Beavers Christmas 2014 Trip to Rathwood
Our Beavers recently visited Rathwood for their Christmas trip and had a great time seeing Santa and going on the Santa train.
Our Cubs will travel to Winter Wonderland in Waterford this Saturday where we are sure they will all have a ball! Our Scouts, Ventures and Rovers will have a Christmas trip shortly – details yet to be finalised.
A big thank you to all our scouters for their commitment to the group over the last few months you are all doing a great job.
We would like to wish all a very Merry Christmas. We all hope Santa is good to all our youth members.
Uniforms: If anyone out there has old scout uniforms can they please pass them back to Angela Drennan 14 Erkindale Drive, Durrow, Co. Laois and we will try and sell them for you as some of our new Youth members are actively look for some.