Clean Up Laois Week 2018 – Litter pick on April 24th 🗓 🗺
CLEAN UP LAOIS WEEK – APRIL 23rd to 27th: This is the 15th Anniversary of Clean Up Laois Week! Last year the County saw 111 groups register with over 900 volunteers taking part. A whopping 32.22 tonnes of waste collected by these groups across the county and later collected by our very kind sponsors AES. Please don’t say ”I didn’t drop it there” Chances are the person who eventually has to pick it up didn’t either!
Durrow Tidy Towns Clean-up Evening: A litter pick evening will be held on Tuesday, April 24th. We appeal to residents to come out on the evening and assist committee members and volunteers. We also ask people to sweep and clean outside their premises. Anything recyclable that is cleaned up on the night can be brought to the community centre in a plastic bag to be collected.
Junior Tidy Towns: Durrow Tidy Towns are very interested in starting a junior tidy towns group. We hope to identify a specified project where all the work would be carried out by the children, with the help of some of the committee. This project would be a permanent and lasting addition to the efforts of the committee so far.
Residents Groups: To try and continue the good work started during cleanup week, the committee hopes that residents’ groups can be set up in the different areas and estates around the town. These groups could be included in the organisation of the different projects planned for the year.