Durrow Parish Newsletter – 10th / 11th September 1994.
10th /11th September, 1994 Price 30p
Look around you and see a thousand shades and tones of Summer, drawn by God’s hand across the canvas of the earth. See the waterfall clearing it’s noisy path, down craggy slopes and tumbling into the abyss. Know that it’s daily beauty cannot match the tears of a strong man beside an infant grave. Hear the forest echoing the harmonies of all the birds in Spring, and know that sweeter music still, is to hear the word “Come sit at our table and share our bread.” See the waves that ripple in the sun and cast their diamonds on the golden shore. Brighter still are your tracks along the shore of life as your stride keeps pace with the ebb and flow of other tides.
You are beautiful with a beauty that is indestructible. Raging fires may reduce to ashes, a man-made city, but splendid as a blazing forest and majestic as the raging sea are you, for you are the temple of the living God who created you.
The Durrow I.C.A. Guild will hold their first meeting after the Summer recess, on Tuesday 13th September, at 8:30 p.m. in the I.C.A. Hall.
All members are requested to attend. New members welcome.
Competition: Something suitable for Sale of Work. Hostesses are B. O’Brien and R. Casey.
Durrow Civil Defence Unit recently attended a weekend training camp in Ballyfin, Co. Laois. Units from all over Laois, as well as teams from counties Kildare and Louth, spent the weekend at the camp. The training consisted of rescue, fire fighting, map reading, C.P.R., radio operation, search in open country and first aid. Also security, camp control, fire control and welfare duties were assigned to each person and supervised by unit officers.
On the Saturday afternoon a large exercise was held with two teams of twenty taking part. On the Sunday a full dress uniform meal was given in Mountmellick town. At this meal awards, medals etc. were presented.
Eight volunteers and two Officers from Durrow No. 3 Base attended.
FRIENDS OF GENERAL HOSPITAL, PORTLAOISE wish to thank all those who supported their recent Church Gate collection, in Durrow and Cullohill. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
GOOD LUCK & BEST WISHES to the Durrow Fire Brigade members who are competing in the All-Ireland Pump Drill Competition on this Sunday, 11th September, in Dublin Airport. The members have been training vigorously over the past few weeks, to retain their title.
SYMPATHY is extended to the Lawless family, Swan Road, on their recent bereavement.
SYMPATHY is extended to the Peter’s family, Erkindale Drive, on their recent bereavement.
Evening Study
Evening Study for students will begin in the above school, on Monday 12th September, from 4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. (Monday to Thursday). Application forms are available from the Secretary’s Office. Fee £20 per term.
Adult Education Programme – Enrollment on Monday 12th September, between 8 and 9 p.m. Fees paid on enrollment.
Courses for Mondays (Nightime)
Typing: All stages catered for in this class. Time 7 – 8.30 p.m. Fee £25 for six sessions.
Development Education: Aim of this course is to try and explain the problems in present day Rwanda. The course strives to inform people about the nature of inequality and underdevelopment and challenges people to look at their attitudes about poverty, justice and in equality. Time 7 – 8.00 p.m. Fee £20 for five sessions.
German For Beginners: Text Kontakte B.B.C. Publications. The language of daily life and direct personal relations – how to greet people, find your way around, order a meal, request a service. The emphasis will be on communication.
Time 7 – 8.30 p.m. Fee £25 for six sessions.
Parenting: As this is the year of the family, this course is directed towards dealing with the pressures of rearing children from school to teens. this is organised by the chaplin. Time 7.30 – 8.30 p.m. No fee – 5 sessions.
Courses for Tuesdays
Computers for Beginners: This is for people who wish to introduce themselves to the computer. No previous experience required. Time 7 – 8.00 p.m. Fee £25 for 10 sessions.
Maths for Parents: This course is suitable for parents to familiarise themselves with the “new” Maths currently on the national school curriculum. Time * – 9.00 p.m. Fee £25 for 5 sessions.
Gardening: With the winter evenings coming in, this is the class to prepare for Spring. Get all the tips and helpful ideas from the experts. Time 7 – 8.30 p.m. Fee £20 for six sessions.
Courses After Christtmas
Home Management; in conjunction with Midland Health Board. Emphasis is on healthy eating. This is an intensive course taking place between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. for 5 mornings a week for 3 weeks. Cost £10 but the numbers are limited. Course starts on 20th January.
Lifewise; in conjunction with Midland Health Board. This is a two hour session, once a week (Wednesday) for 10 weeks with each session divided into (a) exercise to build up muscles, (b) relaxation techniwues, (c) group discussion on a healthy topic. This course is limited to 20. Time 7 – 9 p.m. Fee £30.
Enrollment for these two classes takes place on 12th September.
Congratulations to Cullohill Skittle Team on reaching the All Ireland Junior Final, narrowly beaten by Mitchelstown. The finals were held in Urlingford on 28th August. Team members were; Liam kelly, Larry Phelan, Sean Kelly, Jim Kelly, Sean Duggan and Pat Spencer.
After the Summer break, when all Leaders took a well earned rest, it’s now getting near the time for the weekly Troop meetings. Because of the growing numbers in all sections Leaders are going to have to get their act together and plan some meetings, so with this in mind a meeting has been planned for this coming Wednesday night 14th September, in Michael Gaughan’s at 8.00 p.m. sharp. Leaders from all sections, Beavers Cubs and Scouts are asked to attend this very important meeting.
Beaver Enrolment
Anyone interested in enroling their child in Beavers should contact Bridie Dunne as soon as possible as places are limited. Age group 6 – 8 years old.
The senior club resumed meetings for the Autumn / Winter with a slide show on the Summer Outing on Monday last. Members were reminded of the club’s upcoming competitions, the first being “Durrow – With Imagination” which is open to both Junior and Senior branches. The other being the Slide Competition which is one of the club’s major competitions, the prize being the Liam Hyland Cup. The theme of this year’s competition being “Candid”.
A minutes silence was observed at the start of the meeting for Eddie Moore, R.I.P. who was a very popular member. It was also decided to run a yearly competition in his memory and the club would like to thank his family for giving permission for this venture.
A vote of sympathy was also extended to the Donohue and Walsh families on their recent bereavements.
The Junior branch also kicked off their Autumn / Winter programme recently, this section meets every second Thursday night from 8.00 p.m. sharp to 9.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. The programme for the remainder of ’94 is as follows;
15th Sept. – Portrait Night. 29th Sept. – Quiz Night. 14th October – Slide Show 1. 28th October – Open Competition / My Favourite Photo. 16th November – Black & White. 24th November – Slide Show II. 6th December – Photographer of the Year & Print of the Year.
FOR SALE: JVC Video Cassette Recorder, Digital Tracking, Remote Control. In great condition as it has never been usede. £200.
Contact Thomas Gilligan, 3 Erkindale Drive, Durrow.
We are holding an open parent-teacher meeting on Monday next, 12th September, at 8.00 p.m. We look forward to meeting you.
September 10th: If along the path of life we’ve sown the hidden seeds of friendship, love and sympathy, good thoughts and kindly deeds. Always there’ll be flowers to pick, a fresh bloom every day – from the seeds we’ve sown between the stones along the way.
September 11th: If endless happiness is your aim, A joy that will burn with a lasting flame, It’s a garden you’re needing, a patch of ground, To love and to work for the whole year round.
Monday 29th August: Jackpot of £250 was shared between Michael Kenna, Erkindale Drive, and Sandra Walsh, Erkindale Drive.
Monday 5th September: Jackpot of £250 won by margaret Delaney, Cullohill.
Next draw on Monday 12th September in The Bridge bar. Jackpot £250.
WELCOME TO EDDIE CLEERE’S SET DANCING WORKSHOP in the Castle Arms Hotel. Commencing on Wednesday 14th September ’94 at 9.30 p.m. sharp.
CONGRATULATIONS to John Moore, Ballinaslee, and Deirdre Murphy, The Square, on their recent marriage.
In Donaghmore village the corn has been hand stacked and drawn to the farmyard ready for the threshing day on Sunday 18th September.
Starting with a parade of vintage cars, tractors and motor bikes from St. Fergal’s College, Rathdowney at 1.30 p.m. the parade will be led to Donaghmore by the Durrow Pipe Band. The threshing will commence in the Rally Field at 2.30 p.m.
Classes in Taekwondo, the Korean art of self defence will recommence in Durrow C.Y.M.S. Hall on Wednesday 7th September from 6.46 p.m. to 8.15 p.m. Classes are open to boys and girls from 6 years upwards.
Instructions will be given by Pat Bambrick. Anyone interested in joining should attend on Wednesday night.
As the year for Durrow Macra Na Feirme comes to a close, the club wishes to thank everyone who supported all their functions in the past year, and to Michael and Patricia Gaughan for the use of their premises.
Best of luck to Imelda Coady and Ned Dunne, two members who are getting married this weekend.
New members are always welcome. Contact the chairman at 0502 – 34005. The AGM will be held at the end of September.
STEAM CLEANING – For all your Steam Cleaning of Headstones, Houses, Walls, etc. Contact Ben Martin. Phone 0502 – 34084.
FOR SALE: Pair of Football Boots, size 7.5 – Almost New. Phone 0502 – 36304.
NEWSLETTER SELLERS: For this Sunday – Martin Walsh, Seamus Clancy, Karen Stapleton and Natasha Kenna.
Weekend 24th / 25th September – Saturday evening; Angela Drennan, Bridie Dunne, Seamus Stapleton and Pat Walsh.
Sunday morning; Andrew Walsh, Mark Donohue, Margaret Aylward and Lorainne lawlor.
CONGRATULATIONS to Jim and Dorothy Kelly who celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary recently.