Tidy Towns Work Nights 2017 continuing this July 🗓
Thanks to everybody both young and old who came out for our work night on Wednesday last, there was great work done and we appreciated the help. We will have another work night this Wednesday, meeting in the square at 7.30pm and all help would be much appreciated. If you can’t make the work night we would ask everybody to keep the outside of their homes and businesses clean and tidy and also ask everybody to be a litter aware, if you see it – please do pick it up!!!
Assessment is carried out by an independent panel of adjudicators and takes place during the months of June, July and August each year. This assessment is always conducted in secret and on unspecified dates and Durrow Tidy Towns are appealing to everybody and to all businesses and homes to be active and keep the outside of their homes, premises and public areas clean and tidy. Extra effort has been put in for this years competition and without your help we can’t achieve better marks. Your ongoing assistance would be greatly appreciated in this.