June 11th 2023

Durrow Fire Service on Strike due to retention and recruitment crisis.

DURROW FIRE SERVICE: Durrow Fire Service are on strike due to the retention and recruitment crisis. It’s a part time job but our fire service are basically on call 24-7-365, so harder than a full time job. They are seeking better working conditions, structured time off and better pay to attract new candidates to be …

June 4th 2023

Take time to visit the church yard on the Kilkenny road, buzzing with pollinators of all kinds feeding on the beautiful wild flowers in the sunshine.

COMMUNITY WETLANDS FORUM CONFERENCE IN MANOR HOTEL ABBEYLEIX: The Community Wetlands Forum would like to extend invitation to all to attend a one day conference entitled “Community led peatland restoration – exploring finance and governance models” being organised by the Community Wetlands Forum in Abbeyleix Manor Hotel on Thursday 8th June. The increasing interest in …

May 28th 2023

Evening time picture of the model fairy ring at the Swan Rd junction with the N77. Photo by EOB.

DURROW SCARECROW FESTIVAL 2023: Scarecrow Making: Would you like to get involved? Please join us on Mondays and Tuesdays from 7.30pm until 9pm and help us prepare for this year’s festival in the ICA hall, Patrick Street. If you’ve not made a scarecrow before, do come along, everyone has a skill or idea and we …

May 21st 2023

The pergola near Durrow Fire Station at night. Photo: EOB.

DURROW SCARECROW FESTIVAL 2023: Scarecrow Making: Would you like to get involved? Please join us on Mondays and Tuesdays from 7.30pm until 9pm and help us prepare for this year’s festival in the ICA hall, Patrick Street. If you’ve not made a scarecrow before, do come along, everyone has a skill or idea and we …

May 14th 2023

An early morning view of The Square from the steps of St. Fintans Church. Photo: E.O.B.

DURROW SCARECROW FESTIVAL 2023: Scarecrow Making: Would you like to get involved? Please join us on Mondays and Tuesdays from 7.30pm until 9pm and help us prepare for this year’s festival in the ICA hall, Patrick Street. If you’ve not made a scarecrow before, do come along, everyone has a skill or idea and we …