Durrow Befriending Group
Who can I speak to about the Befriending Service? It’s Simple and Straightforward… Contact: Pat Young, Coordinator of the Service on (086) 8096693 or Mary Brophy on (085) 7387043 or Eamon Dunphy on (087) 7556383. Many older people can find themselves socially isolated due to the onset of illness, bereavement, living alone or caring for a partner as they age. Our aim is to lessen their social isolation and enhance their quality of life.
What is Befriending? Befriending is all about building one-to-one relationships based upon trust, confidentiality and support. The relationship is a voluntary one on both sides. The Befriender is there to provide some form of regular, practical assistance and support. Befriending is about developing more informal and supportive social relationships, often over a fairly long period of time. The service is free.
Home Visiting Service: When signed up, Our Visitor will call to you (approximately once every week) on a day and at a time agreed with you, in advance. Your Visitor will drop in just for a friendly chat, to talk about the things happening in your area, things hitting the national headlines, or anything else you like to chat about.
Be Assured… This service is totally confidential and we will not in any way interfere with your lifestyle, or get in the way of you doing the things you have to do every day. This exciting new service will be available in this area before the end of April, so we are inviting people to register their interest in the service, as soon as possible. To register your interest, please contact any of the phone numbers above.