Cullohill Community Centre to set up a Defib Course
The Community Centre and Community Council Committees would like to thank all who supported the recent auction in The Centre. It was a huge success and an excellent fundraiser for both groups.
Defib Course – A second First Aid Responder / Defib Course will be ran in The Community Centre in the near future. If interested contact Eimear Kelly (087) 6233144 or Pat Barnaville (086) 8304420.
Pilates Classes – Arm Chair Pilates Classes commence at Cullohill Community Centre on Tuesday next, February 28th running until Tuesday April 11th starting at 2pm in the afternoon. No limit to numbers. The teacher is Julie McGuire, well known to all. Enrolment will be at 1.45pm sharp on first day of the classes. All are most Welcome.
The Operation Transformation walk continues every Monday and Friday night, starting from Community Centre at 7pm. Adults only, please wear visible jacket.
Circuit training continues on Tuesday nights at 7.30pm for ladies and 8.30pm for men – contact Shirley Bergin in Cullohill Topaz-Gala for more information.
Progressive 25 Card Games are held in the hall every Sunday night at 8.30pm sharp followed by tea and sandwiches. Please support!