30th/31st January 1999, Price: 30p

Durrow Parish NewsLetter

Compiled by The Durrow Scouts

Thoughts for the day

When you feel that your courage is sagging – it’s not easy to work up a smile. There are rough bits of road on all journeys, for it couldn’t be smooth all the while. But when tempted to think of misfortunes – think too of how much you’ve been blessed. Don’t brood on the worst life has brought you, and fail to remember the best.


Don’t expect a heaven in a world like this. Don’t look for perfection or for flawless bliss. Take life as you find it with its joy and pain bearing with good humour your part of the strain.


Car Wash Day

Daly’s Esso Service Station
Saturday 13thy February 1999
All proceeds to Senior Citizens Party Fund
Your support would be greatly appreciated


Durrow Parish Lotto

Monday 18th January: £1,100 Jackpot won by Mrs Charlotte Walsh, Ballykealy, Durrow. No’s: 3-9-19
Monday 25th January: £500 Jackpot won by Tadhg Fitzpatrick, Tubberboe, Durrow. No’s: 2-11-16

Next draw on Monday 1st February in Cashin’s Bar. Jackpot £500.

Lotto AGM: The Annual General Meeting of Durrow parish Lotto will be held on Tuesday 9th February in the Castle Arms Hotel at 8.30 pm. All participating club s/organisations are asked to have two representatives at this important meeting.


Lyrics Board Competition

The 4th Round of the Lyrics Board Competition will be held in Phelan’s bar on Friday 5th February at 9.30 pm. Taking part is: Durrow Development Forum, Community Alert and Phelan’s Bar.
The 1st round was won by Gerri’s bar and the 2nd round was won by The Nore Nets.


Cullohill/Durrow Community Games

Community Games competitons will soon be commencing for 1999 with snooker in February, Badminton and Art in March. Membership forms will be left into schools in the next week and hopefully 1999 will be a successful year for all participants. A progress leaflet for 1998 overleaf.


Cullohill/Durrow Community Games

Progress Report 1998

Draughts – Manager: Claire Delahunty

Boys/Girls Under 12 won Gold in Laois County Final but lost to Offaly in Leinster.
Boys/Girls under 14 won Gold in Laois County final but lost to Offaly in Leinster.

Snooker – Manager: Donal Donohue

The U/14 snooker team competed in the Laois County final but were not successful.


Lisa Walsh was highly recommended in the Laois County Final.

Badminton – Manager: Martin brophy

Boys/Girls Under 14 competed but didnt get to County Final

Soccer – Managers: Robbie Dempsey/Kevin Kelly

Boys U/12 competed but didnt get to County Final

Camogie – Manager: Martin Brophy

Girls U/14 won Laois County final but lost to Urlingford from Kilkenny in the Lainster final.
Urlingford later won silver in All-Ireland in Mosney.


Boys U/14 won Laois County Final but were defeated by Offaly in Leinster.


A number of boys and girls from the area competed in the Laois County Finals in Monavea where Laura Saunders and Dearbhail Murphy U/8 won Silver medals and Damien Phelan U/14 won bronze. Sean Bourke won Gold in Laois in Long Puck and Dan Delahunty won bronze. Sean later went to Mosney but was defeated in the final.

Swimming – Manager: Liam Ryan

A number of boys and girls from the area competed in the Laois swimming County finals in Portarlington where Orlaith Ryan won a gold Medal and then went on to win gold medal for Laois in the All-Ireland Finals in Mosney. Sarah Ryan won Gold in U/10 in Laois but was defeated in Mosney.Dennis Kelly won Gold U/16 in Laois but was defeated in Mosney.



Sympathy is extended to Geraldine and Sean Phelan and family, on their recent bereavement.

Sympathy is extended to the Scott family, on their recent bereavement.

Sympathy is extended to Paddy Dunphy and all the Dunphy families on the death of Mick in Dun Laoighre last week.


Cullohill Community Centre


The AGM of Cullohill Handball Club was held on Sunday, 24th January, at the Centre. the Following officers were elected:

  • Chairman – Tom Doheny
  • Secretary/Tresurer – Noel Delaney
  • PRO – Eamon Doheny


Eddie Dunne, Jimmy Fogarty, Andrew Muldowney, Fintin Deegan.

Juvenile Handball: 

Juvenile Handball coaching starting next Sunday morning at the Community Centre Handball Courts, from 11 am to 12 pm. Coaches: Andrew Muldowney, Eddie Dunne and Fintin Deegan.

Progressive 25: (every Sunday night, 8.30 – 10.30 pm)

Sunday 17th January – First prize shared: Paddy Delaney & Tommy Corrigan, Peter Kinane & Andy Fogarty
Joint 2nd: Jim Duggan & Watt Delahunty, Pat Sullivan & Paddy O’Sullivan.

Money Back: Eamon Fitzpatrick and Eddie Walsh, Frank and Mary Cleere.

Raffle: Peader Duggan, Joe Shiel and Peter Kinane, Littleton.

Sunday 24th January – 1st: Tom & Margaret Kealy, Castlecomer
2nd: Una Holohn & Vera Brennan.

Money back: Jack Mooney, Attanagh & Ned Duggan, Paddy Lalor & Joe Shiel.

Raffle: Alice Fitzpatrick, Peter Kinane and John Dollard.

The Jackpot this weekend is £160. Your support isgreatly appreciated.



Congratulations to Jimmy and Bernadette Walsh, Cullohill on the birth of a daughter.

Congratulations to Liam and Catherine Clancy Attanagh, on the birth of their daughter, Niamh.

Congratulations to Willie and Deirdre Dunphy, Cullohill, on the birth of their daughter.

Congratulations to Oliver and Marie Clooney, Durrow, on  celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary recently.

Congratulations to Garda John Cleery, Durrow, on his retirement from An Garda Siochana after almost 32 years service. He is wished a long and happy retirement.

Congratulations to Tara Muldowney, Cullohill who recently qualified in general nursing at Our Lady’s of Lourdes Hospital, Dublin.

Congratulations to Olivia Moore, Cullohill, who recently qualified in General nursing at St VincentsHospital, Dublin.

Congratulations to Morgan and Bridget Cashin, Durrow, who celebrate their 40th wedding Anniversary this weekend.


Walsh’s Videos

February Tops:

  • X Files (from 1st Feb)
  • Armageddon ( from 8th Feb)
  • Replacement Killers ( from 15th Feb)
  • Deep rising (from 15th Feb)
  • Wedding singer (from 15th Feb)
  • how to cheat in the leaving cert (from 15th Feb)

You can book any DVD by phoning 0502-36411


Church news

Feast days: 

Monday – Feast of St Brigid
Tuesday – Candle mass
Wednesday – Feast of St Blaise
Friday – First Friday of the Month


Offerings and donations for candles may be handed in during this weekend masses. your candle will be blessed on Tuesday and throughout the year be used, on your behalf, during prayer time and at parish masses. In this way you are connected and involved in every sacred moment in our churches.

Tuesday 2nd February mass time: Durrow – 8.50 am
Cullohill – 9 am

Cullohill neighbourhood mass: The Ballybooden/Gurteen will have a neighbourhood mass on Wednesday 3rd February 1999 @ 8 pm. PJ & Monica Cunningham will host the mass and kindly invite all their neighbours to attend. The Rapla and Aughmacart district will have their mass on Tuesday 9th February 1999 @ 8 pm. Billy and Peg White will host and invite all their neighbours to attend.

First Friday of the Month: Mass, Adoration and Holy hour: Durrow – 7.30 pm Cullohill – 7 – 8 pm
Confessions: Durrow – 7 pm Cullohill – 7.15 pm

Cullohill Choir Social Evening Friday 5th February @ 9 pm in the Sport’s Man Inn. There is an open invitation to all adult members of the choir, past and present, to join in this celebratory evening of “ceoil, caint agus craic” in recognition and appreciation for all the hard work that has bee realised in recent times. Again, we acknowledge the commitment of those wh enhance our masses with all that is beautiful.

Pioneers Total Abstinence Association of The Sacred Heart Centenary Celebration:
will take place on Sunday 30th May in Croke Park. In recent letter Bishop Forristal advised us: “As Sunday, 14th February 1999 is Temperance Sunday, I now propose that the collection for the PTAA would be taken up in all churches of the diocese on that weekend”. In 100 years this is the first time the pioneers have asked us to help them, please show due consideration by not holding another collection at the church gates on this Sunday.

Cullohill Church Cleaning:

Mayneboy for Feb. thanks to Newtown for their great care during January. Durrow Eucharistic Ministers for Feb. Saturday: Mai Bowe, Kay Mahony & Rose Woods. Sunday: Bridget Conroy, Liam Kavanagh and Kathleen Sheeran.
Parish calendars 1999 – A few calendars still remain and may be picked up at the back of the church.

Crock of gold available. There is the “pearl of great price” available every day at weekday mass. In this year of our parish Confirmation, let us make a new effort to be more committed to the growth of our faith.

Confirmation ’99:

Preparation for Confirmation ’99 on the 30th May acknowledges that for the young person it’s a new departure: they will claim more responsibility and show more commitment in living as a Christian in this parish. To ensure that each young person, parents and families understand that confirmation is a sacrament of commitment (to continue “in the practice of the faith”) we are asking that each young person will make a written application to the parish priests requesting the sacrament of Confirmation. This should be undersigned by the parents to demonstrat that they are committed to help their “young Adult” by word and example, to grow in faith. it is proposed that those who have made application would be enrolled in a public church service to undertake serious preparation. Part of our preparation will be our Faith Friends Programme. Since this was successful formerly, the present young people preparing for Confirmation have asked that they too would have the opportunity to have Faith Friends. Therefore, we are asking that the Parish Community would willingly Volunteer kind people who are agreeable to give a few nights of their time to these young people. If you would like to be a Faith Friend, please let the priests or teachers know.
N.B Parents meeting: Wednesday 10th Feb @ 8 pm Venue: Our Lady’s Meadow.

Breast Cancer Support Group meeting Wednesday 3rd Feb @ 8 pm. Parochial House Portlaoise.


Durrow & District Camera Club

Upcoming dates in the club programme:

Monday 22nd Feb – 2nd round of Eddie Moore Memorial Shield – Theme: Portraits

Monday 8th March – Night Photographty

Monday 22nd March – AGM


 Castle Arms Hotel 

Weekend staff required, waiting/Kitchen.

Hours to suit. Please telephone Seosamh Murphy at 0502-36117


Scouts News

Scout Meeting times:
Group A (younger group) – next meeting will be held on Friday, 12th February @ 8.30 pm -9.30pm
Group B (older group) – next meeting on Friday 12th February at 8.30 – 9.30 and every Friday from then on.

All scouts are asked to notify their leaders if they cannot attend a meeting as it is very hard to run a programme without full attendance.
Parents of Beavers and Cubs are asked to please park in the church carpark when collecting children after meetings in presentation centre as it is very dangerous for children coming out from between parked cars on the footpath to get to the carpark.


Castle Arms Hotel

Saint Valentine’s Day

Dinner Menu

Cream of Chicken Soup
Fan of Melon with Strawberry Coulis
Stuffed Mushrooms with Garlic Mayonaise


Orange Sorbet


Roast Rib of Beef served with H/Sauce
Poached Chicken served on a bed of rice in a white wine sauce
Grilled Salmon served with Parsley Butter

Selection of Market Vegetables and Potatoes


Black Forest Gateau
Exotic Fruits Pavalova
Fresh Fruit Salad


Tea/Coffee & Mints

Price £12.50 per person.            Also a rose for all the Valentines


Harps Juvenile GAA Club

The AGM of the Harps Juvenile Club took place in the Castle Arms Hotel on Sunday 17th January.

Secretary’s Report: Vera Fogarty reviewed all the playing action and covered many aspects of the club, she also remarked on the lack of silverware due to the lack of commitment and discipline.

Chairman’s address: In his address, Tommy Walsh, paid tribute to all those who had contributed in any way to the club’s potential for the years to come.

Election of officers:

  • President: Jimmy Fogarty
  • Chairman: Martin Brophy
  • Vice-President: Gerry Brophy
  • Secretary: Margaret Murphy
  • PRO: Tommy Walsh

Committee members:

  • Fr Tobin
  • Tom Lennon
  • Pat Young
  • John Bourke
  • Kevin Galvin
  • Sean Conroy
  • Sean Cahill
  • Donal Deegan
  • Seamus Campion
  • Declan Phelan
  • Noel Delaney
  • Mick Bolger

Outgoing secretary Vera Fogarty would like to thank all involved with the juvenile Club and she will write her report in the near future.



  • Under 10: Mick Bolger and Bobby Campion
  • Under 11: Ger Brophy and Michael Lanigan
  • Under 12: Ger Brophy, Sean Cahill and Kevin Galvin
  • Under 14: Martin Brophy, Pat Young and Tommy Walsh
  • Under 16 & 17: Sean Conroy, Mick Bolger, Seamus Campion, Donal Deegan

All membership and insurance money, £2, now due. If you don’t pay your insurance you are not covered to play.

Under 17 Football Championship Blitz on Sunday, January 31st, Venue: Shanahoe. Each member of the panel is asked to attend. Make the effort and start the year off well.


Harps GAA Club Notes

Following the first committee meeting of 1999, a number of sub committees were formed. The details are as follows:

Lotto Committee – Tommy Walsh, Tomas Kenna, Dan Deegan, Mick Fitzpatrick.
Fiels Committee – Jim Fogarty, Sean Duggan, Mick Fitzpatrick.
Development Committee – Seamus Campion, Walter Foyle, Noel Delaney, Donal Deegan, Declan Phelan.
Finance Committee – Declan Phelan, Walter Foyle, Jim Kells, Sean Conroy, Martin Fitzpatrick, John Dollard, John Moore, Seosamh Murphy, John Shortall.
Membership Committee – John Shortall, Donal Deegan, Mick Fitzpatrick.

The next committee meeting is on Wednesday 17th Febrary at 8.30 pm sharp, in The Castle Arms Hotel.

Presentation: of under 21 medals will take place in The Nore Nets on Friday 5th February. Please give your support to our under 21 champions.
Durrow Ladies Club

Next meeting on Tuesday 2nd February at 8.30 pm Cindy Kelly will give a talk on Interior design. On Wednesday 17th February Ladies club will visit Oliver Stanley’s garage for car maintenance demonstration. All members are requested to attend. Congratulations to all who took part in the Lyrics Board on Friday 22nd January.


Congratulations to Dolores Roberts, Graiguevoice, Cullohill, who won £100 in the members draw at Cullohill Community Centre.

Congratulations and Happy 90th birthday to Mrs Margaret Prior, Ballybooden, and may you have many more.



The Bank of Ireland talk && film on the Euro at Cullohill Community Centre on Tuesday, February 8th, at 8.45 pm. Everyone welcome.
