.
CULLOHILL COMHALTAS: Comhaltas classes will continue on Tuesdays. Email to cullohillcomhaltas@gmail.com with any queries or to join.
FITNESS CLASSES: ‘Back To Fitness’ Classes coming soon. For males 40+. Full details through Richie on (087) 6608248.
CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE – PROGRESSIVE 25 CARD GAME: Progressive 25 Card Game continues every Sunday night in Cullohill Community Centre at 8pm and all are most welcome. Winners on Sunday 17th November 2024 were: First – Seamus Brennan and Martin Mahony; Second – Michael and Patsy Moran; Joint Third – Paddy Walsh and Anthony O Sullivan, Joe McGill and Eddie Delaney. The winners of the raffle were: Noreen Ryan and Patsy Moran.
TO LET: Two-Bed Apartment to let, as single let or two separate rooms. Suit single person or one couple. 2km outside Durrow on private land. Email any enquiries to apartmentdurrow@gmail.com for further information.
VOCEM DARÚ CHOIR: Ladies! Do you enjoy singing? Ever thought of joining a choir? Vocem Daru community choir is looking for new members. We are a lovely bunch of women! Why not give it a try? No formal training required! For more details phone Ann on (086) 6045409.
DIGITAL NEWSLETTER: Get our digital newsletter delivered weekly to your email inbox for free! Please email info@durrow.ie if you are interested.
DURROW TIDY TOWNS: If you would like to be added to our volunteer WhatsApp group, please text Add me to TT volunteers on 086 3657833 – many thanks!
DOG WALKERS! A reminder to clean up after your dog. We have Mutt Mitt dispensers and instructions on how to clean up after your dog, throughout Durrow. Dog fouling is a serious health risk and children can easily not see it and bring indoors on bikes, shoes, buggies and it’s a particular hazard to wheelchair users. If you’d like to become a green dog walker we have information in the Post Office and Library regarding the initiative. Please be responsible and clean up after your pet!
DOG WALKERS – LEAFY LOOP WALKS! We are again reminding people that ALL dogs must be kept on a lead, without exception on the Leafy Loop in Durrow, this includes Dunmore, Clonageera, Bishops Wood, Derry Wood, Knockatrina and The Course. The Leafy Loop traverses across Coillte Woodlands and Farmlands with protected species and farm animals. Your Dog is not an exception to be left off a lead.
COOKERY DEMONSTRATION: Abbeyleix Golf Club presents a Cookery Demo with Derry Clarke – Michelin Star Chef and Special Guest Chef
Cúán Greene of Ómós. Part proceeds to Pieta Suicide Prevention. The night will feature MC Sally Anne Clarke along with a musical performance by Timahoe Male Choir. This event will be held in The Abbeyleix Manor Hotel on November 26th from 6.30pm. Tickets €25 + booking fee available from www.abbeyleixgolfclub.ie online.
THIRD LAOIS DURROW SCOUTS – Third Laois Durrow Scouts are now accepting applications for Beavers (ages 6 to 8 years old), Cubs (ages 9 to 12 years old), Scouts (ages 12 to 15 years old) and Ventures (ages 15 to 17 years old). Leaders aged 18+ are also required for all Sections.
Visit https://form.jotform.com/242542450329352 online to complete the sign-up form.
BALLYOUSKILL 25s CARDS GAME – Ballyouskill 25s Cards continues in Ballyouskill Community Hall on the last Friday of the month at 8pm. Our next game is November 22nd 2024 (Changed owing to the General Election 2024). Usual raffle and prizes on the night! All are most welcome.
WHIST DRIVE: The Killermogh Whist Drive will be held in the Parochial Hall, Cork Road, Durrow. The Next Whist drive is on Thursday the 28th of November 2024 at 8pm. All are most welcome.
SET DANCING CLASSES: Set Dancing continues in The Wheel Inn Ballyouskill on Thursdays at 9pm – all are most welcome to join. Contact Paddy at (085) 8607256 or Francis at (085) 7157694 for more details. An enjoyable way to socialise while helping to keep fit.
DURROW BRIDGE CLUB: Club meetings continue on Wednesdays at 7.30pm in the Castle Arms Hotel. All are most welcome.
DURROW AND DISTRICT PIPE BAND: We’re always looking for new members, so why not come along to a practice? Get in touch with our Facebook page if you’re interested in learning the pipes or drums, all levels catered for. See https://www.facebook.com/DurrowPipeBand or search Facebook for “Durrow & District Pipe Band” to find us online.
DURROW LIBRARY NEWS: All our Laois Library branches are open to the public for browsing, PC usage, printing, photocopying and studying, in addition to all the free events taking place throughout the month – see details below. You can browse the Laois Libraries online catalogue here: https://laois.spydus.ie and if needed, borrowers can reset their library PIN in order to access the catalogue – contact your local library or email library@laoiscoco.ie for assistance with this.
ONLINE BOOK CLUB – Laois Libraries Online Book Club reads one book a month chosen from the BorrowBox collection. Join us on the last Wednesday of each month when questions are posed for discussion on our Book Club Facebook page. You can join the group on: https://www.facebook.com/groups/315513126404037 online. New members are always welcome.
OPEN HOURS – Durrow Library Opening hours are Tuesdays from 1.30pm to 7.30pm (closed for lunch from 5.30pm until 6pm) and Wednesdays from 10am to 5.30pm (closed for lunch from 1.30pm to 2pm). Phone: (057) 8736090 Email: durrowlibrary@laoiscoco.ie for further information.
IRISH CIRCLE (Ciorcal Comhrá) – The Irish Circle group meets in the library on Tuesdays at 6.10pm. Beidh fáilte róimh cupán tae agus cúpla focail Gaeilge a labhairt no a canadh.
ADULT BOOK CLUB – The club meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 6pm. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, the 26th of November – new members welcome!
ADULT ART CLASSES – A new four week session of adult art classes with Billy Dollard from the LOETB will start on Wednesday, the 13th of November at 10:30am. Places are limited so booking is essential – call or email the library at durrowlibrary@laoiscoco.ie directly.
JUNIOR BOOK CLUB: The first meeting takes place on Wednesday, the 20th of November at 3:10pm. Suitable for ages 9 to 11 years. Call or email the library at durrowlibrary@laoiscoco.ie for more details.
DURROW COMMUNITY SATURDAY MARKET: Durrow Community Market continues on Saturdays from 9am to 12 noon on the Kilkenny Road beside the Church.
LIVE LOCAL WEATHER: Visit www.laoisweather.com for live local weather data from Durrow.
DURROW FIRE AND RESCUE: Do you need a smoke alarm? Or do you know of someone who does, in the Durrow, Cullohill or Ballacolla area? Every home should have a minimum of two of the life saving devices! Durrow Fire & Rescue will provide and install smoke alarms for anyone that needs them, and there is no charge for this service. Simply email info@durrow.ie if you are interested, or if you know of a friend or neighbour that needs to have the devices installed. Please leave a contact number too.
DURROW FIRE AND RESCUE: Members of Durrow Fire Brigade are available to give fire safety talk to any interested adult groups or organisations, in the Durrow, Cullohill and Ballacolla areas. If interested please contact Station Officer David Donohue.
DURROW POST OFFICE: We here at Durrow Post Office do both AIB and Bank of Ireland Lodgements and withdrawals. We provide a quick and professional service for all your personal and business banking. We are here to help you and make banking easier.
AIB CUSTOMERS – You can do * Cash lodgements with bank debit card or lodgement slips; * Cash withdrawals with bank debit card; * Cheque lodgements with a personalised lodgement slip.
BANK OF IRELAND CUSTOMERS – You can do * Cash lodgements with bank debit card or lodgement slips; * Cash withdrawals with bank debit card; * Cheque lodgements with a personalised lodgement slip.
Call in to us today – we are located in the Daybreak Store on The Square.
NUMBER FOR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL – LAST UPDATED JULY 2023: Please note that our confidential contact helpline number for the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Durrow, is (083) 4056021.
VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED: For conversational English! No experience necessary. All are welcome. Location and Times: Rathdowney on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays (TBD) from 10am till 12pm. Contact Olena on (087) 9131236 for more information.
CHURCH NEWS: Parish Office – Regular opening hours have now resumed and are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10.00am to 2.00pm. We have signed Mass cards, Baptismal candles, Communion gifts and more available to purchase. All Mass intentions, baptisms and weddings must be booked through the office on (085) 2625033, by email at durrow@ossory.ie or in person. No Private advertising in the weekly Mass Newsletter.
Mass Hours – Saturday Evening – 6pm Vigil Mass in Rathdowney; 7.30pm Vigil Mass in Cullohill and 7.30pm Vigil Mass in Durrow (This Mass in Durrow only celebrated when Canon O’Doherty is available to celebrate it); Sunday Morning – 10am Mass in Errill; 11.15am Mass in Durrow.
Baptisms in Rathdowney and Durrow – Following the changes to our Mass schedule, baptisms can be booked for Saturdays at 4.30pm in either Parish and Sundays at 12 Noon in Durrow and Cullohill or 12.15 in Rathdowney and Errill.
Adoration – There will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Cullohill Church every Thursday morning from 9am until 9.30am and in Durrow directly after 8.50am Mass (finishes at 11.30 am) on Mondays, also on Fridays from 7pm until 8pm.
Pastoral Council Members – The members of the Pastoral Council are: Martin Lawlor; Mary Lawlor; James Walsh; Carmel Ruane; Mary Ryan; Vicky Murphy; Margaret Murphy; Seamus Clancy; Sr. Anita O’Leary and Fr. Martin Delaney.
Parish Shops – Both parish shops have a new range of gifts in stock for First Communion, Christenings and other events. Candles, Rosary Bracelets, Crosses & Chains, Rosary Beads, Bibles, Grave Ornaments. Come in and have a look!
Towards Healing – A confidential and free counselling service, Phone 1800 303 416. They provide face to face counselling, structured phone counselling, family counselling and a counselling helpline for people who have experienced institutional, clerical or religious abuse in Ireland.
Funeral Masses on our Website – In order to comply with GDPR regulations recordings of funeral masses will be available on our website for one month only. All previous funeral masses have been removed. Copies of past funerals are available to family members on request. Contact the Parish Office regarding the same.
Restoration Fund Draw – Tickets are now available from the Parish Office for the Diocese of Ossory Cathedral Restoration Fund Draw. Tickets cost €120 for twelve monthly draws. Ten prizes each month – Top prize €2,000.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje – The Annual pilgrimage to Medjugorje will take place from April 22nd to 29th 2025, staying at Hotel Leone. Seven Nights half board €799 per person sharing, with single supplement of €210. Travel insurance is extra. Deposit of €350 & Travel Insurance secures your place. Balance of €449 to be paid by 28th January 2025. Full religious programme led by Fr Martin Delaney. For more information and booking details, please contact Group Leader Mary O’Dea on (087) 3170084.
Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes – Led by the Bishop of Ossory, Most Rev. Niall Coll. Pilgrimage Director: Very Rev. Anthony O’Connor.
19th May for five nights – €949 per person. For information and bookings please contact Joe Walsh Tours on (01) 2410800 or contact info@joewalshtours.ie by email.
SYMPATHY is extended to the family and friends of Vera Fogarty (née Coss), Dereen, Durrow, Co. Laois on their recent bereavement.
THE HARPS GAA CLUB NEWS – SPLIT THE BUCKET – Participate in the exciting weekly chance to win instant cash with ‘Split the Bucket.’ You can join in two ways: contact Richie (087) 9294742, Tom (087) 6159226 or Shane (087) 2034035 to establish a monthly standing order. Investing €8 monthly grants one entry per week, while €20 monthly provides three entries weekly, saving you €72 annually. Alternatively, play for €2 a ticket, at local businesses hosting our buckets. Best of luck to all participants, and thank you for your continued support to the Harps GAA Club!
40 YEARS ANNIVERSARY: The Harps GAA 40 year Anniversary Dinner Dance 1984-2024 will take place in The Castle Arms Hotel on Friday the 27th of December at 7.30pm. Tickets – €40 from The Club. Music by “All The Best”. Presentations and awards on the night. All current and former players/members welcome.
U20 COUNTY CHAMPIONS: A big congratulations to our U20 Hurling Team who for the third consecutive year have claimed the U20 crown. Well done to all the players and management team.
VERA FOGARTY – RIP: It is with profound sadness that the club has learned of the passing of our much loved and respected former juvenile secretary Vera Fogarty RIP. From the clubs foundation to the recent past, Vera was instrumental in guiding generations of our young members to be the best they can be. She was an extraordinary administrator at all levels of GAA, especially our juvenile committee, and promoted youth participation for decades. Vera’s tireless work in the club alongside her husband Jimmy will also be appreciated by club members for generations to come. The Harps GAA club would like to extend its deepest condolences to the Fogarty family at this time. Ni neart go cur le chéile – The Harps G.A.A. Club.
THE HARPS CAMOGIE CLUB: Follow us on Social Media – www.facebook.com/HarpsCamogie
IN SYMPATHY: It is with deep sorrow that The Harps Camogie Club has learned of the sad passing of Vera Fogarty, joint founder and President of our club. Vera was a great supporter of camogie over the years, travelling to matches near and far and sharing in our highs and lows. The Club wish to extend our heartfelt sympathies to the Fogarty family on the sad passing of their mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dilis.
CULLOHILL HANDBALL CLUB – REST IN PEACE: Cullohill Handball Club would like to offer sincere condolences to Ray and the Fogarty family on the passing of Vera Fogarty. Vera, along with her late husband Jimmy where tremendous support to the club and established the Jimmy and Vera Fogarty Cup to encourage youth participation in Handball. May Vera Rest in Peace.
GET IN TOUCH – You can contact the club on cullohillhandballclub@yahoo.ie by email.
THE LIONS AFC CLUB: FOR HIRE – Astro Pitch Hire, suitable for 7-a-side soccer social groups, casual bookings and team activities. For all enquiries or to make a booking please contact lionsafc@gmail.com or call (085) 7088511.
THANK YOU! A big shout out to Graham Doyle, who has been coaching Our schoolboy/schoolgirls goalies on Sunday mornings, over the last few weeks. Great dedication by all as rain, wind or frost doesn’t stop them. Keep up the good work.
AWARD: Congratulations to former Lions AFC player Chloe Kenna, who won the 2023 FFA International Player of the Year. Chloe who is now based in Limerick currently plays with Moyross Ladies. Chloe was a key player on the Irish team which had a best ever fourth place finish at the 2023 Homeless World Cup in Sacramento, USA.
LAOIS KAYAK AND CANOE CLUB CLUB – GET IN TOUCH – You can contact us on info@laoiskayak.com by email.
DURROW GUN CLUB: Sincere condolences to Ray and all the Fogarty family on the sad passing of Vera Fogarty. She was a lovely lady and will be sadly missed throughout the Parish and all that knew her. RIP.
KETTLEBELL BEGINNER CLASS: New round of classes starting soon! Learn to use kettlebells safely and effectively from one of Ireland’s top ranked kettlebell sports and fitness instructors. Also included in the classes are bodyweight exercises as well as posture correction and strengthening techniques. Together with proper kettlebell instruction you can learn to prevent and remedy a wide range of joint and mobility issues and injuries. Places are limited so booking is essential. For more information please telephone: (087) 3833258 or email: tridentfitnessclub@yahoo.ie or borukettlebellclub@yahoo.com
KETTLEBELL CLASSES FOR SENIORS: New Beginner Class Starting Soon. Just because you are getting older and a bit less active doesn’t mean you give up on your health and fitness. In fact physical training becomes more important as you get older! Working with weights such as kettlebells can slow down a number of conditions associated with ageing. Numerous studies have proven the benefits of strength training. Some of these are:
– Increase in bone density and muscle mass. This builds protection against fractures from falls etc.
– Improved Posture. Kettlebell exercises help to improve spinal alignment and strengthen the core muscles that hold the spine in its correct position.
– Improved mood and sleep. Exercise releases chemicals that increase positivity, reduce feelings of pain and anxiety, and promote sound sleep.
– Lower risk of heart disease. Weight training lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and strengthens the heart.
– Improved balance and movement skills.
Class places are limited so if you are interested contact me to book your place! Classes are run by coach David who is one of the most experienced and highest ranked kettlebell instructors in Ireland, with 10 years of experience.
JUNIORS KETTLEBELL CLASS: New kids class starting on Saturdays. Many parents worry that strength training is harmful for kids. However there is now widespread recognition in the medical community of the benefits of strength training for children. The American Academy of Pediatrics and The Mayo Clinic have stated that sensible strength training does not stunt growth or cause growth plate injuries. In fact it increases a child’s muscle strength and endurance, protects them from sports injuries, and improves their performance in any sport. Children are far more likely to get injured by playing sports without engaging in weight training.
Even if your child is not interested in sports, weight training can strengthen their bones, improve coordination and balance, promote healthy blood pressure and cholesterol, help maintain a healthy weight, and build confidence. Class places are limited so if you are interested contact me to book your place!