Recent Cake Sale by Durrow Development Forum a big Success!
DURROW DEVELOPMENT FORUM: Thank You: Durrow Development Forum wish to thank everybody who supported their recent cake sale for the Cuisle Centre Portlaoise. The total amount taken in from the cake sale, raffle and a donation from DDF brings the amount up to €700. The winners of the raffle were: First – Emer Murphy; Second – Margaret Donohue; Third – Declan Phelan; Fourth – Roisin Phelan and Fifth Marlena Tobin. Well done to all!
Wanted for this Year’s Scarecrow Festival: The Scarecrow Volunteers Group are on the lookout for Sheets of Ply board (they don’t have to be new) and Corriboard and if anybody has any old tents, even if they are not waterproof, we would appreciate if you recycling these items to us for our scarecrow displays.
DURROW TIDY TOWNS: Junior Tidy Towns: Durrow Tidy Towns are very interested in starting a junior tidy towns group. We hope to identify a specified project where all the work would be carried out by the children, with the help of some of the committee. This project would be a permanent and lasting addition to the efforts of the committee so far.
Residents Groups: To try and continue the good work started during cleanup week, the committee hopes that residents’ groups can be set up in the different areas and estates around the town. These groups could be included in the organisation of the different projects planned for the year.