14th/15th February, 1998 – Durrow Parish Newsletter
14th/15th February 1998 – Price: 30p
Durrow Parish Newsletter
Compiled By The Durrow Scouts
Thoughts of the Day
It’s your thoughts that matter. What you think within your heart –
will decide if you’re to play a mean or noble part.
Lift your thoughts on wings of prayer.
There is no better way – of beginning and of ending every passing day.
Looking back, we see it was the hardship not the ease –
that taught us most of life’s philosophy.
The hurt in things, the stabs and stings that brought us to our knees –
To learn new wisdom from calamity.
Durrow/Cullohill Senior Citizens Party
The Senior Citizens Party organised by Durrow Community Council takes place on Sunday 22nd February at 2 pm in the Castle Arms Hotel. Invitations are being distributed to the Senior Citizens at the moment. A great day is assured. If there is anybody who feels they are eligible and do not receive an invitation can feel free to come along on the day.
Car Wash Day
The Community Council encourage all those people in Durrow/Cullohill and surrounding areas to bring along your cars for a wash to the ESSO Station on the Abbeyleix Road on Saturday 21st February. Full proceeds from the car wash day go towards the expense of the party.
The Community Council are deeply indebted to Mr and Mrs Jackie Daly for this generous gesture.
Start your own Business Course
Durrow Development Forum ar ecurrently in the process of organising a Start your own Business Course under the Laois Enterprise Board. If you are interested please get in contact with Anne Vaugh, Secretary of Durrow Development Forum at 0502-36228 by March 1st 1998.
Durrow/Cullohill Community Alert
In Conjunction with Shanahoe and Aghaboe Community Alert Committees we are holding an Abuse of Substance Awareness Meeting in The Castle Arms Hotel on Tuesday 24th February 1998, commencing at 8.30 pm.
Guest Speaker will be Detective Garda Peter Doolan, Drugs Awareness Officer for Laois/Offaly and Sr Veronica Mangan, Co-Director of the Aisling Adolescent Addictive Centre, Ballyragget.
This is a public meeting and all parents are invited to attend.
Cullohill Community Centre Auction
On Sunday 1st March the committee of Cullohill Community Centre are holding an Auction in the Centre. Anybody with items for the Auction can leave them in the centre on Friday 27th or Saturday 28th. Any queries contact Breda Bourke, Bernadette Walsh or Bernie Brennan. More details in next issue.
Copper Kettle
Copper Kettle Take Away require person to work part time. Call or Contact by phone, No 0502-36544.
Sympathy is extended to Stephen Carroll, Erkindale Drive, Durrow on the death of his wife Margaret.
Parish Diary
St. Valentine Weekend
A remember to all couples intending marriage. At least three months notice must be given to the priest(s) of the bride and groom parishes as well as the civil registrar of marriages in Portlaoise. Furthermore all couples must benefit from a pre-marriage course. OMAC offer the following courses: three nights, 8 pm to 10 pm. Cost: £28 per couple and day courses, 9.30 am to 5.30 pm.
Venues are scheduled:
Feb 23rd, 26th and March 2nd (evening) – Seville Lodge
March 7th (day) – Durrow
March 14th and 21st (days) – Seville Lodge, Kilkenny
April 20th, 23rd, and 27th (evenings) – Seville Lodge Kilkenny
April 25th, May 11th, 18th (days) – Seville Lodge, Kilkenny
May 25th, 28th, June 1st, (evenings) – Seville Lodge, Kilkenny
June 6th, 13th (days) – Seville Lodge, Kilkenny
For bookings phone Ossory Marriage Awareness Courses at 056-21653.
Peace in Christ
Parish Vigil will be held on Monday night 9th March. A day of prayer and reflection for widows and widowers will be held next Saturday 21st February.
First Penance (Confession)
Confession will be held in Cullohill Church on Monday night 9th March and in Durrow Church on Tuesday night 12th March.
Ash Wednesday
Next Wednesday week, 25th February is Ash Wednesday. A day of fast and abstinence. Abstinence is from all meats; fasting is the reduction of all foods and other pleasures in imitation of Jesus in the desert. The law of fasting and abstinence binds those who have completed their 14th year, until the beginning of the sixtieth year.
Temperance Sunday
Next Sunday, the Sunday before Lent is designated as temperance Sunday.
Tree Planting Ceremony
The Bee Keepers Association of Laois have chosen to plant 6 Horse Chestnut Trees in Cullohill area. The ceremony will take place on Sunday March 8th at 3 pm.
Diocese of Ossory, Pilgrimage to Lourdes 1998
Friday May 22nd to Wednesday 27th. Contact the Director: Fr P Farrell, P.P Lisdowney – 056-33138 or for the invalid section: Fr R Marnell, C.C St Mary’s Cathedral – 056-21253.
The Diocese of Ossory seeks applications from suitable candidates for the following position, Diocesan Priest. For Further information Contact Fr. Dan Caroll, St Kierans College, 056-21086 (EXT 34).
Heywood Community School
American Tea Party
Heywood Community School will hold an American Tea Party on Friday 6th March. Dancing to Blacklace. Bar Facilities. tickets £10. Parents and friends who wish to host a table should give names to a member of the Parents Association & Fundraising Committee in your area. A good night is assured.
Best of Luck
Best of Luck to Andrew Muldowney, Cullohill, who is going to San Francisco this weekend. Andrew is a member of the UCD handball club who are sending a team of seven players to the US National Collegiate Competition. Andrew would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who gave their financial support in the form of sponsorship, without whose generosity this trip would not have been possible.
Baby Travel Cot. Contact 0502-31849.
Good Home Needed
Good Home needed for Collie pups. Contact 0502-36453.
Ceili in aid of Laois Hospice is taking place in The Castle Arms Hotel on Friday 20th February. Music by: Shaskeen, dancing from 10 pm – 1 am.
Cullohill Community Centre
Progressive 25 Results
February 4th – 1st Pierce and Ann Kavannagh
2nd Fr. Lar Dunphy and Neddy Brophy
Raffle winners: Neddy Brophy, Larry Dunphy and Jack Fitzpatrick.
February 11th – 1st Eddie Walsh and Eamon Fitzpatrick
Joint 2nd – Jack Mooney and Ned Duggan, Rita McEvoy and Molly Dollard, Jim Duggan and Watt Delahunty.
Raffle winners: Jim Duggan, Jack Fitzpatrick and Pat Sullivan.
Cards every week in the Community Centre.
Cullohill I.C.A. Guild
Cullohill I.C.A. Guild held their meeting at the Centre on Tuesday 3rd February. Votes of sympathy were passed with Dunne Family, Belmont, Gibbons and Phelan Families and John Freema, Durrow and the Dollard and Kelly Families. Guild members will help out at the Community Centre Auction by running a Cake Sale and serving teas on the day. Nell Sullivan won the raffle and the Guild meets every Tuesday at 8 pm to write up the history which we have researched. All Guild members send their Congratulations to Vera Fogarty on being awarded for her work with Juvenile Hurling teams.
The Irish Heart Foundation
The Irish Heart Foundation will give a talk and Demonstration at Cullohill community Centre on Tuesday 3rd and 10th of March on how to deal with Heart attacks and other emergencies. Please give your name to Nancy Phelan, Cullohill or Gay Lalor, Durrow. It is to teach members of the public this life saving skill. Men and Women welcome, especially 20 – 50 year olds age group.
Sympathy to Molly Healy, Oldtown on the death of Margaret Carroll, Durrow.
Durrow Tramps Ball
The Tramps Ball will take place in Aid of The Kolbe Centre, Portlaoise in The Castle Arms Hotel on Friday March 6th from 8.30 pm till late. Admission £3 including tea. Music by: Country Blues, The Celts Kieran Fogarty and our own Largo. Trophies for winners on view in woods shop window.
For Sale: Kitchen Table 3ft 11″, extends to 5ft 5″. Contact 050236334.
Lennon’s Lounge
Sunday 15th February Music by Blood and Whiskey, a 6 piece group, playing for the first time in County Laois.
Harps Ladies Football Club Cabaret
Harps Ladies Football Cabaret will take place in The Nore Nets, Durrow on Sunday 15th of February. Music by Zest. Door prize £20. Admission: £1. Your Support is badly needed, and will be much appreciated.
Walsh’s Videos
February bests: Men in Black, Bean, The Chamber, Conspiracy Theory, Speed 2.
Coming in March: The Full Monty, Contact, Lost Highway, Air Force One, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Her Majesty Mrs Brown.
Durrow Community Services – FAS
Applications are invited for the next, FAS Scheme in Durrow/Cullohill. All Applications to FAS Office, Boy’s School, Durrow. For any information contact 0502-36376.
Durrow C.Y.M.S News
Father and Son Tournament Results
First Round Results:
Donal & Patrick Bowe bt PJ & Paul Aylward
Michael & Gary Kenna bt Martin & Shane Brophy
Paul & Mark Kelly bt Paddy & Richard Dunne
John & Mark Flynn bt Noel & Brendan Cooney
Tommy & Ciaran Walsh bt Jim & Simon Dwyer
Andrew & Johnathon Walsh bt Billy & Robert White
Tony & Martin Clancy bt Jimmy & Johnathon Stapleton
Noel & Aidan Keenan bt Mick & Enda Carroll
Second Round Results:
Donal & Danny Donohue bt Bobby & Robert Campion
David & Lee Donohue bt Richard & Richie Grogan
Ger & Tony Woods bt Joe & Alan Donohue
Ger & John Brophy bt Jim & JJ Delahunty
Tuesday 17th February – Tony & Martin Clancy Vs Noel & Aidan Keenan at 8 pm.
Tommy & Ciaran Walsh Vs Andrew & Johnathon Walsh at 9 pm.
Thursday 19th February – Donal & Patrick Bowe Vs Mick & Gary Kenna at 7 pm.
John & Mark Flynn Vs Paul & Mark Kelly at 8 pm.
Durrow C.Y.M.S would like to thank the sponsors of this tournament, P.J Aylward, Paddy Dunne, Paul Kelly, Ger Woods, Mick Carroll, Mick Gaughan, Tommy Walsh and Joe Donohue.
Durrow Senior A Snooker team had an easy victory over Piltown in the 1st round of the Diocesian Snooker and now meet Templemore.
Team includes: Vincent Cooney, Fergal Brophy, John Murphy and Sean Aylward.
Durrow Senior B Billard team played Graiguenamanagh in the 2nd leg last Thursday night 12th, and had a very narrow victory by just 16 points.
Team includes Donal Donohue, Vincent Cooney, Sean Aylward and Morgan Kelly.
Durrow Junior A Billard team hold a substantial lead after the first leg in Piltown.
Team includes: Fergal Brophy, John Murphy and Liam Kelly.
Laois Hospice Foundation
The Annual General Meeting of the Laois Hospice Foundation is being held on Wednesday 25th February at 8 pm in the Killeshin Hotel, Portlaoise. Guest Speaker: DANA. Everyone is welcome to attend, Refreshments will be served.
The Laois Hospice Foundation wishes to thank the people of Durrow Cullohill and Attanagh for their continued support.
Harps Camogie Club
The AGM of the Harps Camogie Club will be held in the Community Centre, Cullohill on Friday 27th February at 8 pm. The support of all players and parents at this important meeting would be very much appreciated.
Congratulations to Imelda Galvin, Maeve Brophy, Marie Lalor and Joyce Donohue, who played major parts on St. Fergal’s Senior Basketball team who have reached the All-Ireland Schools Final. They now meet the winners of Connaught and Ulster. The Finals will be played on 18th or 19th March in Tallaght. Best of Luck to all concerned.
Congratulations to Clare Dunne, Jack Lalor, Bernard Dunphy, local winners in the Rainbow Colouring competition organised by the Bank of Ireland, Durrow, recently.