Congratulations to Lucy Alley, Bishopswood, Durrow and Lar Mahon, Rathdowney on their recent marriage;
Congratulations also to James Freeman, Mary St, Durrow and Roseanne Duff, Abbeyleix on their recent marriage.

CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR: A Christmas Craft Fair will be held in The Castle Arms Hotel, Durrow on Saturday 8th November from 11am to 6pm. Crafts people from all over counties Laois and Kilkenny will present their unique Christmas gifts at affordable prices. Come, Browse and Buy!

SHOE-BOX APPEAL: It’s that time of year again when an appeal goes out to one and all to donate a shoe-box/boxes for the benefit of less well off children in the under-developed world. These Christmas boxes filled with little gifts bring tremendous joy to the child who receives it. Please contact Kay Sheppard on mobile (087) 9912o47 for further information on how to donate. Many Thanks!

CULLOHILL TIDY TOWNS AGM: The AGM of Cullohill Tidy Towns takes place this Wednesday, October 22nd, at 8.30pm in The Community Centre. A lot of work has been done in the area over the last two years and we plan to continue to develop the village and surrounds over the coming years. All very welcome to attend next Wednesday’s meeting with suggestions and feedback being sought from as many members of the community as possible. Looking forward to seeing a big crowd there Wednesday evening!

FOUND: A mobile phone was found between Durrow and Cullohill. Please contact: (086) 8263368 for more information.

DANCE CLASSES: Social dance classes will be held every Wednesday night in the Community Hall, Johnstown starting at 8pm. In a social atmosphere while helping to lose weight and tone muscles you can learn to dance the old time waltz, quick step, the foxtrot, the jive, the slosh, and any other dance. You don’t need a partner just come along and bring your friends for a wonderful night. For more details please contact (086) 8825200.

NEW PILATES SESSION: Commencing Tuesday 4th November in the Castle Arms Hotel from 8pm to 9pm. Seven Weeks will cost €55. All abilities catered for. Fully qualified Pilates Instructor. Places are limited so booking is essential. For further information please call Margaret on (086) 8547710.

RATHDOWNEY COLLEGE OPEN NIGHT: St Fergal’s College Rathdowney will hold their open night for incoming first year students and their parents on Thursday 23rd of October from 5.30pm to 8pm. A presentation will take place at 7.30pm. Students may be enrolled on the night.

CULLOHILL NATIONAL SCHOOL PARENTS COUNCIL: A Halloween Fancy Dress Party will be held on Saturday 25th October at 9pm in O’Connells Pub, Cullohill. There will be prizes for the best outfits, raffle prizes, music and much more… Admission is only €5 and all proceeds will go to Cullohill National School Parents Council. So get your thinking cap on, get your outfit ready for what will be a great night and we look forward to seeing you there!

HEYWOOD COMMINUTY SCHOOL OPEN NIGHT: Heywood Community School will hold an Open Night on Thursday, October 23rd from 7pm to 9pm for all prospective First Year students and their Parent(s)/Guardian(s). All are welcome.

CHURCH NOTES: Readers: Sunday Mornings: October 19th & 26th: Stephanie Phelan; November 2nd & 9th: Liam Phelan. Saturday Evenings: October 18th & 25th: Kay Sheppard; November 1st & 8th: Tomas Murphy.
November Ministers of the Eucharist: Sunday Mornings: Donal Bowe and Pat O’Hara; Saturday Evenings: Mai Bowe and Pius Hennessy.
November Church Cleaning Rota: Ann Kealy, Mary Kennedy and Mary Walsh.

Sympathy is extended to Jimmy Ryan and Family, The Swan, Durrow on the death of his sister.
Sympathy is extended to the McEvoy Family, Cork Rd, Durrow on their recent bereavement.

PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES AND SHRINES OF FRANCE 2015: In place of the usual five night pilgrimage to Lourdes there will be a seven-day pilgrimage in July next year. It will include visits for one night to Lisieux. Rue-de-Bac (Paris), Nevers (where the body of St. Bernadette lies), Rocamadour concluding with three nights in Lourdes. This is a once-off opportunity as we will revert to the usual pilgrimage to Lourdes in 2016. Find out more from JWT on (01) 2410800.

AWARE: The Aware Support Group for people experiencing depression, anxiety, stress and other mood related conditions meets every Tuesday at 7.30pm in St.Peter and Paul’s Parish Centre, Portlaoise. This service is free of charge, no referral is required and you do not need to book. If you require further information contact (01) 6617211 or or the LoCall Helpline 1890 303302.

SATURDAY MARKET: Durrow Saturday market is open every Saturday from 9am to 12.30pm in the Computer Centre beside the RC Church on the Kilkenny Rd. Potato’s and Fresh Veg are available, to book your favourites please ring Marie on (087) 7742506. Home Baking from Bernie Brennan is also now available with a selection of fresh breads, scones, tarts and cakes. You can also book cakes for parties etc. with Bernie. Do come along, great value on offer!

LITTLE OAKS PARENT AND TODDLER PLAYGROUP: The Little Oaks Parent and Toddler Playgroup continues meetings on Tuesdays at 10am in the Presentation Centre. All are most welcome. All enquiries to Teresa on (086) 3914725.

TAEKWONDO CLASSES: World taekwondo association classes are held in Durrow Community Centre every Monday and Wednesday from 7.45pm to 8.30pm (both nights). Classes are open to men, women and children. For more information, contact (086) 8359333 or visit online.
Note: Adult classes have commenced and there are places available, please contact above number.

COMPUTER TRAINING: Basic Computer & Internet Training for Beginners: Are you working in the rural community, Farming, Senior Citizen, unemployed? Irish Rural Link are a non-profit organization. We are holding Tuesday training sessions to provide Basic Computer Training to people at The FAS Centre, Durrow, from Tuesday 4th November at 7pm. To book a place contact Mary on (086) 8422029.

TIME TO GET THE KETTLE ON!: Classes have commenced in Durrow Community Centre every Tuesday and Thursday evening, PLUS! SATURDAY MORNINGS from 11am to Noon. First class free for everyone joining at any time. Contact David on (087) 3833258 or by email.

CORE HEALTH AND FITNESS: A new Health and Fitness Centre has opened in Old Boy’s School, Kilkenny Road, Durrow which will cater for all types of fitness training for everyone. Opening hours are from 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday and Saturday from 10am to 6pm. For more information please ring (087) 9302152 or call into the centre during opening hours.

OUR LADY’S MEADOW: Buy a Brick for only €10 and have your name immortalised as part of our school’s building fund! Contact the School on (057) 8736329 for further information.
One-Way System: We ask that parents be mindful of the one-way system in operation during school hours. Parents are asked to enter the green area via the Castledurrow entrance and exit via The Stores Daybreak. Many thanks for your co-operation as it will help keep the area safer for children going to and from the School.
Bag Pack: On Friday, November 7th, Our Lady’s Meadow have the opportunity to bag-pack in Dunnes Stores, The Kyle Centre, Portlaoise. All funds raised will be used to purchase new P.E. equipment for the School. Further details in the next issue of Durrow Parish Newsletter.

WHIST DRIVE: The next Whist Drive meeting will be on October 23rd at 8.30pm in The Parochial Hall, Cork Road, Durrow.

BRIDGE CLUB: Durrow Bridge Club continues on Wednesdays in the Presentation Centre. We look forward to meeting all our friends/players each Wednesday night at 7.45pm.

DURROW LIBRARY OPENING HOURS: Monday – Closed; Tuesday – 1pm to 5.30pm; Wednesday – 1.30pm to 5.30pm and 6pm to 7.30pm; Friday – 10.30am to 12.30pm; Saturday – 11am to 1pm. Phone: (057) 8736090.

SWAN ROAD ACTION GROUP: We are still looking for anyone who may help in removing the stumps from the site thus leaving it ready for work to commence. If there is anyone who may be in a position to remove the stumps of the trees please could you contact Fred Townsend on mobile (087) 6892323 or any member of the committee as soon as possible. The committee would once again like to thank anyone who has helped with the project to date.

COMHOLTAS: Adult music Classes are on Thursdays between 7.30pm and 9.30pm in Heritage House, Abbeyleix.  Responses to with your name and instrument details.

NEXT NEWSLETTER: The next newsletter will be on sale weekending November 1st and 2nd. NOTICE: The deadline for inclusion of notes is Thursday, 30th October at 7pm to and ALL ADVERTS MUST BE BOOKED WITH ANGELA DRENNAN (087) 1928522 OR MARY WALSH (086) 3055157.