Lawlor Family scoop awards at Tullamore Show 2015
Once again this year the Lawlor family, Durrow did very well with their exhibits at Tullamore Show held on Sunday August 9th. The exhibits involved three generations of the Lawlor family, Harold, the father, Martin his son and Colin his grandson. In the vegetable section Colin was second in the All-Ireland collection of vegetables and his grandfather was third, (a marvellous achievement for both as the class was top quality), they both won several first, second and third prizes in the vegetables. Harold won best exhibit in all the vegetables class for his three giant onions. A good day overall. Martin, in the Dahlia and Flower section won seven first prizes, five second, three third prizes in Dahlia section as well as winning the Midland Dahlia Championship and the best entry in the Dahlia Classes.
With only one entry in the flower section Martin won first prize in Annualβs class. Well done! On Sept 21st, RTE 1 Nationwide are doing a feature on this family and the remarkable achievement of the three generations of growers. The programme was recorded during the Scarecrow festival where they visited the Lawlor family for a full day and then followed them to Tullamore Show where they filmed the fruits of their labour. Well worth watching and hopefully it will help bring more people to visit Durrow.