Cullohill ICA News – September 2018
CULLOHILL ICA: The Cullohill ICA group held their September meeting in Cullohill Community Centre on Tuesday night last, September 4th after the summer break. Prayers were offered for those who had bereavements since our last meeting in June and recently to the Dunphy Family on the death of Agnes in San Francisco and to Mem Dunphy on the death of her sister Julia Kennedy. May they all Rest In Peace. Voting for the National president took place on the night and the next federation meeting will be held in Kilabban on September 26th next. Good wishes were extended to Vivian Rigley who is the County Laois representative in the Brown Bread Competition which will take place at the upcoming Annual Ploughing Championships. Our Pilates classes resume on Tuesday next, September 11th in Cullohill Community Centre at 1.30pm and will continue for seven weeks. Agnes and Ann won the raffle on the night and the meeting concluded with a nice cuppa! The October meeting will be held Tuesday, 2nd October at 8pm.