Durrow Parish Newsletter – 10th May 1997
10th / 11th May, 1997 Price 30p
May, the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin is back with us again. It is the loveliest month of the year and so is well fitted for us to honour Mary, the Queen of angels and of men. Never before did we need so much, in the history of the church, or of mankind, the protection and help of God’s mother. The church is in crisis and many feel helpless in the face of difficulties in the family, the workplace and life in general. The sense of sin and the spiritual are at low ebb. Mary is calling the world back to the worship of her Son, who together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, long with a great urgency to draw the world out of the mire of this New Age.
In recent times Mary has been appearing in more than eight places throughout the world. What is she asking, she is asking the faithful to pray, to fast, to say the Rosary, especially in the family, so that the manifestation of evil which is undeniably extreme in this century, may be lessened. It is up to all of us to do what we can on prayer in answer to the plea of the Blessed Virgin. She is Queen of Heaven, mother of all the living, and is pleading so powerfully always on our behalf, especially in this month dedicated to her honour.
Durrow / Cullohill Community Alert are considering installing Security lighting for elderly people living on their own.
A subsidy for people who qualify may be available from the Department of Social Welfare. names and addresses to Michael Donohue (Secretary). Phone 36345 in Durrow, or Michael Kells (Chairman). Phone 37289 in Cullohill.
The Annual General Meeting of the Laois Hospice Foundation will be held in the Killeshin Hotel, Portlaoise, on Wednesday 28th May, at 8.00 p.m. Guest speaker Bob Champion. All are welcome to attend.
Laois Hospice Foundation have sponsorship cards available for anyone taking part in this marathon and who wish to raise money for this worthy cause. Contact Mary Donohue – Phone 36536.
Cullohill / Durrow Community Games are in full swing.
- The Under 14 camoige team are into the County Final which will be played shortly
- The badminton team were beaten in the County Final by Mountrath
- The Under 14 set dancers lost to Ballyroan in the County Final
- The Under 12 boys soccer team lost to Mountmellick
- The Cullohill / Durrow area final for athletics will take place in Cullohill hurling field on Sunday 25th May, and all boys and girls in the area from ages 6 – 16 are eligible to participate, once their membership has been paid before the date
- The Cullohill / Durrow area final for swimming will take place in Portlaoise swimming pool on Sunday morning *th June at 9.00 a.m. Anyone interested in participating should contact Liam Ryan at 36310
CONGRATULATIONS to Eadaoine Lalor, Derry Road, Durrow who celebrated her 21st birthday recently.
CONGRATULATIONS to Edna Atkinson, Capponellan, Durrow who celebrated her 21st birthday recently.
CONGRATULATIONS to Paddy Drennan, Stanley’s Garage, Durrow who celebrated her 21st birthday recently.
The Tidy Towns Committee, in conjunction with Laois County Council, have ordered a number of trees and they will be planted by Dunne’s Nurseries on the approach roads where required, and a small number in the Green.
We would appeal to the business people of the town to help with our annual running costs.
Next committee meeting to be fixed in the next few weeks. All members will be notified.
Results for last 4 weeks as follows:
Monday 14th April – No Jackpot winner. £50 to Richard Dunne, Watercastle, Durrow. Numbers: 05 – 06 – 17.
Monday 21st April – No Jackpot winner. £50 to Mrs Una Holohan, Attanagh.
Monday 28th April – No Jackpot winner. £50 to Mrs Lily Lennon, Cullohill. Numbers: 06 – 21 – 27.
Monday 6th May – No Jackpot winner. £50 to Mrs Ann Lanigan, Swan Road, Durrow. Numbers: 16 – 19 -30.
Next draw on Monday 12th May, in The Nore Nets. Jackpot – £1,050.
The Durrow Development Forum in conjunction with the Irish Canoe Union, are holding a Come & Try It Day, on one of the rivers in the Durrow area, with a view to forming a Durrow Canoe Club.
The event will be supervised by fully qualified instructors and all equipment will be provided by the Irish Canoe Union Association, on a date yet to be fixed, in the near future.
Any persons interested in taking part can contact Gearoid Ryan at 0502-36270.
Gaisce Bicycle Run: Almost thirty fourth year students at Heywood C.B. participated in the annual bicycle run last week as part of their programme, for the bronze medal in the Gaisce Awards. Visiting Kilkenny on Monday, and the Slieve Blooms on Tuesday, they arrived back tired but proud to have finished the gruelling two day ordeal.
Concert Hall Visit: On Tuesday April 29th, twenty four 1st year students accompanied by their music teacher, Miss C. Morrison, visited the National Concert Hall, Dublin, and enjoyed a very pleasant night out.
Tivoli Theatre: The Junior Cert. students enjoyed their day at the Tivoli Theatre , Dublin on Tuesday, 29th April, for the staging of the “Merchant of Venice”. The trip was co-ordinated by the English Department at the school.
The Guest speaker at Monday night’s meeting is noted photographer Hadrian Boyle Fassitt. Meeting starts at 8.30 p.m. sharp. All welcome.
CONGRATULATIONS to Colin Cooney, Erkindale Drive, Durrow, who celebrates his 21st birthday this weekend.
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The Harps U/14 Camoige team had two great wins in Cullohill recently.
They beat Mountrath in the first round of the Community Games. They are now through to the final.
On Monday last they beat Mountmellick in the first game of the League, 4-4 to 4-0. Team as follows: Ciara Lanigan, Patricia Dunphy, Teresa Dollard, Aine Lawlor, Linda O’Sullivan, Lorraine Phelan, Nicola Brophy, Orlaith Ryan, Louise Mahony, Elaine Mahony, Lisa Clancy, Mary Cleary, Lindsey Brennan, Nicola Cleary, Treacy Lynch, Lorraine Holland, Aoife Donohue, Aine Mahony, Joan Dollard.
Cullohill I.C.A. meeting was held on Tuesday 6th May. Votes of sympathy were passed with Fr. John Kenny and the Shiel family, Fr. Martin Tobin on the death of his aunt, and the family of the late Mrs McCabe, Durrow.
Mary Dollard and Teresa Delahunty won the raffle. Preparations and nominations were made for the June meeting, on Tuesday 3rd, which will be the A.G.M. A representative from the Federation will attend to count the votes. Two teams will attend the Table Quiz in the Maltings in aid of Federation Funds.
The meeting ended with a social cuppa!
KILKENNY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY had an evening outing to Cullohill Castle on Wednesday 7th May. They were impressed with the building and the Sheelagh Na Gig.
LAOIS HOSPICE FOUNDATION was presented with a cheque for £1,580 by Paugie Begadon recently – the proceeds of his tape “Fulfilled Dream”. Well done Paugie.
THE ORGANIZERS of the Church Gate Collection for Disabled Drivers thank all who subscribed. £82 was collected.
CONGRATULATIONS to Paddy Geoghan and all manchester United supporters, on winning their 4th title in five years.
CONGRATULATIONS to the seventeen children of Cullohill National School, who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday.
CONGRATULATIONS to Tim and Marion Phelan, Coolnacritta, on the birth of a daughter.
SYMPATHY is extended to the Dunphy family, St. Fintan’s Terrace, Durrow on their recent bereavement.
SYMPATHY is extended to the family of the late Mrs Margaret McCabe, Dunmore, Durrow, on their recent bereavement.
The 2nd round of the All Ireland Pike Qualifiers is on Sunday 11th May on the river Barrow in Athy. Check-in, at the Square, Athy from 10.30 a.m. to 11.45 a.m Fishing from 12 noon to 5.00 p.m. Entry fee £6. Pools optional £1.
A Pike Fishing Competition was held on Sunday last for the Harold Lawlor Cup. Over 25 anglers fished in very difficult conditions, low water, bitter cold wind and wintry showers. Only two fish were caught. Winner michael Walsh. Second Michael O’Rourke.
The next competition for the O’Duinn Cup will be held on Sunday 25th May. Usual rules apply.
LOST Grey Milbro Sweatshirt with navy zip-up collar, on either the Derry Road or Swan Road, Durrow. Contact 36256.
The committee would like to thank everyone who took part in it’s fundraising Cycle / Walk on Sunday last. Numbers were down on last year’s event but this was mainly due to the dreadful weather on the day. Special thanks to Seamus Clancy and his Civil Defence team for their assistance. Thanks also to the Scout Instructors for erecting the tents in a total downpour. Great credit is due to Mark Donohue for his efforts to dry out the same tents.
Prizewinners were: 1st Mountain Bike – Michelle Murphy & Marie Clancy for Scouts. 2nd Helmet – Larry Fitzpatrick for the Durrow Inn. 3rd Helmet – Eleanor Mooney, Fermoyle. 4th Reflector Belt – Jonathan Stapleton, Erkindale Drive. 5th Reflector Belt – Annette Dollard for Durrow Inn. 6th Reflector Belt – Joyce Donohue for Scouts.
At the moment the committee are compiling a list of B & B’s for the Fleadh, and also the Carnival Weekend. If you are interested in going on the list, contact Martin Walsh, 0502-36456, or any member of the committee, as soon as possible.
The details of the Fleadh Cheoil are as follows:
FLEADH CHEOIL LAOISE in Durrow on Whit Weekend – 30th & 31st May, and 1st June. All Music Lovers Welcome.
Friday 30th May: Open Air Set Dancing on special dancing board – All set dancers welcome.
Saturday 31st May: Open Air Set Dancing at 3.00 p.m.
Ceili in the Castle Arms Hotel – Music by Matt Cunningham Ceili Band. Admission £4.
Sunday 1st June: Aifreann Tradisiunta at 11.00 a.m. in the Holy Trinity Church, Durrow.
Official Opening, after parade through Durrow at 12.00 noon.
Music Competition in the Holy Family Boys School and adjacent halls.
Major Busking Competition – 1st Prize – £100, 2nd Prize – £75, 3rd Prize – £20, 4th Prize – £20.
The Lions B Team finished their championship winning year with two games over the last weekend. On Sunday the received a walkover from Inistioge United. On Monday they defeated Bagenalstown B, 3 – 2. Scorers: B. Shortall 2 and Barry Murphy 1. They play Paulstown in the semi-final of the Divisional Cup on this Sunday.
The Lions A team played two games over last weekend and drew them both, 1 – 1. Scorer in both games was Aengus Campion.
On this Saturday evening, May 10th, a Coffee Evening & Bring & Buy Sale is being held in the Presentation Centre, after 7 p.m. Mass. Raffle prizes will include Meal Voucher, Bottles etc. Please support generously.
On Sunday 27th April the Cub Scouts attended the Cub District Sports Day in Mountrath. The day went very well and finished on a very enjoyable note, when Durrow beat Mountrath in the final of the District Soccer League by 4 – 1. They all had a splendid game. Well done boys and girls.
SYMPATHY is extended to the Muldowney family, The Castle, Cullohill, on their recent bereavement.