bank-of-ireland-ftuCalling businesses and community to get involved! Abbeyleix & Durrow have been jointly selected as Bank of Ireland ‘Enterprise Towns’. The Bank has taken a three-pillar approach to this initiative, whereby the local Branch Managers, Jason Ryan Bank of Ireland Abbeyleix and Karen Flanagan Bank of Ireland Durrow are working closely with the business community, the wider sports and social community and the schools in the towns.

Various planned activities will take place over the weekend of Friday 14th October and Saturday 15th October, the aim of which is to promote and drive momentum for SMEs in the locality, while showcasing all that both towns have to offer. Around 20 people from the local community attended the Townhall Event in The Heritage Centre, Abbeyleix on Wednesday 7th September. Details of the Enterprise Town initiative were discussed at the meeting which will include a Business Expo which will take place on Friday, 14th October from 5pm to 8pm and a Sports and Community Expo which will take place on Saturday 15th October from 11am to 2pm. Both events will take place in in Scoil Mhuire National School, Abbeyleix, are free to attend and are open to both customers and non-customers of Bank of Ireland.

Commenting on the initiative Jason Ryan Branch Manager, Bank of Ireland, Abbeyleix said: “We are very excited to host the ‘Enterprise Town’ initiative in Abbeyleix. I am delighted to see the great level of support from the local communities for the initiative and we are calling on businesses to get involved. “The Enterprise Town initiative gives businesses the opportunity to promote what they have to offer. It takes a community to build a community and with the platform Enterprise Town provides, matched with the commitment shown from the people of both towns, the Abbeyleix & Durrow Enterprise Town initiative promises to deliver a major boost to the local economy and community life. The event is a fantastic opportunity for Abbeyleix & Durrow and the surrounding areas”.

Businesses, clubs and societies interested in taking part in the events can register by emailing Jason Ryan Branch Manager Abbeyleix at and Karen Flanagan Branch Manager Durrow on or calling into the Abbeyleix or Durrow branch to speak to a member of staff.

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