Annual Summer Camp at Larch Hill a Success
Our Cub Scouts headed to Larch Hill over the June Bank Holiday with twenty-six cubs and four scouters on their annual summer camp. The Cubs and Scouters alike all had a fantastic time. Their programme was fun packed with a great fireworks display on Friday night, fourteen activity bases on Saturday and Sunday including a trade fair, Cinderella’s Ball and a huge bonfire! The theme of the weekend was World of imagination and our sub camp was Monsters. We had to make costumes and we picked our theme Avatoirs. We are proud to say that our Cubs won prize for best costumes and mascot our Tree of Souls. Thank you to Eva Dunne who put in a lot of work towards the costumes. Also a special word of thanks to Karen Shortall who stepped in at the last minute, and to Johnny Campion and Jonathan Walsh who went to Larch Hill on Thursday night and pitched tent for us – this really helped a great deal!
Our Beavers are this weekend travelling to Bray Scout Den for two nights as their Annual. We are sure they will have a ball! Activities will include; a trip to Sealife, Bowling and Laser Quest, campfire and plenty fun and games. We will have thirty beavers travelling and six Scouters.
Parents should be aware that all sections excepting for scouts (as we have preparation for our Annual Camp to Loughdan) will close on Wednesday 25th and Friday 27th as another busy scouting year comes to an end. As group leaders on behalf of the group we would like to thankย all our members for their participation throughout the year a great bunch of kids. Also a special word of thanks to all our Scouters, youth reps for all your work and dedication without you all we could not be so thank you all enjoy your Summer and see you all again in September.