CONGRATULATIONS to Ross Young, Archerstown, Durrow and Helen Spencer, Cullohill on their recent marriage.
Congratulations to Seamus Coffey, Barnhill, Durrow and Josephine Kavanagh, Ballacolla on their recent marriage.

ST VINCENT de PAUL: Anyone looking for help can contact us on (087) 3476012.

SCOUTS APPEAL: Now is the time to contact Delphine Lawlor on (086) 3655178 if you wish to join us as Scouters/Leaders as we need adults to make the meetings more active for the youth in September. A planned information night will be held in July to show what we do and what is needed to become a Scouter. Required: over 18, likes the outdoors and wanting to live an adventure with kids… having fun!

SENIOR CITIZENS ANNUAL OUTING: This year’s Senior Citizens Outing will be to Fota Island and The English Market in Cork. A date for the outing has yet to be fixed but we hope to go in late August. The cost per person for the outing is €30. Payment in advance to secure your seat, as it’s a 36-seater coach it’s likely to be booked very quickly.

LAOIS FESTIVAL OF WALKS 2017: Laois Walks Festival 2017 will finish with the Leafy Loop Walk this Sunday, July 30th for a 14km walk through woodland, farms and along rivers. Meet at Dunmore Woods car park at 2.30pm to depart shortly afterwards.
Many thanks to everyone from the local area who supported and participated in many of the walks throughout Laois during the Walking Festival 2017. It is amazing the many beautiful, and varied walking venue’s throughout Laois. Great credit is due to Susan Lawlor, Festival Co-Ordinator for all her work.

LIVE WEATHER DATA: Up-to-the-minute local conditions for Durrow are at online.

LAOIS COMMUNITY AND VOLUNTARY AWARDS 2017: Laois County Council in participation with Laois Public Participation Network are proud to announce that the Laois Community and Voluntary Awards, 2017 are being held on the 17th October, 2017. Nomination Forms and details available from the Community Development Section or email The closing date for nominations has now been extended to Friday 11th August, 2017.

DURROW AND DISTRICT BEFRIENDING GROUP: Volunteers are required urgently to help with the work of the group. All it takes is one hour of your time per week to visit somebody living alone. Its very rewarding to do this small task weekly and its so much appreciated by the recipient. For more information please contact Patricia on (089) 4649759.

CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE: Progressive 25 Card Games are held in the hall every Sunday night at 8.30pm sharp followed by tea and sandwiches. Please support!

TIDY TOWNS: Assessment is carried out by an independent panel of adjudicators and takes place during the months of June, July and August each year. This assessment is always conducted in secret and on unspecified dates and Durrow Tidy Towns are appealing to everybody and to all businesses and homes to be active and keep the outside of their homes, premises and public areas clean and tidy. Extra effort has been put in for this years competition and without your help we can’t achieve better marks. Your ongoing assistance would be greatly appreciated in this especially over the coming two weeks during and after the Annual Scarecrow Festival when the town will be at it’s busiest. Many thanks for your ongoing help.

COMHALTAS: Spink Comhaltas are continuing their popular Summer Seisiún series on Wednesday nights between 8pm and 10pm during August. The weekly Seisiún takes place in the Heritage House Museum, Abbeyleix, and all are welcome. There is no entry fee, but donations are accepted to cover the cost of the venue. The Seisiún has a different event every week – but it will comprise the best of Laois musicians in traditional Irish music, song, story telling and the occasional dancer. All are most welcome.

DURROW REMINISCING GROUP: A book with 200 pages of Photographs spanning almost 100 years of Durrow and Cullohill memories including ICA, Hurling, Camogie, Soccer, School to mention but a few. Books for sale €25 each or two for €40. Please text or call Tom on (087) 2936531 or Kathleen on (086) 8263368 for further information.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Hidden – But Still Among Us. Would you like to Volunteer in the ‘Guild of St. Philip’? Prisoners are easy to forget, locked in institutions, they seem to disappear from society?s sight, but prisoners still belong to society that incarnates them. Most will eventually be released and the experience they have in prison will greatly affect their ability to adjust to life ‘outside’ as law abiding citizens. That experience can be influences for the better through the action of concerned, informed citizens. If you wish to be involved please text (086) 0462405 or email

CASTLEWOOD FARMSHOP: Now re-opened. Organic meat, apple juice, eggs and other produce. Farmshop and tearoom open Fridays and Saturdays 10am – 5pm; Sunday 11am – 5pm. Enquiries to Dominic (087)9694070.

APPEAL: This year, 2017 is the 100th anniversary of the O’Brien’s starting their Headstone business in Durrow. If anyone has any old pictures of the Quarry on the Derry Road, Sean would be delighted to hear from you. You can email them to or phone Sean on (086) 2656657 if you have them in paper form. Any additional details such as the names and date of the picture would be greatly appreciated.

NEXT NEWSLETTER: The next newsletter will be on sale this weekend of August 19th and 20th. All adverts must be booked with Angela Drennan (087) 1928522 or Mary Walsh (086) 3055157. Advertisements cost €2 per issue of Durrow Parish Newsletter and must be paid for in advance.