31st January/1st February, 1998 – Price: 30 p

Durrow Parish Newsletter

Compiled By Durrow Scouts

Thoughts For The Day

We cannot halt the pace of Time, the clocks go ticking on.
When birthdays come along we say “Another year was gone”.
But let it go without regret whatever it has brought.
Greet the future with a happy and courageous thought
– welcoming another year, believing hopefully –
that the worst’s behind you and “the best is yet to be”


Through the stark limbs of the trees no sap is rising yet –
But soon upon the leafless boughs the blossom will be set.
In a way most marvellous that no man can explain.
There will be a resurrection.
Spring will come again.


Durrow Badminton Club

The members of the Durrow Badminton Club wish to thank everyone for their support at the Christmas Bazaar. The Club sincerely wishes to thank all the shops and businesses in the locality who sponsored prizes. Without whom the event would not have been successful.
The Club also wishes to thank the FAS workers for their continued help with the up keep of the hall.
Durrow Badminton Club Personality of the Year Award 1998 goes to Tommy Corrigan. (See back Page).


Durrow Parish Lotto

Results for Monday 19th January: No Jackpot winner. Nos. 13-20-30.
£20 won by John Bourke, Cullohill and Mary Shortall, Mill Road, Durrow.
£10 to Con Geoghegan, Gurteen.

Monday 26th January: £450 Jackpot was won by Ger Alley, The Square, Durrow. No’s 10-19-28.

Next draw on Monday 2nd February, in O’Connell’s, Cullohill.
Jackpot £250.

The Annual AGM of the Lotto was held in the Castle Armshotel on Tuesday 27th January. The following were elected:
Chairman – Michael Donohue
Vice-Chairman – Con Geoghegan
Treasurer – Mary Walsh
Ass. Treasurer – Aileen Donohue
Secretary – Angela Drennan

Seosamh Murphy, Chairman of Durrow Community Services – FAS, thanked the Lotto committee for their continued financial support of FAS Schemes in Durrow.


Laois Macra na Feirme

Laois Macra na Feirme will hold an introductory meeting to Macra in the Castle Arms Hotel on Wednesday, February 11th, at 8 pm.
All are welcome between ages of 17 – 35.



ForSale: Singer Sewing Machine – £45. Contact: 0502 37105
2 Carpets – new in wrapper, each 13″ X 16″. Colours Brown and Beigh. Contact: 0502 36109.
1991 Fiat Uno Van – includes Car Stereo, Sun Roof, Sports Wheel Covers, Contact Kevin at 0502-36307.


Parish News

La le Bríd

Sunday 1st February, La le Bríd, the first day of Spring is designated Day For Life. On this Sunday we highlight Cura, one of the church organisations that is committed to Life. Cura was established by the Bishops (1977) as a caring service for all women who are unhappily pregnant and distressed. Cura upholds the right of every child to be born. At the same time Cura recognises that some will make choices and take decisions at variance with its own philosophy. Cura will always seek to assist compassionately those who are experiencing the trauma of unexpected pregnancy and abortion and others affected by the problem. Unexpected pregnancy is hard to face. If you need help, support counselling, information, pregnancy testing, post abortion counselling – all free and confidential services – Phone Kilkenny 056-22739.

Candlemas Day

Monday 2nd February. The blessing of candles will take place during the parish masses on this day. In accordance with tradition the faithful donate candles to be used at masses and other liturgical celebrations throughout the year. Candles or donations will be gratefully received.
Mass & Blessing: Durrow 8.50 am Cullohill 8 pm followed with blessing of the throats.
St. Blaise: Tuesday Mass & Blessing of throats Durrow 8.50 am Cullohill (Monday night following 8 pm Mass) & Tuesday 9.30 am.

First Friday of February – 6th. Sick & Housebound will be visited. Durrow, Mass 7.30 pm followed by adoration. Confessions7 pm Cullohill, Adoration 7 – 8 pm, Mass 8 pm, Confessions7.15 – 7.45 pm.

Feast of our Lady of Lourdes – 11th February, International Day of Prayer for the sick.
Children helping Children, Society of Missionary Children. We are very pleased to see that Cullohill N.S received a special mention in the annual report 1997, for their generous contribution.


Durrow & District Camera Club

The 2nd round of the Eddie Moore Memorial Shield was held recently. The results were as follows:
1st Paul Cashin
2nd Breda Kelly
3rd Paul Cashin
4th Paul Cashin
5th Breda Kelly

The theme of the competition was Christmas.


Durrow Carnival

The Carnival Committee is in the process of organizing a Durrow Tops of the Town competition. All participating clubs have now been issued with a list of rules etc. The following clubs and organisations have been aligned to licensed premises as follows:

The Nore Nets: FAS, Camera Club, Fire Brigade.
Phelans: The Harps, Development Forum.
Castle Arms Hotel: Ladies Club, Scouts & Foroige.
The Bridge Bar: Pipe Band.
Gaughans: Fishing Club, Macra.
Lennons: Civil Defense, Community Council, Credit Union.
Gerri’s: Lions Soccer Club, C.Y.M.S.

The 1st programme will be on 13th February and the following are the other designated dates – All Fridays – Feb. 20th, Feb 27th, March 13th, March 20th, March 27th, April 3rd, with the Final on April 17th.


Cullohill Community Centre

Progressive 25 Results

Wednesday 21st January – 1st Kathleen Cummins & Bridie Bergin, 2nd tie Molly Dollard & Rita McEvoy and Paddy Delaney & Margret Delaney.
Raffle Winners: Tommy White & Margret Delaney

Wednesday 28th January – 1st Larry Mahoney & Tommy Corrigan, 2nd Pierce & Ann Kavannagh.
Raffle Winners: Peader Duggan & Kathleen Cummins.

The Auction for Cullohill Community Centre is on Sunday 1st March. A committee member will call to collect items over the next few weeks.

Teams for new Leagues in Squash, Handball & Racketball have been drawn up. Those involved are asked to play their games on time and no later than Friday 27th February. Winning teams in each league will each receive a Cullohill Community Centre training top.

Cullohill ICA resumes next Tuesday, 3rd February, at 8 pm in Community Centre.


Durrow Foroige Club

Foroige Club are holding a sponsored night hike and also a cake sale in the next few weeks. Funds will be divided between The Senior Citizens Party, Presentation Sisters, Wales Romanian Fund.
Your Support would be much appreciated.


Walsh’s Videos

Tops in Videos – Con Air, Absolute Power, Dante’s Peak, Marvin’s Room and The fifth element.
Block Busters List: The Devil’s Own, The Lost World, Murder at 1600, One Fine Day, A Father’s Betrayel.



Congratulations to Elma Walshe, Bishopswood, Durrow, who did some Cookery on Echo Island Programme on RTE 2.
Congratulations to Rory O’Connell who cooked on Pot Luck Programme on RTE 1.
Congratulations to Linda O’ Donnell, Carrigan Street, Durrow, who celebrated her 21st Birthday reccently.



Sympathy is extended to Dollard and Kelly Families on the death of Miss Kitty Dollard.
Sympathy is extended to the Freeman Family, Mary Street, Durrow, on their recent bereavement.
Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mrs Christina Phelan, Patrick St, Durrow, on their recent bereavement.
Sympathy is extended to the Jacob Family, Dereen, on their recent bereavement.


Lions Soccer Club

Lions A team drew 2 – 2 with Forth Rangers in Durrow on Sunday last. Scorers: P. Hendersonand R. Dempsey.
South East Drw: Congratulations to Helen Mooney, Grennan, Attanagh, who won 2nd prize in the South East Soccer Draw on Friday 23rd January. Helen’s prize is a choice of 6 Luxurious Holidays or cash prize, and also to Mary O’Shea, Tubberboe, Durrow, who won a valuable selection of Gents Clothes.


Annual Church gate Collection

Annual church gate collection for Cystic Fibrosis will be held on weekend 7th/8th February at all masses in Durrow and Cullohill. Your support is needed.


Durrow Parish Dance/Personality of the Year Awards

Durrow Parish Dance was held on Friday night last in the Castle Arms Hotel and the personality of the year Awards were presented on the night by Mr Shay Vereker, Bank of Ireland, Durrow. The trophies for these awards were sponsored by Bank of Ireland.
The following are tributes made to each recipient:

Durrow Badminton Club, Personality of the Year – This year the Durrow Badminthon Club is honouring one of its longest serving members. Through out the years he has been a loyal club supporter selling tickets, coaching new members and giving the odd message. He has even been known to assist Santa at the annual Bazaar. Despite injury last year he returned to the club to play again this year. He is still a very valued member of the club. So it’s with great pleasure that the Durrow Badminton Club’s Person of the year goes to Tommy Corrigan.

Lions Soccer Club – A member of the Lions Soccer Club since 1985, Robbie Dempsey was U/15 player of the year for Kilkenny & District League for that year. He was a member of the Lions U/15 Cup winning team. In 1988, Robbie was a member of the Lions youth team and starred for Kilkenny & District League team, and was selected youth player of the year for the District. In 1994/95 season Robbie signed for Kilkenny City and played in Division 1 of National League. Robbie resigned for the Lions in September 95 and a serious car crash coming home from a soccer match nearly finished his career. Determination and youth helped him back to full fitness and is now one of the star players in the club.
Robbie is manager of Lions U/14 Schoolboys team and is also trainer of the Lions Junior Teams. He is in his third year as Secretary of the club and he does an immense amount of work for the Club. He is deserving the award as Lion Soccer Club Personality of the Year.

Harps GAA – On behalf of the Harps Club it gives us great pleasure to announce Vera Fogarty Club Personality of the Year for 1997. Vera has been associated with the club for the past number of years and has been Juvenile Secretary during that period. Being Juvenile Secretary is a very demanding Job, looking after all the players from U/12 to U/17. The Club are very grateful to Vera for this and we are sure that she is a very popular choice.

Durrow Community Council – The Community Council have choosen Oliver Clooney as the Personality of the year. Oliver has been a member for the past 20 years and has held the position of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer during this time. A very hard working member, he is the current chairman and has always carried out his duties with great commitment and dedication. He was a member of the Community Council when they set up the first FAS Scheme in the town and was also one of the founding members of Durrow Credit Union, of Community Alert and Federation Community Alert. Oliver is truly a great worker in the Community and richly deserving of this award.

Durrow Tidy Towns – The Tidy Towns Award winner is a man who contributes a great deal to our Tidy Towns. Every day he keeps the town looking so well. We feel everyone in Durrow is indebted to this man. This year he is retiring from the FAS Scheme and will be badly missed. The award winner is Joe Donohue.

Durrow & District Camera Club – The Camera Club nominee for 1997 has been a corner stone of the club since its foundation over ten years ago. In fact he was one of the founding members and has been totally involved in all club activities ever since. He’s been on every committee and has done every possible job at one time or other, with the exception of Chairman, a position for which he was nominated many times and which he always declined, because he preferred to work behind the scenes. Such is the character of this man. As an organizer he is second to none, he has organized every club outing since its foundation. He would plan the routes, book the buses, arrange the accommodation and find the places of interest. All the members had to do was to turn up and enjoy themselves. His telephone bill must have often resembled the national debt of a small country.
The achievements of which we are most proud is the success of the Junior Branch of the Club. Apart from being great for the young people involved it also ensures that the Camera Club has a futureand a bright one at that, the credit for this also goes to this man, because it was his idea, he set it up and he supervises it. Without his input it would not exist. He loves his photography and works hard at it and won man y competitions down through the years including Photographer of the year in 1995 and 1996. He is of course the one and only, Martin Walsh.

Durrow & District Angling Club & 3rd Laois Durrow Scouts – Personality of the year Award winners had tributes to them in the last issue of the Newsletter. They were: Durrow & District Angling Club – Mick O’Rourke, 3rd Laois Durrow Scouts – Angela Drennan.

Congratulations to all award winners.


Harps Juvenile GAA Club

The Harps Juvenile GAA Club held their AGM on Tuesday 20th Jan. Officers elected were:

President – Jimmy Fogarty
Chairman – Tommy Walsh
Secretary – Vera Fogarty
Committee – Bobby Campion, Seamus Campion, Noel Delaney, John Bourke, Kevin Galvin, Jack Dunphy, James Fogarty, Jack Cahill, Donal Deegan, Ger Brophy, Pat Young and Martin Fitzpatrick.

The club was very successful last year but parents are strongly urged to give more support to both mentors and indeed their children this year.

Vera is Tops – Congratulations to Vera Fogarty on winning Harps Club Personality of the Year. It’s more than well deserved as Vera is one of the hardest working people in the club.


Harps Ladies Football Club

The Harps Ladies Football Club are holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 11th February. The meeting will commence at 8 pm in CYMS, Small hall. All members are asked to attend. All New Members Are Welcome.

The club is holding a Caberet in the Nore Nets on 15th February. Music by Zest. There is a door prize of £20. Everyone is asked to support the club as this is their second year running. The girls would like to thank everyone who supported them last year and hope to get as much support in the coming year.
