Late February 2015 Notices
CONGRATULATIONS: to Gavin Brennan, Cullohill and Caroline Kennedy, Ballyouskill on their recent marriage.
Congratulations to William and Jennifer Bowe on the recent birth of their son, Darragh.
Congratulations to Elaine Maher (EM Designs), Cullohill who has been short listed as a top 5 finalists in the Irish Wedding Diary awards for best Wedding Stationery 2015. Elaine now needs you’re help to win please vote emdesigns on online.
CULLOHILL ICA: The next meeting will be held on March 3rd at 8pm in Cullohill Community Centre.
THANK YOU: Cullohill Handball and Cullohill Community Centre would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who generously donated items for sale at the recent auction, we would also like to thank the great crowd who turned up and helped to make the day such a success.
SCHOOL BUS SERVICE: Commencing this September there will be a new bus service from Durrow to Colaiste Mhuire, Johnstown for students. All will be catered for. For more information please contact M&A Coaches on (056) 8833454.
PILATES: New Pilates Session Commencing Tuesday 24th February in the Castle Arms Hotel from 8pm to 9pm. Eight weeks for €60. All abilities catered for. Fully qualified Pilates Instructor. Places are limited so booking is essential. For further information please call Margaret on (086) 8547710.
TALK ON HEN RESCUE: Karen Rogers from the Laois Hen Rescue group who will give a talk on re-homing caged hens at a meeting in the Mountmellick Development Association on Monday 9th March at 7.30pm. All welcome along.
MOCK WEDDING: Rathdowney Macra are hosting ‘The Mock Wedding of the Midlands’ on Saturday 14th of March in the Manor hotel Abbeyleix at 7:30pm. All proceeds go to Embrace FARM and Cuisle Centre, two very worthy local charities. Tickets are €30 which includes a four course meal, entertainment by Abbeyfolk and Dj. Also, entertainment only ticket available for €10, with entry after the main event.
SCARECROW FESTIVAL: Volunteers are required to help in the preparations for the Scarecrow Festival. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Evelyn on (087) 9194428.
ST VINCENT de PAUL: Anyone looking for help can contact us on (087) 3476012.
IRISH RURAL LINK: Basic Computer & Internet Training for Beginners: Are you working in the Rural Community, Farming, Senior Citizen, Unemployed? “Irish Rural Link” is a non-profit organization. We are holding training sessions to provide Basic Computer Training for people throughout Ireland. Venue: To be confirmed. Date: Saturday 28th February at 10am. To book a place contact Mary on (086) 8422029.
SATURDAY MARKET: Durrow Saturday market is open every Saturday from 9am to 12.30pm in the Computer Centre beside the RC Church on the Kilkenny Rd. Potato’s and Fresh Veg are available, to book your favourites please ring Marie on (087) 7742506. Home Baking from Bernie Brennan is also now available with a selection of fresh breads, scones, tarts and cakes. You can also book cakes for parties etc. with Bernie. Do come along, great value on offer!
DURROW BEFRIENDING GROUP: Volunteers needed for the Durrow Befriending Group, male and female. Can you spare one hour of your week to befriend and chat with someone and make a real difference for them. People already doing this find it very rewarding. If interested or would like more information about this service please contact Patricia Young, the co-ordinator on (086) 8096693.
LITTLE OAKS PARENT AND TODDLER PLAYGROUP: The Little Oaks Parent and Toddler Playgroup continues meetings on Tuesdays at 10am in the Presentation Centre. All are most welcome. All enquiries to Teresa on (086) 3914725.
TIME TO GET THE KETTLE ON!: Classes have commenced in Durrow Community Centre every Tuesday and Thursday evening, PLUS! SATURDAY MORNINGS from 11am to Noon. First class free for everyone joining at any time. Contact David on (087) 3833258 or by email
LAOIS WEATHER: visit on the internet for latest conditions and forecasts.
TAE LANE MEMORIAL WALL: Anyone who wishes to have a name inscribed on the Tae Lane Memorial Wall to remember those from Durrow who emigrated and are now interred abroad should contact Mary Walsh on (057) 8736327 or (086) 3055157 or Evelyn Clancy on (087) 9194428.
AED DEFIBRILLATOR: Cullohill Community Centre have installed an AED Defibrillator in a box on the outside wall of the Community Centre. This is accessible by using the Key in the break Glass Box alongside it. A list of trained responders to call in the event of an emergency is in the box. The Community Hall is now protected by a new CCTV System and access to footage from the cameras can be gained through by any committee member.
DURROW LIBRARY OPENING HOURS: Monday – Closed; Tuesday – 1pm to 5.30pm; Wednesday – 1.30pm to 5.30pm and 6pm to 7.30pm; Friday – 10.30am to 12.30pm; Saturday – 11am to 1pm. Phone: (057) 8736090.
PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION – by Andrew Walsh in The Copper Kettle Restaurant: Large choice of framed pictures and photos on canvass are on display. All welcome to drop in, have a look and maybe find a picture you would like.
NEXT NEWSLETTER: The next Durrow Parish Newsletter will be on sale weekending March 14th/15th. NOTICE: The deadline for inclusion of notes is Thursday, March 12th at 7pm to and ALL ADVERTS MUST BE BOOKED WITH ANGELA DRENNAN (087) 1928522 OR MARY WALSH (086) 3055157.