Our Ladys Meadow School Spring Newsletter
Peace Proms: A big thank you to Ms. Connolly and the school choir who gave a magical performance as part of the Peace Proms on Saturday 1st March in The Hub, Kilkenny. For the last number of months the choir and Ms. Connolly had been practicing twice a week before school started. Their hard work and dedication was easily seen on the night. As a token of appreciation Ms. Connolly was presented with flowers. The Choir were not forgotten either – plenty of chocolate covered faces were to be seen in the playground at lunchtime. You did us proud – Thank You!
Peter Coe Room – Loan Update: A special word of thanks to Sheppard’s Auction House, Wednesday night Cubs, Lawlor’s Florist and Castle Durrow, for their generous donations to the school. We started the school year in September with an outstanding loan amount of €15,000. To date we have been able to pay a whopping €7,153.30 off the loan, which leaves and outstanding amount of €7,846.70. Thanks to everybody for their on-going support of our fundraising efforts, it truly is a tremendous achievement to have nearly half of the loan paid in seven months.
Coffee Morning and Cake Sale: Come join us at our Coffee Morning and Cake Sale in the Presentation Centre after mass on Sunday 13th April for some delicious treats.
Durrow Parish Lotto: Lotto sales have more than doubled! During the months October to February, we sold in excess of 3,100 tickets. Due to the large number of tickets being sold by the various clubs , our lotto profit for this period was just under €4,000. This would not have been possible without your continued support. If you choose to enter the Lotto on a weekly basis , please get your tickets from Helen in the school office and put your entries into the Lotto box in the school hall. Please continue to use this method if it suits you.
Christmas Fair a great Success: A great day of festive cheer and fun was had at the Christmas Fair on Sunday 15th December. Even Santa took time out of his busy schedule to join us for a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie. A total of €1,511.09 was raised on the day.
Cycling Safety Course: Fourth and Fifth classes are currently taking part part in a “Cycling Safety Course”. The cost for each pupil has been subsidized by €5 by the Parents Council.
Swimming: After Christmas, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth class got the opportunity to take swimming lessons in the Leisure Centre in Portlaoise. it was great fun and we got to learn lots of new techniques. The instructors were really kind and helpful. We became much better at swimming in just a few weeks. It was a great experience and if you every get the opportunity to go swimming there you should take it.